Sixteen Candles

Sep 22, 2006 12:29

Hey hey, so guess what today is!
It's the date of my sixteenth birthday!

And guess where I am!
I'm at home, sick with some sort of virus!


I've got my temperature going up and down, a headache, chills, hurting eyes, etc.
I went to the doctors today around 8:30AM and they said it's basically a virus, and the only thing to do is to 'get better in time for my brother's wedding'.

can we not be 'all about' my brothers weddig for now until the dinner/rehersal tonight?
it makes me feel bad because all anyone spoke about was my brothers wedding, even my mom, everyone occasionally mentioning its my birthday. my sixteenth birthday.

whateverrrr. lol

as long as i pass my permit test and get to drive today...WOO!

...i need a car. any donations?!?!

oh, that reminds me! i was invited to go to australia with the People to People Student Ambassador Program! (just like when i went to europe)

woo! so what reminded me of that was......any donations?

i need to get a job, which i calculated would only get me around 3,225 bucks and the trip is going to cost about 5,200-6,000. yup. thats the only part that sucks. oh, and that daves going to Phucket, Thailand during the same month, but for a mixed-martial arts/fighting camp. his mom is taking him, its a graduation present.

school is ok. i like the new building, more space, less bumping into froshes. =P

1st period-english (morse)-i like this class. a lot. i sit next to spenser, my middle school bestest male friend, and our teacher is absolutely awesome. i love her mucho, because shes so relaxed and acts like a kid herself. dave had her last year, so she semi-knows me from that and the firehouse, which dave and her father both belong to.
2nd period-gym/physics lab (krebs/oherron)-gym sucks. and my teacher is ...whatever. i dont like him. the end. physics lab is fun...youll hear more about
3rd period-physics (oherron)-i made new friends in this class, and my teacher is SOOO hyped up with ADD. its so funny. and we love to ask questions and get off subject and whatnot...its so easy with him! even though we do that a lot, we're still able to keep up on work and whatnot. =]
4th period-wind ensamble (austin)-me and sam constantly make fun of abramo (the other band teacher)..its mucho fun. theres a sophomore there that me n sam used to play with back in elementary school...shes so rad at playing. she takes private lessons, unlike many of us....and i piss off/bug austin a lot with sam and some others...but he still loves us
5th period-ap us history (nappo)-this class is hard..we get too much work and im totally behind, nor can i concentrate on my homework....but i like nappo
6th period-spanish (sauter)-i do not like sauter. grrrrr. she talks to us like we're slow and totally freaks me out by the way she acts. i have sarah, brittany, jordan and some others to keep me sane. one of them being angie (even though we dont talk..LOL)!!! =]
7th period-health (scali)-oooomg this class is hilarious. scali is awesome. and ive got chris, candice, wiz, talisa, stephanie and tarik in class with me. me n chris make fun of tarik. me n candice play with post-its. wiz always, and i mean always, makes extremely hilarious comments, et.c. etc. im sad this is only a half year course!
8th period-math (pollock)-easy. making it boring. ev and elise both sit next to me, so im happy.
9th period-ROTC-the froshes are catching on slowly. i like most of them. its a lot of fun to work with them with the other officers. =] head is hurting even more. im going. byeeee.
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