Mar 21, 2009 16:41

just wanna save it somewhere it wont get all lost with other chatlogs

i aint spoke to him proeprly in AGES only facebook walls realy, i aint even seen him since september 2007 and that was only for like a day before i went back to lindsays house, but..... its dead easy, its like it always was :)

ollyoliverxx: XD

me: !!!!!!!!!

ollyoliverxx: Why is your old man all stroppy?

me: cos he's a nob sometimes
he'll get over it tho XD

ollyoliverxx: Is he always stroppy? Will he scare little Joe when he glares into the cot? :D

me: haha he gets all awkward round kids XD
he'snice realy i swear, i'm making him sound a tossbag when he ait XD

ollyoliverxx: I'm sure. Lilly is asking for you, she wants to know if you'll play with her when you visit. I said yes to stop her puppy eyes...sorry!

me: XDD i dont mind! i miss them

ollyoliverxx: Uncle Pip! XD

me: awww akes mw feel well old that XD
ugh pretend i can spell ok?

ollyoliverxx: Like I aint used to all those letters you used to post under my door when you were grounded and couldn't come round :)


ollyoliverxx: They were sweet. "I am wel guted, old man wil brek my figrs if he catches me tlking, miss you! emo emo emo" XD

me: i aint good at much but i'm good at emo XD

ollyoliverxx: I'm only messing. :) When do I get to visit YOU? I need a break, Sian is doing my head in.

me: awww whats she doing? :(

ollyoliverxx: Keeps yelling at me. Joe has had the sniffles past few days. I took him to see the doctor but they're all shit down at the NHS. Basically said to make sure he drinks lots of fluid and stuff. Sian says I should have pressed for medicine but I was knackered from work. Had to sleep.

me: cant she do it herself? lazy cow :|

ollyoliverxx: Hey come on. that aint fair she's working over time down at Argos. She's just as knackered as I am.

me: aw ok sorry x
medicin dont help tho does it? not if its just a cold

ollyoliverxx: No, not likely. There aint nothing on his little chest. He's just coughing and crying loads, bless him. And she's got him at night so..you know, but she smiled today before work so it aint that bad. I've got Sam, Lilly, and Daisy round for tea tonight as well. Should be hectic XD

me: OH you wont know him yet but our mate juju on lj told me about the BEST FOOD EVER, you mash up fish fingers with bbq sauceand grated cheese and put it in the brevile machine for toasties :D
make them, there AMAZING

ollyoliverxx: You kidding me? Ex from hell would MURDER ME. XD Sam's already got a bit of the tub on. It does sound nice though, for you calorie queen.

me: oh mate i am gettin SO FAT its unreal >.<

ollyoliverxx: Is that even possible skinny malink?
go down the gym! And no huffing and puffing like last time!

me: i've got a big fat arse like beyonce XD HAHA i ant go down the gm its embarasing XDD

ollyoliverxx: Aint your fella loaded? Get him to buy you a running machine...or I dunno go running. You know, that thing that you do when your legs go faster? :P Aint you got a pool?

me: yeah aint no water in it tho cos its still a bit nippy
i'm still skinny every where lse, just got abig fat arse and muffin top he keeps squeezing it to make me angry >.< XD

ollyoliverxx: Nice. Don't suppose he minds much, something to hold on to? I can't believe I'm having this conversation!

me: XDDD yeah lets not, itll only burn your ars off :P
um thats meant to be EARS
not ARSE

ollyoliverxx: Such a woman.

me: :*

ollyoliverxx: cheeky

me: like hedwig! "i'll be more woman tahn a man like you can stand"

ollyoliverxx: *applause*

me: XD

ollyoliverxx: you got the other tattoo done yet?

me: no not yet just that one half but i need it doing, might get it done in london?? nice havin them all from the same guy innit

ollyoliverxx: Get on with it! Sian thinks I should get the kids names done...but that's such a cliché. And now I feel lie a dick cause it sounds like I don't love them or something. :(

me: aw dont
ge them done in numbers like your 16 :)
or barcodes or binary or summat

ollyoliverxx: I'll think about it. :) It's a lot of buggery having to explain that 16 as it is.

me: haha dont say buggery people might get the wrong impresion :P
yeah do it, come when i get mine done, i'll pay

ollyoliverxx: Le sigh
No you aint paying. Don't be silly, we'll buy each others
like old times XD

me: :D
mines big tho it might cost a bomb, let me pay ok? aint like i dont have money to burn is it :/

ollyoliverxx: Whatever, god, you turn me into such a sap. :D

me: LOL you pussy

ollyoliverxx: fuck you! XD

me: XD
srsly tho - i miss you :) cant wait to se you again

ollyoliverxx: naaaaaaaah princess XD
will we run to each other in slow motion with cheesy inspiration music?

