
Jul 20, 2010 22:31

Yesterday I fell off the horse, C, we've been training.  B was moving a pole behind him and he spooked and bolted. He went one direction and I went the other. Good news is that he's not very tall, bad news is that I landed on the gravel. I lost a good chunk of the skin on my right forearm there and landed very heavily on my right side. I was afraid I broken something there for a moment the pain was so bad. I'd had the wind knocked out of me and could only breathe in gasps at first.

B. ran over and all I can think is that I can't swear in front of her. So I edit "It really fucking hurts" to "It really hurts." I am able to get up in a moment and we fetch C from the other end of the ring and spend the rest of the time walking him over and near poles, moving and otherwise.
I go to work, making a stop for gauze bandages and tape. By the time I get to work and start the day, I am walking in a not at all fluid way and bending and sitting is excruciating. My co-workers say I should go home -- saying I don't sound good when I talk, but at this point I can't handle folding myself into a car (I'm wondering if I did break something after all). So I stay and it gets better. My co-workers, by the way, are wondering. They help me bandage my arm and fetch things for me. Apparently, the entire circulation department decided to observe and check up on me.  A little weird but nice. R. shook his head at me and said I shouldn't be here. I got better with moving about though.

At home, Evil Lurker patched me up with medicinal goo and more gauze. I definitely had a little meltdown on his shoulder about the shock of it. Last time I fell, I ended up in the ICU and I still remember the fence coming at me. Today I was more mobile, but many more things hurt including my neck,wrist and back. I have spectacular bruises I can't show in polite company and it hurts to sit, stand, laugh, cough, or manipulate things with my right hand. I really miss being able to stand up without gasping in pain.

But I'm ok or will be. I have a fencing lesson tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it through it, but I'm going to try.

Co-worker T, who is another rider, high fived me when she saw me and I explained. I swear that the ground was not this hard last time I fell.

ouch, all the pretty horses

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