Cool Survey thing...

Jan 24, 2005 13:25

Bands // Song Titles

Created by BourdiezFreak and taken 20069 times on bzoink!
Choose a band/or artist and answer only in song TITLES by that band:Jars of ClayAre you female or male:Whatever she wantsDescribe yourself:Worlds ApartHow do some people feel about you:My HeavenlyHow do you feel about yourself:I'm alrightDescribe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend:Can't Erase it Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend:Love Song for A SaviorDescribe where you want to be:Amazing GraceDescribe what you want to be:Something BeautifulDescribe how you live:Jesus's Blood Never Failed Me YetDescribe how you love:No one Loves me Like YouShare a few words of wisdom:Faith Enough
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So yeah, i really wanted to post this on my xanga site, but it wouldn't let me, so i guess i'll post it here for now...
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