Faith Day at the Rockies Game

Aug 22, 2011 17:49

We went to the Rockies Game yesterday.  It was Faith Day, so there was a Casting Crowns concert afterwards, which is why we went.  We went 2 years ago, Mercy Me was playing.  It was a great time and a wonderful concert.

Have I mentioned recently how very active my son is?  He doesn't sit still well at all, he runs everywhere, and he is very curious.  He loves exploring new spaces as long as the new people leave him alone.  Also, he is moving toward one nap a day, but sometimes it is a morning nap and sometimes it is in the afternoon.  Yesterday was not a morning nap day, in spite of our best efforts.  He gets a bit hyper, or rather, even more intensely active when he's tired, and, ultimately, cranky.  Being tired in no way dampens his desire to explore, however, but greatly increrases his displeasure of being told "no".

Add all this up, and I knew that I wouldn't be seeing very much of the game.

We sat with him in the stands before the game.  Austin walked him up and down the stairs (Michael also loves stairs), and just as the players were taking the field Michael was wanting to run again.  Trying to hold him still was just not working, so I walked with him inside (we were on the club level) during the first inning.  We went back to the seats for the second inning, and while no one was next to us, Michael was happy in his own folds, he can play.  But when someone came for the seats, back he was wanting to explore.  Austin took him up this time, and about halfway through the 5th inning I switched places with Austin.

By this point, Michael was beyond exhausted.  But he wouldn't sleep, too much going on.  I am better at getting him to sleep, I've had more practice.  So I took him to where the elevator is, there was much less traffic there. And I sang.  Summertime.  A lot.  And he finally gave up.  I walked down to a place near the bar, there are curvy comfy chairs, and made myself at home with my sleeping, exhauted son on my chest.

We stayed there until the end of the ninth inning.

Needless to say, I didn't see much of the game.  At one point, I started getting really bummed about that, but then he shifted positions and I could see his face.  His beautiful, peaceful, sleeping, perfect face.  I got a wave of joy and peace, and wondered to myself, "Really?  There was really something you would rather be doing than this?"

No.  There wasn't.  It was a perfect moment.  I smiled while he slept, happy that he was sleeping, happy that I could hold him, happy that he is here.  I could hear the game, and watch the people, and hold my son.  It was beautiful and simple and perfect.

I couldn't have stayed there forever, mind you.  But when the Rockies won, and people started streaming in shouting and whistling, well he woke up.  Rested and confused.

The concert was good, he danced and clapped and seemed to have a good time.  It was good to be there with Austin, and the music, and Michael, and God, and people.  I liked Mercy Me better, I know more of their songs and they seem to reach me more.  Also, the sound mix was much to heavy on the electric guitar, it was overpowering.  But it was a good concert, and we had a good time.

I think for a while, though, we need to focus on more....Michael friendly entertainment.  We went to the zoo the week before.  It was a perfect day.  He loved the tigers, the gibbons, the seals.

Thank you, Father God, for the family you have given me.  They are a blessing.


faith day, michael

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