What's the deal w/ all this rain? lol Just when I think we're done w/ it, we get more. It's fun to see everyone freak out around here from the rain - "Oh NO! I'm getting wet!" lol Plus, we have these little personal golf carts the people who work here get to drive around campus. They drive those things like a bat out of hell, I swear! Today 1 almost went out of control on a turn. haha Stupid idiots.
I got an A on this paper I did for History & I had to go to the teacher's office to get it & we walked passed this 1 teacher I had twice before - who told me about the Samurai Sushi place that Di (
ummmyeaaahhhh) & I went to when she visited. I was looking into getting a class w/ him next quarter if it all works out.
Did some laundry which is SO fun to do in the rain. Going back & forth as I'm drenched & cold. Plus, $2 to do a load of laundry? Wonderful. lol
For those of you who don't know, Paris Hilton got her little a cell phone of hers hacked into (Or it's one of those stupid electronic gadgets people have b/c they're too lazy to carry around an address book or something.) & they got ALL the pictures she took on it (Including some of her naked & also making out w/ another girl.), all her addresses (Including Fred Durst, Luke Wilson, Seth Green, Avril Lavigne, & others.), & the like. It's HILARIOUS! So go find the list before they change the numbers & call up one of your favorite stars. lol
Been obsessed w/ Buffy season 7 on DVD. It's a LOT better when you watch them back to back instead of spread out over several months. It flows better. Andrew still annoys me. lol Not like any of you know who I'm talking about really.
Listened to the radio earlier & I heard a song I don't normally hear & I had a flashback to a specific time & location that kind of sucks. Needless to say, I changed the channel relatively quick. Blah
Anyway, had lots of convos w/ a lot of great people. Even if they were brief. Girls, I love you all.
Looks like I'm not going to be watching T.J. Hooker tonight. lol Unless, I can wake myself up at 4 a.m. w/ my unreliable alarm clocks. & no new Daily Show tonight - I was mad. Stupid holiday.
Baseball is almost here again! COME ON CUBS!!! I think that covers all the random stuff in my head. I must start writing SOMETHING - talking w/ Nikki (
nikkidemon) is getting me creative. She is trying to write a story & it's ME coming up w/ all sorts of ideas. If I don't get something down on paper, I feel like my head will explode... Er.... the head on my neck. lol
I'm out. Laters. I'm so exhausted. *yawn*