
Nov 09, 2007 15:01

So in this dream, I had a brother, and we lived in this crazy distorted old london, like in some tim burton movie. I was a puppetmaker, and he was a script writer. This is where things get interesting, because even though everything was old, and people drove carriages and had rapiers in their belts, my brother's dream was to write for television. The place that controlled the televisions was a market type nightclubesque building that you could only get into by special permission, a pass that they only handed out to select people. It was called Madame Q's, or Q's for short, and rumour had it that there were all types of magic for sale or for hire that were transacted inside the building. My brother knew that if he could get in, he could sell a script for a television show and support our family. Madame Qs was in a funny part of town. You could only get there by walking, and it always had a long line outside of it of people wanting to see who would go in and who would come out. It was nondescript on the outside, but the people who went in ranged from the grand celebrity to the common pauper. No one had any idea how the people who were allowed in were chosen. The road away from the establishment left the light pretty quickly behind, and it was dangerous to walk without an escort. the road was constantly covered with mist, and you would be unable to see or hear people approaching you until it was almost too late. However, this mist stopped abruptly at the next row of houses with a streetlight, about a mile away from Qs. I lived with my brother in one of the flats in that row, and would often walk around to the outskirts of the light when I was younger, and then run back into the comfort and security of the neighborhood. With the streetlights, we were safe. it was the distance between my flat and Qs that was nearly unbreachable. One day, i was carrying some marionettes home from my work, and a gentleman bumped into me, sending me sprawling. When I looked around to yell at him, he was gone, and as I brushed off my skirt, I noticed a card on the ground. It was an invitation to Madame Qs, and I quickly pocketed it, hoping that noone had noticed that I'd taken it off the ground and not been given it. I ran home and showed my brother, who had never seen the card closeup before, and decided that we both had to go to Madame Qs that night. He ran off to make a copy of the card, and I left, promising to meet him there. Still carrying my puppets, I walked into the mist, to walk to Madame Qs alone. I was hardly thinking about what I was doing, i was so excited to be going in for the first time, and so I barely heard the sounds of footsteps following me until someone tried to grab my arm. Frightened, I slipped from his grasp and started to run, and with luck, made it to the line at Madame Qs in time to see my brother arrive in a carriage (a sure sign that he expected success, since a carriage was out of our means). He slipped me my card, and then walked to the front of the line, and the bouncer let him in. I inched closer and closer, until i finally couldn't stand the waiting and too my marionettes out to play with to keep myself calm. I flashed the bouncer my card, and I was let in to the first room. As I looked around, to take it all in, a woman brushed past me, wearing a long pure white fur coat. She looked at me and sniffed "why, I suppose they made a mistake when they let you in. You don't even have a card, do you. Respect your superiors, dear, and run along now. This is no place for children". I snarled "My respect is earned, not given, miss, and I've got my card right here". I whipped it out of my pocket, praying that she wouldn't question me again. The bouncer looked at the card again, looked at the lady, and nodded. Taking that as some sort of signal, the woman's demeanor changed entirely, and she took me under her arm and led me towards the main entrance. She asked me about my life, and I showed her my marionettes. She squealed in glee when she saw them, and told me that I'd have to let her schedule a practice run of a show using the marionettes. The television pilot, she explained, would only last from one to three years, but if the audience liked it, she could make it a lifelong show. I was melting with joy. One to three years! that would solve my brother's and my money problems for a good long time, providing we spent it cautiously. As she steered me towards a room, I saw my brother talking to some people with flamenco heads. He called out to me that he'd been shot down by a few people, but was still pitching to some producers, and had hope that we'd be ok. I tried to tell him about my puppets, but the woman steered me away from him and down a different hallways, completely disorienting me. She explained to me that I had real talent, which is why I'd been summoned, whereas he was going to get thrown out soon for being a hack. She told me not to be disappointed, I'd be able to take care of us, and then she swept her fur coat around us, and I woke up because my alarm went off. It's too bad, I'd really like to know what had happened.
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