Fandom: Gen. Back to School Title: Things Change, Others Stay the Same Warnings: Nothing really. Some language and plain dorkiness. Notes: I tried to show both sides of school. This was made mostly for the_windowbird I hope you like it, bb. :)
fandom ~ Chuck subject ~ Chuck and Sarah title ~ perhapsperhapsperhaps zip consists of 9 tracks. the covers are not in the zip. ask if you want a track separately. note ~ this was in the making before the latest season.
fandom - pushing daisies focus - ned/chuck title - I Touch Myself / Where the Peach Blossom Blows notes - 18 tracks in a zip file with 2 different covers.
please laundry girl i touch myself please don't touch me your every color all my loving all you need is love modern love night and day true love love love autopsy way back into love normandy i could
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I made a new fanmix. It's based on Twelfth Night. I really didn't want to use pictures of characters, but I had so many from the performance from the summer.
I watched Little Shop of Horrors today. It was my second time seeing the movie, and I already sing along. I did see a local performance a couple summers ago, but not the film until last year. Does anyone know of any icons or caps of it. I might make my own caps later in the week, but I might not.