[Hello, Dr. Evilwizardington. Dr. Date enters looking a little cheerier than ever which is saying something. He watches as Black Mage cuts and cuts and cuts...
... He probably didn't even use any anesthesia given all the screaming.]
Oh, I don't know about that. I rather like the morgue. It knows how to give dramatic effect quite effortlessly. We just had a poker game there the other night.
Re: Hospitaldoctor_tyrantNovember 19 2011, 00:32:21 UTC
The former, but I'm sure the latter could have been fun too. There's no reason not to do it today.
You could say that I've formed up a little club here in Mayfield. One that I hope will educate the townspeople that there are things in this world that can never be rebuilt.
You can save that for everybody else in the town. Why, instead of carving faces, I'll make sure you can make a deep wound in their very souls. I'll introduce you to the rest of Kingdom someday.
... He probably didn't even use any anesthesia given all the screaming.]
Beautiful sounds, Doctor. Beautiful sounds.
You look way too cheerful for this room not to be a second morgue, what's up?
I always miss sticking patients with hot pokers night.
You could say that I've formed up a little club here in Mayfield. One that I hope will educate the townspeople that there are things in this world that can never be rebuilt.
If you tell me I have to sign a form to join I will murder everything you know.
Sure, I'd love to see what you got.
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