me: oh god please get some one to set up some speakers XDD
do run to you by whitney houston

ollyoliverxx: Yeah and get our heads kicked in my Dalston wanknoids. Maybe in another life time. :D But yeah, how long you staying?

me: dont know! we're settin off the 31st, might take a ouple of days driving up cos i ant alowed to drive lindsays car XD so we cant share road duty, but yeah we'll be up maybe the 1st or 2nd
dont know how long we're stayin tho, our mates parftys the 4th then.... whenever

ollyoliverxx: I don't blame him, aint getting in a car with you behind the wheel ever! You sure you want to come and visit me and the kids? I see your mum about now and then, if I don't manage to hide first. She always wants to know where you are. She's well scary, least your Dad aint been round. I'll knock him out if he starts shit round the kid and Sian. I reckon word would get round...I do want to see you though mate.

me: aahh nutty old slag, she still drunk all th etime? >.< youd think she could sort herself out with all that money seriously
and YES i'm sure!

ollyoliverxx: Yeah, but don't start crying on me yeah? I'll not know what to do again :) Your fella big and bad? XD

me: i might ;) i'll try and do it all manly tho like mickey rourke

ollyoliverxx: HA!

me: lindsays a pussycat realy, he just ACTS like a miserable old wanker soemtimes ;)

ollyoliverxx: What kind of a name is Lindsay?
Better than Pip!

me: what aint better than pip?? XD
i like it! its like lindsay anderson who directed my 2nd fave fim ever

ollyoliverxx: Suits YOU pipsqueak

me: your getting a kicking if you dont pack it in :P

ollyoliverxx: You'd like anyone so long as they let you suck on something. XD
I'm stopping



me: oh i aint ;)
bck to lets not talk about it, you couldnt handle it

ollyoliverxx: As if I need to l know. I remember when you had knobbly knees and listened to boyzone....wait a minute you still DO!
Aww sorry mate. it's too easy :P

me: YOUR easy :P
and fuck you i aint listened to boyzone in years XD

ollyoliverxx: I aint easy! Well, not much. XD I can't wait now, I don't know what we'll do, I guess my kind of life is distant and dismal to you now. :)

me: ok dont tell no one
but.... i'm so bored >.< I bet you lifes wicked!
with the kids and everything

ollyoliverxx: Aw Pip, if only. I love my kids to death you know that. Lilly can now read novels and Sam is top of his class. Plus the council might move Sian and I out of the tower block into a house with the baby. If I get promoted I might be able to pay a proper mortgage which is great and everything but I keep looking around and thinking, is this is? Which is a bit selfish but yeah. We were going to be rock stars...those days seem miles away yet they were only a few years ago.

me: yeah and i'm a rich mans mistress living in a country i cant understand no one
i mean
dont get me wrong
I LOVE HIM i was never hapy like this in my life :)
but yeah its quiet
you still got my guitar?

ollyoliverxx: course I do :)
Hey, we'll mess around on it when you come round yeah?

me: yeah :D
lindsay plays the guitar too he's amazing * _ *

ollyoliverxx: really? Better than me? XD Will he show me up?

me: totaly :P i mean he cna play anything but he learned it classical like so he can do bach and stuff, its MAD
and jazz, MMMM MY FAVOURITE. i like it when he does it ho :P thats love i spose
lol ho

ollyoliverxx: cool. I'm glad like, you're okay and that.
or whatever

me: XD you sound a bit strained saying that mate, you pulled a muscle or soemthing? :P

ollyoliverxx: fuck you pipsqueak
Just cause I caaaaarrrrrrrre :O

me: ollyoliverxx: It's all lies, I want you to die of aids ahaaaaha

i want you to die from sucking your camberwell so hard it gets stuck in your throat

ollyoliverxx: :O

me: least you'd die happy XD

ollyoliverxx: leave my kids fatherless XD

me: i'll be there dad
there cool gay dad

ollyoliverxx: tsk
like you'd be able to tell them off you big softy, even I had trouble with Lillian the other week. She's got the puppy eyes syndrome.

me: XD shes a proper beauty that one

ollyoliverxx: Her mother's a lunatic. Daisy's still got her lisp. I kind of want it to stay but she's getting speech therapy now. :(

me: aww, better off tho right? remember thingy robinson from school who spoke like jonathon woss? kids are wel mean

ollyoliverxx: Aw yeah, heh. But no one'd start on Dais? she's well too adorable. Am I just biased? Any way, kind of glad we're probably moving so I can get away from the girls Mum. Sammy will be okay cause Rach has this new fella who's really decent and everything and she knows I'll still around. But Tara will kick off because that'll mean she can't knock on our door while I'm at work and fob the girls off to Sian so she can go out. And then that causes rows with me and Sian because Sian can't say no cause te kids are right there looking at her, and they're her boyfriends kids. It aint fair though.
moany droany XD

me: your lifes like eastenders :P
i was thinking
lil and sam are 1/2 the age you were when they were born o.O

ollyoliverxx: oh shut up!

