15 Atrocity - Coming Out in Style!

Nov 17, 2011 22:36

[Action | 753 Partridge Drive]

[BM has been mostly working on that stupid shed for a while now, trying to ignore the rest of the town.

That doesn't mean he never did bad things, he just kept it small time after his Halloween costumes did not get the reception he hoped.

When he checks the mail, he notices he got another card.]

Come on, daddy needs a Hadoken to wreck this town.

[Instead of Hadoken, though, the card said "Blue Mage!" BM's poor excuse for a cobbled together outfit shimmers and he is now decked out in attire matching his icon!

He's a little disappointed when he comes back inside.]

[Action | Around Town]

[Black Mage is walking around town sporting his new costume. He might look more like a pudgy clown that a wizard at the moment.

Still, you can't mistake that smell.]

[Action | Mayfield Elementary School]

[Are you a teacher? Are you a student?

Well BM is stalking around the bushes watching children.

Creepers gonna creep.]

[Action | Mayfield Hospital]

[BM is doing surgery today.

Does the patient need surgery? Probably not, that drone just has a cold after all. He's still cutting though.

Are you sick? Hurt? Well Dr. Evilwizardington has the cure for all that ails you.]

[Phone | Everyone]

Hey, chumps. I'm looking for any wizards out there who think they know more about magic than a simple light spell.

I know that's not a lot of you, but I'm taking calls from anyone who thinks they have what it takes.

dr. evilwizardington, blue mage

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