Nov 07, 2007 00:37
I honestly have no idea why i even attempt to make friends anymore. people just misconstrue me and I just wind up hurt. This guy today told me that I was too aggressive in trying to be his friend, because I had thought we were pool partners. we met up every thursday for free pool at the bowling alley for the first month of school (I met him during RA training), played a few rounds, and went our separate ways. i dropped off cookies at his room on Tuesdays, because I was making cookies for my co-ops board night, and he lived in the same building as the meetings. I went MUCH further out of my way to deliver cookies to other friends in other places every week on tuesday nights, and if I'd known any other people in the building, they would have gotten cookies too. I didn't realize that pool and cookies were such a huge commitment. Why does it make sense to have a pool partner in my head, but it doesn't work in real life? I tried to go to brunch with him once over break, because he was one of 3 or 4 people I knew was on campus, and So I was looking forward to getting to know him a little better, but he cancelled the night before saying that he needed some alone time to decongest from midterms. He sounded like he'd had a rough week, so I called him up the day after to see if he was ok, but he never answered. He had told me that he was flaky, so when he started not answering my calls, i didn't realize anything was up. I jokingly wrote on his whiteboard "call me back, motherfucker! or else you don't get any more cookies, but I'll leave some here as a token of good faith" last week. I thought it was ok, because no one else has ever taken me leaving a message on their whiteboard seriously, but he never called me, and when I confronted him today (tuesday= cookie delivery after board night) he told me that I'd been coming on too strong, that we'd only known each other for a month, and i'd weirded him out. I honestly don't understand. we were always laughing when we hung out, it seemed like he was having fun, and then he just reverses? It was honestly one of the most skitzo interactions I've ever had with anyone, and now I'm worried that any person I've tried to become friends with this year thinks I'm too aggressive and pushing myself on them. I thought that you were supposed to become friends and get to know someone by hanging out with them. apparently not. I don't want to meet any new people anymore. this semester has been nothing but bullshit.