(no subject)

Oct 27, 2005 01:52

Good idea, Colleen.

1. My parents were still married
2. I was kind of chubby. [Insert embarrassed face here.]
3. I was learning how to write in cursive. Ooh, ahhh.
4. I read. A lot.
5. I wrote a really long book report on The Phantom of the Auditorium. (Goosebumps, anyone?)

1. I had just met Emily and Gurpreet.
2. Maggie and I were in all the same classes. Hilarity ensued.
3. I was clarinet section leader in middle school band.
4. I was madd obsessed with 'N Sync.
5. I just realized that five years ago would be ninth grade, not eighth. Oh well. Or not? Maybe I just can't do math.

1. Marching band was winding down
2. I was hurrying to finish my early action application to Yale
3. AP English boot camp was in full swing
4. We were struggling to get off book for Taming of the Shrew
5. I still didn't have a Halloween costume

1. I had dinner with Elliot, and he told me the infamous "pop top story".
2. I wore my hardcore winter clothing for band
3. Got hot apple cider (YUM!) at The Green Dragon (ditto)
4. I decided to give up on studying for math
5. I had "Mad World" stuck in my head for most of the day

5 Snacks I enjoy
1. Tortilla chips and salsa and also...salsa con queso!
3. Gushers
4. Apples and cheese
5. Now I'm hungry

Songs I know all the words to
1. "Strongest Suit"- Aida
2. "Part of Your World"- Little Mermaid
3. "Wannabe"- Spice Girls
4. "Shy"- Once Upon a Mattress
5. "Daddy's Son" -Ragtime

What would I do with 1 Million Dollars?
1. Pay for my college education
2. Pay my parents back
3. Buy my dad a new car
4. Get buses for the MHS Marching Band! And make sure there will still be winter percussion and winter guard.
5. Take a vacation somewhere.

Places I would run away to
1. Home?
2. Maggie's house
3. Meheeeco
4. East Hill Farm
5. Hawaii

Things i would never wear (unless in jest)
1. Uggs
2. booty shorts
3. Timbs, yo
4. super high heels
5. Your mom

Favorite TV shows (who the hell watches TV?…=))
1. Friends
2. Degrassi
3. Will & Grace
4. Boy Meets World
5. Roseanne

Bad Habits
1. Procrastination like whoa
2. Playing with my hair
3. Compulsively checking e-mail/Facebook (see #1)
4. Being dependent on people
5. Staying up too late

Biggest Joys
1. Friends
2. Sleeeeep
3. The O.C.
4. Food
5. The smell of winter

5 Favorite Toys
1. Mp3 player
2. laptop
3. graphing calculator
4. hair straightener
5. PSC

Fictional Charactors I would date
1. Who needs
2. fictional characters when I
3. have the
4. real
5. thing?
That's cute.:) But totally Mr. Darcy.

I Tag:
I don't really get the whole tagging thing.
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