Jan 26, 2006 13:50
It's my only day off between two six day stretches at work, so I decided to take a real Sabbath instead of rushing around to try to accomplish all the chores I feel I should be doing. Sabbaths are hard for me. I always feel like I'm being unproductive if I rest. But, on the other hand, if I don't rest I get sick when I'm really supposed to be productive... So today I decided to rest.
I've realized recently how works based my thinking really is. I was talking to my friend the other day about praying to go to Louisiana for the Infusion this summer. I said something to the effect that God will only send me if my evangelistic life here is a success. She looked at me and asked if I realized what I'd just said, as if I could earn the privilege to go on a church planting adventure (my dream).
Since that conversation, I've noticed how often I think that way. Today I have the urge to justify my day off to you. In my head I keep saying, "I haven't been completely unproductive. I did do such-and-such..." Ahh, the many ways I try to convince others and myself that I am good... But only God is good.
I've noticed that among a large population at the Rock, there is an air of disdain for the Sabbath. It seems that the fourth commandment is glossed over as a suggestion instead of a commandment. Though, (as I was reading in response to Satan's whisper in my ear this morning about productivity and how lazy I was if I didn't get up and do the myriad of errands I had in mind, all of which can be saved for another day), the bible does say that the sin of NOT having a Sabbath was punishable by death. (Exodus 35:2) That will make you think... I guess when we're outreaching we can ask the question: "Have you ever worked on the Sabbath? Well, you're a sinner just like me then." It's so strange because it doesn't seem like that serious of an offense that it should be listed as a command.
--Sorry for the length. :)