This is how it is

Jul 05, 2010 13:24

Me = totally exhausted and out of sorts from the machinations of work and my brain. I have developed an ability to fall asleep on the couch, in front of the computer, in the car (parked, not driving!), and sitting straight up. Also, a strong desire for a punching bag. Pity there is no room in the house for that.

The house -- let me tell you -- is minus so much crap since Evil Lurker finally hauled out the dead 55 inch TV we were using for a mantelpiece and my father came to help me slay the childhood treasures and accumulated papers and crap that have followed me through 5 moves. Still no place for a punching bag though. Sad. Next goal is to go through the closet again. I am a recovering packrat and it is both difficult but exhilarating to get rid of things I've moved on from.

I have been moved to another branch for the near future while they renovate. I'd been there before and good god did I miss the sanity of these people.  I am still returning to the old place every week to cover staffing for the limited services that are still being offered.  I really hate those days. There are people to spend 8 hours in small enclosed places with and then there are....well, I'm not going to finish this sentence because it will end in swearing.

My life is all about being on the move -- driving to work, fencing, horses, and the eclectic series of stops that is my social life. I carry a ridiculous amount of things to ensure I have a change of clothes, can fix being sweaty, hungry, covered in dirt/horsehair or sunscreen, would prefer to have a toothbrush, extra socks etc.

Despite all the running about, I'm missing something. I need some type of cross training for core strength and flexibility, which is the main thing I miss from dance.

I'm going to spend my day off watching BSG over across the river. There will certainly be beer and most likely Chinese food.

all the pretty horses, salt mines, wwr, the daily grind

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