Drabbles - Multifandom.

Aug 16, 2007 17:28

Dark Angel, Max.

The first person she met out of Manticore was Blind Joe. She ended up where he used to sleep and, one day, he said that she was like a mouse. Max had been unable to stop herself from snorting, muttering a 'please.'

“So you do know how to talk” Joe had grinned.

Joe talked for both of them, no questions at all. Max thought he was crazy. Joe laughed, warm and happy and said she was probably right.

She killed him by mistake when he tried to wake her up from a nightmare, two weeks after they met.


Avatar: The Last Airbender.

There's no biggest honor for the Air Nomad people than have a child showing the promise of Airbending, even if it means giving up said child.

Lien blinks several times to stop her tears from falling as she combs her hair. It's hard to do so because her little Aang keeps moving. If it was a normal day, she'd be tickling him merciless. Instead she just asks him to stay calm.

“Mama sad?” Aang asks. Lien smiles to her son as she says no with her head.

“I'm not sad,” she lies to him, for the first and last time.


Weiss Kreuz postGlühen, Aya.

For a moment, when he wakes up in the hospital, the IV stuck to his arm he thinks about saying he doesn't remember, that he has amnesia, too.

The nurse smiles at him, speaking softly (so she won't startle him, of course, this is familiar, too) and she tells him what had happened, how he had been stabbed, then asks if he remembers.

For a moment, Aya thinks about saying that he doesn't . It wouldn't be hard to play that part, even if it might be hard to try to go unarmed through life.


Instead, he answers: “I remember.”


House M.D./Ouran High School Host Club. House, Kyouya.

When he finds out that they're getting a new inversionist, House starts planning a campaign against the fatso wanting to impress a new girlfriend.

“How do you know he's fat?” Wilson asks?

House snorts. “Previous experience in the field, Jimbo! Now you're gonna have to kiss other asses than Cuddy's.”

A few days after that, Kyouya Ootori stops by his office, pleasant smile and sharp eyes behind glasses, wearing a suit that probably costs more than his bike. House splutters.

“You're just a kid!”

Kyouya smiles at him, smug and confident.

“Even so, I'm still your new boss.”


Sailor Moon, Haruka/Michiru.

Michiru smiles, feeling Haruka's lips against her neck and shoulder, one of her hands caressing her side. Michiru sighs, Haruka's breath warm on the back of her neck, squirming a little with Haruka's fingers teasing the skin of her navel.

It doesn't progress from teasing; just like she was expecting; baby Hotaru starts to cry.

Michiru touches the side of Haruka's face when Haruka hides her face against between her neck and shoulder, groaning.

“It's still your turn of changing Hotaru's diaper,” Michiru murmurs. Haruka gives another soft, annoyed groan but, with a kiss to her shoulder, she stands up.


Ouran High School Host Club, Hikaru/Kaoru.

The wound fades from Kaoru's face completely, nothing but the memory of the fear that Hikaru had felt remaining there.

When Kaoru falls asleep before him, Hikaru touches his brother's face softly, his thumb drawing were the light line of a scar would have been if they hadn't been careful with it, where a mark would have made them different.

Whenever he does that Kaoru rolls towards him and wraps his arms around him, presses a kiss to his collarbone, warm and drowsy.

“Stop worrying,” Kaoru demands, hugging him tightly. “I'm fine.”

And, for the moment, Hikaru's fear calms down.


Naruto, Iruka/Kyuubi.

It'll be soon, Iruka thinks.

Naruto is dying. Despite Tsunade-sama's attempts, despite all the efforts trying to stop it from happening, Naruto is dying. The Kyuubi is winning.

Iruka hasn't told anyone how it is when the Kyuubi wakes up for a few minutes and he has Naruto's face and voice, how he promises destruction and death one he's free. Naruto hasn't give up yet and he still manages to quiet the beast, but it's harder for him, now.

The metal of the kunai digs into Iruka's palm, even though he made a promise.

It'll be soon, he thinks.


Dead Like Me; Rube, George.

"Is there a god?" George asks. Rube doesn't even look up from his crossword.

"'A' god as any kind of supernatural entity, or 'a God', He Who Created Everything?" Rube asks her back, frowning a moment at the newspaper before he's scribbling over it again. George shrugs, playing with what remains of her breakfast.

"Dunno. Is there any difference?"

Rube nods. "One exists, the other one doesn't."

She blinks, looking interested. "Which one's which?"

Rube does look up at that. For a moment, George thinks he actually looks amused.

"You've to figure that yourself."


Good Omens, Aziraphael, Crowley.

When Aziraphael gives another groan, Crowley knows that he hit gold. He grins, writing as fast as he can, practically willing the words over the paper. Aziraphael takes another look at what he's writing and he gives a long suffering moan, shaking his head like someone's disappointed father would.

“Really, my dear,” Aziraphael says, shaking his head. He always hates to give bad news. “That is just dreadful.”

“I know,” Crowley grins.

“What good does that kind of writing has?”

“None.” Crowley answers, very matter-of-factly, looking back to his manuscript. “Now help me find another euphemism for breasts.”


Death Note, Light.

Once Mello and Near die, Light is going to start planning for his heir. He's young and, with Mikami's help, he's sure they'll manage to purify the world before long.

But neither of them is immortal; even if he is as careful as possible, Light knows accidents happen. He can't assure that either he nor Mikami will live until they're old.

Once he kills L's heirs, he'll tell Misa that they should have a son. If Misa dies in childbirth, she won't have any influence on his son, and Light'll be able to educate him to be the next god.


Loveless, Shinonome-sensei.

Hitomi took a deep breath outside of her classroom.

She had asked Aoyagi-kun to ask someone he trusted to come, when he had seemed dubious about bringing his parents to the conference. She really should have expected Agatsuma-san to be the one waiting inside of the room.

She didn't know what kind of bond Agatsuma-san shared with Aoyagi-kun, other than the fact that it was obviously important for the boy, so she tried to convince herself it was a normal parent-teacher conference.

If only she could convince her knees , she'd be all set.


Full Metal Alchemist, Envy/Ed.

The shrimp's not broken yet. That's entirely too amusing, as far as Envy is concerned. It grins as he moves towards him and Fullmetal doesn't try to move away, doesn't hide from him. He still glares at him, as if he still had his automails and as if his remaining members weren't bruised and hurting.

“Sure you don't wanna play nice?” Envy coos. Fullmetal tries to bite its hand when he trails it down his face, so Envy grasps Edward's hair, baring his throat. He's still glaring.

“Well, then,” Envy says as its body changes. “I guess I'll choose again.”

fic: house m.d., fic: crossover, fic: naruto, ficlets/drabbles, fic: sailor moon, fic: ouran high school host club, fic: avatar: the last airbender, fic: loveless, fic: full metal alchemist, fic: weiss kreuz

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