me: XD aint that horible? it just hit me the other day haha

ollyoliverxx: They aint doing no sex. I mean it. I've got my eye on Sammy. He is only 7 but in a few years time

spewing his seed round the estate
your gonna be a grandad by 28

ollyoliverxx: Fuck you! He aint, Rach has a new fella, they're moving off the estate into a nicer area. I'm made up for them but I'll miss not seeing him as much. He'll come every weekend though.
And no, he aint! He's well shy
little glasses and chubby cheeks

me: just like his dad :P and you grew up fit as fuck, so.
i'm alowed to say just objectively XD
where they moving to? it aint far is it? :/

ollyoliverxx: Well I am very beautiful, it can't be denied HAHAHA

me: modest too XD

ollyoliverxx: nearer shoreditch. That aint so bad right?
Aw shut up Pip it'll be better for him. Aint no life growing up on a tower block

me: yeah i know realy, its gonna be sound

ollyoliverxx: Sorry, I'm in two minds about it. e still aint stopped calling me daddy and started saying dad yet. I want to keep him :(

me: at least you on nights tho?? you can see them in the day on weekends, most dads cant if there working in the day right?
lol as if most dads we know aint dole beaters >.<

ollyoliverxx: True that. We didn't turn out so bad though. Wanna be Joe's God daddy? I don;t really agree with all of that rubbish but Sian wants him christening

me: :) realy?

ollyoliverxx: Don't wet your knickers XD
yeah I mean it

me: there sopping already from talkin to YOU babe
yes please :)

ollyoliverxx: well naturally ;)
okay good. Thank fuck for that. Made my life easier

me: XD i mean i wont be no GOOD or nothing i aint gonna be some good sensibel grown up role model am i? XD but i can teach him perfect eyeliner and how to draw cocks so there still on your school desk 5 yeas later. vital life skillz innit

ollyoliverxx: You're well good with the girls. I reckon Lilly has a little crush. Don't know how to tell her, it'll break her heart XD. You just have to remember his birthday, like you remembered the others. Thank's for that by the way,

me: haha well i promise if i ever have a change of heart shes my number one fal back ok? you'll be my dad in law then XDDD
i love them <3 i dont want none but i love yours enough

ollyoliverxx: That is so wrong Philip. D:
You'd better! They are the best!

me: aint realy, aint no chance of it eve rhappning is there? XD
argh i wanna come over NOW i cant wait

ollyoliverxx: house needs cleaning Sian will have a fit. Wait...have you met her?
I get lost
I aint no slaaag

me: XDDD no i aint! seen your pics on facebook tho, shes pretty! might have sene her around like but i dont think i met her, you was with that bitch carrie when i
you know, went away

ollyoliverxx: Oh yeah, heh, she was a fruitcake
I sure know how to pick em
friends ladies
pretend there was a comma okay!

me: lol like i even know whats right! your the clever one :P

ollyoliverxx: You aint so thick Pip
Yeah, Sian think's you look pretty, but kept asking questions about kissing and stuff. Girls * eye rollage *
But yeah, she'll dither and make a fuss, and she's got a bad temper but she's lovely really

me: haha XD
yeah she's got to be if your actualy LIVING with this one not just knockign her up at someones party :P

ollyoliverxx: Come on, I was with Lilly and Daisy's mum for a whole year! XD Yeah okay....made your point

me: yeah when you were like 15 XDD anything before its even legal dont count :P

ollyoliverxx: Like you were squeaky clean. Just cause you don't fertilize.
What happened to that bloke at Top Shop?

me: hey handjobs dont count either ;) i never even did nothing more than that til
aha well
he was a nob!

ollyoliverxx: Sorry :S No temper tantrums now!

me: he used to kick me in XD which i dont mind playing rough like but he was a twat

ollyoliverxx: What?...
That aint on, you never said!

me: well we only just started talkin again wen it was happenign, i dint wanna say nothign too gay ;)

ollyoliverxx: shut up

me: ok

ollyoliverxx: I'll twat him for you if you want?

me: we can shitbomb his shop??
get all the clothes outr first obvs XD

ollyoliverxx: not TopShop, it aint TopSHop's fault
course. I get best pickings :P

me: yeah safe, i prolly dont even fit in their biggest jeans no more ;_;

ollyoliverxx: divvy. Like the hair by the way. I miss the blonde but the black is skill.

me: i look like ababy with blond hair XD did you see the pic i posted ages ago or just the avs? this is it now http://pics.livejournal.com/inthereeperbahn/pic/0000d6wp

ollyoliverxx: You poof what's with the blue eye? XD I envy the jacket.

