Title: Hunt
Fandom: N/A
Rating: K
Genre: Supernatural/Drama
Warning(s): none
Word Count: 100
Prompt: fangs (for Amanda B.)
Summary: Looking for a bite to eat.
Alexander leaned against the counter of the bar, a warm smile curving his lips. “You want to get out of here?”
The woman blushed, stared at her drink, and grinned. “You wouldn’t be suggesting anything ungentlemanly, would you?” She nervously tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. He chuckled.
“No, of course not.” He leaned closer, smile still in place. “Why don’t we just go get a bite to eat? I’d love to get to know you better.” He felt his canines lengthening as the woman looked up at him.
“Okay,” she said. “I’d like that.”
He grinned. “Excellent.”