Magic Knight Rayearth - Looking at the Bright Side.

Aug 16, 2007 17:54

Title: Looking at the Bright Side.
Fandom: Magic Knight Rayearth.
Warnings: None.
Characters/couples: Eagle/Hikaru/Lantis.
Summary: Eagle absolutely hates his official uniform.
Rating: G.

Looking at the Bright Side.

Lantis had been granted a full Autosam armor and uniform after he had defeated him, black and green to show that, although he was a foreigner, he was welcomed by the President into their nation.

Now, however, he stands proudly with his Cephiro' armor, the violet-blue jewels in the dark material giving a warm glow, sword fixed by his side as he helps him fix the condecorations and the buttons properly.

Eagle would've given his whole secret stash of candies to be wearing his armor too instead of the official, full parade uniform. It's hot. It made him itch. It had always been uncomfortable and heavy in a way clothes should never be, and after getting used to the freedom of not having to wear it in Cephiro while he healed, the white uniform felt painfully heavy and just too constricting.

“Eagle, you look so cool!”

Lantis didn't turn to look towards Hikaru as he still was helping him with the last buttons of his jacket, but Eagle was close enough that he caught the way his lips curved into a smile.

Zazu had offered to make something for Hikaru's introduction to the President and its council, but Presea and Caldina had gifted the three knights, for their respective diplomatic missions, a proper outfit that was part armor so that they could still wear their gloves without it looking out of place while carrying the magic that makes Cephiro a place of a legend. He held Hikaru's hand when she got close and raised it to his fingers.

“And you look absolutely lovely, Hikaru.”

Hikaru giggled, shaking her head, but the admiration remained in her eyes as she looked at him and his uniform. Lantis finally finishes with the uniform and leans towards Hikaru, brushing a curl of hair behind her ear, fingers trailing down her neck and fixing the cape around her shoulders.

Eagle reached for his gloves as he watched Hikaru and Lantis, Hikaru talking excited about what Geo and Zazu had told her about Autosam, Lantis nodding every now and then, sharing looks with him from above Hikaru's head that made him want to laugh out loud.

He still hated the uniform and he couldn't wait to take it off (possibly with help again) and if he didn't have to wear it in a year it wouldn't be long enough... but he didn't mind it all that much with the way both Hikaru and Lantis looked at him once he put his cape and informs them it's time to go.

fic: magic knight rayearth, rating: g

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