Wednesday Night Purples

May 28, 2008 19:34

Purple's a better color for idioms than blue.  Cause I said so.

Also, blues wouldn't quite right for the shade of now -- too malaise-y and not surreal enough.

Either it's the weather changing, the four-day work-week, the gel I had to use for an dance outreach earlier seeping into my brain, or I'm just weird, but today feels bizarre.    I'm reading Mercedes Lackey after a 6 or 7 year hiatus and all I've got to say is where are the griffins? So I 1. Do you like blue cheese?

2. Have you ever fallen asleep in class / at work?
Class yes -- it was that one anthropology class which looked so interesting on paper but was so excruciatingly boring I  wore my hat over my face for most of the lectures.  Work no.

3. Do you own a gun?

4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
This question frightens me a little.

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
No, but I'm frequently angry afterwards.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
I haven't been able to eat them since one, a long car ride, and the stomach flu happened to coincide.

7. Favorite Christmas movie?
Hogfather. Heheheh.

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee.  Repeat.

9. Can you do push ups?

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
The abstract-design claddagh ring I wear on my right hand.

11. What's your favorite hobby?
Present: ballet/dance, curling, reading, watching TV, messing about in internetz
Past: ballet/dance, fencing, horseback riding, falling out of trees, belly dance

12. Do you have ADD?
I don--ooh look a bird!  Seriously, I don't know.

13. What's one trait you hate about yourself?
My overdeveloped sense of guilt and shame.

14. Middle name?
Christine.  Or Jane, depending on whether you consult my birth certificate or my mother/

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
Is it safe to take more ibuprofen yet?
Only 50 minutes before I go home.
I miss my smooth-writing blue pen.

16. Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
I don't remember buying anything yesterday.

17. Name 4 drinks you regularly drink?
Diet Coke.
As of late, whiskey.

18. Current worry?
That my new work schedule will suck hugely.

19. What do you hate right now?

20. Favorite place to be?
Wherever people whose company I enjoy are. My car. Asleep.

21. How did you bring in the New Year?
At wildmachinery's place.  Wine on the couch in front of the TV.

22. Where would you like to go?
Greece.  Arizona.

23. Name two people who will complete this?
No idea.

24. Do you own slippers?

25. What shirt are you wearing?
Green t-shirt.

26. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
I've never done it, but it can't be as comfortable as cotton.

27. Can you whistle?
28. Favorite colors?
Green, purple, brown.

29. Would you be a pirate?
Sooner than a ninja.
30. What songs do you sing in the shower?

31. Favorite girl's name?  I can't think of one I would call favorite.     
32. Favorite boy's name? See above.

33. What's in your pocket right now?
Alas, I have no pockets today.

34. Last thing that made you laugh?

35. Best bed sheets as a child?
The blue-green ones with dragons breathing fire.

36. Worst injury you've ever had?
That depends on how you define 'worst'.  Most life-threatening: concussion that resulting in a seizure, no breath, wacky ICU fun.  Most life-affecting: ankle surgery to remove a bone spur, ligament tear.

37. Do you love where you live?
No, I wouldn't say love.
38. How many TVs do you have in your house?
I don't own them all, but there are three.

39. Who is your loudest friend?

None of my friends are particularly loud...
40. How many dogs do you have?

41. Does someone have a crush on you?
I'm not going to answer that.

42. What is your favorite book?
Guards! Guards! and Feet of Clay by Pratchett, Memory and Komarr by Bujold,

43. What is your favorite candy?
Some form of dark chocolate.

44. What song do you want played at your funeral?
I don't think I'm going to care or have any say in that.
45. What were you doing 12 AM last night?

46. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Where's the snooze button?
Stolen from too many to name.


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