me: you want it?? i got like 4 the same but diferent colours you can have one if you want XD
lol yeah i'm wearing 1 blue contact now so i almost look like bowie XD
cos i dont wanna get bashed hlf blind, just fake it

ollyoliverxx: You Bowie whore :P You make me laugh so much Valentine XD Stop trying to bribe my love with gifts...sweetie <3

me: haha is that how all them girls harvest your sperms then, they buy you clothes?? you tart XDD

ollyoliverxx: I don't plural girls no more. I am well settled. Bird at the bakery is very nice. But I need to be a good daddy now :(

me: oh i could so settle down with some one in a bakery ;_; CAKKKKKE
lindsays a top cook, i'm well fed XD he's proper fatting me up like hansel and gretel
so he dont get bruises off my ribs in bed ;)

ollyoliverxx: Good, means you're eating properly. None of those po tarts you LIVED on. Sian is pretty hot in the kitchen....and everywhere else. URGH keep it to yourself pipsqueak, don't burn my poor eyes :P
po ahahaha

me: hahah tellytubbies XD
and yeah keep THAT to yourself an all, i dont need to hear no more about fannies EVER in my life XD

ollyoliverxx: All right! :P Gorgeous.
You know you were my first blonde ahahahahaha


ollyoliverxx: no...wait I think that was Sally Green

me: aw no i felt special then! :P

ollyoliverxx: Oh but you are very speshall Pippikins.

me: special NEEDS

ollyoliverxx: you said it! XD

me: you implyed it with your lolspelling XD

ollyoliverxx: :) You learnt any Francais?
see see get me

me: XD a little bit, i'm doing linguaphone cos lindsay trys to teach me but i just have to take all his clothes off wen he talks in french so it aint realy working out so well

ollyoliverxx: :I

me: and i can talk dirty in french XD

ollyoliverxx: bender paradise up there?

me: up where exactly? ;)

ollyoliverxx: PIP XD

me: SORRY XD you asked for thqat one

ollyoliverxx: Makes me weird thinking about you like...well I kind of always knew but...yeah. Not that I'm against it or anything
blurrrrrr change the subject loser

me: haha x
yeah no i just aint gonna hide it no more, hahah not like i ever was XD but before it was always like getting off with boys at partys cos the girls like it and its a bit funny and naughty XD
its proper real now :)
i want you to meet him. i realy want you and him to get on you knw?

ollyoliverxx: I don't see why not. You don;t have to hide it like. I don't care if you...I mean, like stuff in the past and that.. No whatever. you're happy. He needs to teach me some tunes! :)

me: x
hahah i'll just sit there like a lemon while you and him geek about guitars shall ? XD

ollyoliverxx: Sit there while Lilly plaits you hair. Nah, we'll go out too. dunno where. Come and see the club, it's quite posh now we've got leather seats and shit. It's still run by wankers though but I get a better wage
It won't impress your fella. Won't he die of horror soon as you pull up in cheery Dalston?

me: hope not XD no he aint a total bastard, he knows your important to me
oh god could i sound like anymore of a wanker?? XD ignore that

ollyoliverxx: Ahahahaha. I'm like the mad wife in the attack.
Pip and putting his foot in it
You still get smacked cause of that mouth?
I mean dirty verbally mind
...don;t start

me: thought you didnt wanna hear about my sex bruises :P

ollyoliverxx: sex bruises? Fucking hell!

me: XDDD enthusiasam is a goooooood thing.

ollyoliverxx: I know, rope burn is a devil though

me: HAHA oh you dirty bastard

ollyoliverxx: :P Aint no one telling me I don't know how to shag.
Think that's all I can do
we are the same XD

me: XD shag and play the guitar, i can shag and draw ok
sad, very sad

ollyoliverxx: could be worse?
I aint complaining

me: nahh, life amazing just like it is :)

ollyoliverxx: oh no, Joe is screaming! I'll just go check on him, might be a while if he needs feeding or changing....what did I say about life aint being too bad? XD

me: haha go and see to him, i need to go and get som food anyway, i'll be round later if your on xx

ollyoliverxx: k, take care princess

me: my sweet prince ;)

ollyoliverxx: may choirs of infants scream me to my death XD

i realy want him and lindsay to get on, i hope they do. stuffs diferent now i never minded it being only me and lindsay when it WAS only just me and lindsay when i wasnt alowed out the house or nothing cos i was still meant to be missing, but now thats all sorted and i can see anybody i want it aint ok if i'm mates with his mates and he dont even know mine. I MEAN not like i've even GOT any mates realy, nobody who matters anyway except Olly, theres people i still talk to abit on fb but nobody who realy MATTERS

haha i always feel a nob writing private lj entrys XD theres stuff i wanna say but there aint a person to say it TO, could talk to lovecattt i spose. XD i grew out of talking to mr bollo about 10 years ago haha

ok going to.... i dont know make lindsay some coffee and demand cuddles maybe


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