Drabbles - Friday 13th - Good Luck, Bad Luck. [02]

Aug 05, 2007 10:04

xxxHOLiC, Watanuki, Yuuko (Doumeki)

    “I told you that if you didn't finish by three am, you needed to find the four leaves clover, didn't I?”

    “YES! But--!”

    “Did you finish before three am, Watanuki? Or find the clover?”

    “No, I didn't, but Yuuko-san!”

    “Then, unless you want to risk finding a demon on your way home, tell Doumeki I hope you two have sweet dreams!”

    And the phone call was cut. Watanuki was o-so-very-certain that any demon he could find was most likely Yuuko herself, but he wasn't going to risk it.

    He glared at Doumeki.

    “You better not kick!”

My Own Private Idaho, Scott/Mike.

    Mike's hand touches his hair and Scott has to keep himself in check not to lean against that. He wonders how Mike's touch is always so careful.

    Mike grins to him, showing him his finger. Scott's eyes cross first before he finds the tiny dot of red and black of the ladybug.

    “A ladybug! It means good luck!”

    Scott can't help himself but snort, bat Mike's hand away. He's not sure if the bug flew or not.

    “Don't be stupid, Mike.”

    Mike's eyes dull and Scott feels ashamed for a moment before Mike shrugs, hands back into his jeans.


Loveless, Ritsuka/Soubi.

    “11:11 pm.” Ritsuka mutters. Soubi pretends he doesn't notice the way his ears flatten against his hair. Five hours after his curfew.

    Instead he smiles, letting his fingers touch the back of Ritsuka's neck gently, just enough so that Ritsuka looks at him with wary eyes.

    “Why don't you make a wish? It's good luck.”

    Ritsuka snorts. “Stupid, as if that'd work.”

    “Mmmm,” Soubi just smiles, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

    Soubi pretends he doesn't notice when Ritsuka closes his eyes and his walk slows for a moment, nor the way his lips move a little as he murmurs his wish.

holic: kimihiro watanuki, fic: xxxholic, holic: shizuka doumeki, fic: my own private idaho, ficlets/drabbles, loveless: ritsuka aoyagi, loveless: soubi agatsuma, holic: yuuko ichihara, mopi: mike, fic: loveless, rating: pg, mopi: scott

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