Mar 30, 2013 23:52
Saturday, my brother took me and my Mom out to Pappas Bros, which is supposedly the best steak house in Dallas. I had a delicious filet mignon but as always, their medium is my rare, and one assumes their rare is my butchering the cow in front of me, yet I'm too afraid they'll laugh at me if I ask for any more doneness. The best part was the free chocolate birthday cake I got with ice cream and strawberries, that was the bomb. Did you know, they have a bottle of rare cognac from King Louis XIII of France time that cost one thousand seven hundred dollars (for the whole bottle, one assumes), it was glowing with its own light in the glass case, I swear.
My brother bought a new big screen tv that was just a bit too big for the alcove built into the house, but that was not for me, that was for him. My mom got me a spinner suitcase for the trip, and I also got the cooking utensil clock they both wanted me to get, haha. I bought some clothes and gifts and a new purse for myself, but even better, I commissioned two local artists and got some amazing art in return!
Not to mention the fantastic packages I got from friends everywhere, I think I am spoiled by people who are way nicer to me than I deserve. Because I always get people weird and possibly inappropriate gifts. If I even remember...
In other news, almost done catching up with Futurama and Archer and Game of Thrones. Watched a little bit of Transformers Prime but didn't care for it that much. Now starting Doctor Who (9th doctor) with my brother.
That is literally all I do these days, watch tv, go to Facebook, read a couple of blogs, then collapse onto bed. Truly a pinnacle of all that a thirty year old woman can do. My mom sometimes wonders why I have no boyfriend, I wonder why she wonders.