Failure In Stereo [Bam/Johnny/Ryan]

Oct 16, 2005 16:52

Disclaimer: I only dream of this…really…I do.

Summary: Bam wants to help Johnny, and Ryan has to help.

AN: Inspired almost completely by this icon,

(I believe it was xfalling who made it, but I might be wrong, let me know if I am)

Pairing: Johnny/Bam/Ryan. As if the icon didn’t give it away.


Failure in Stereo

We had planned a huge surprise for him, planned on showing up at his place and throwing a party. Dunn had called ahead, seeing if we could talk Melissa round; see if we needed to wait for Madison to be out or if she could join in. But we couldn’t reach her, Jeff did some fishing and we found out she wasn’t living with him anymore, that Mel and Johnny had separated and we had no idea. I had always thought that Johnny called quits on Jackass because of the strain on his marriage, that he wanted to sort things out with Mel and to do that he had to quit the show. That was what he let us think.

Steve-O got everything set up in Johnny’s house the day of the surprise, Dunn and Pontius got all the people, Jeff and Dimitry wired up the sound system and I was left with the task of finding and bringing home Johnny. We knew there was some stupid conference thing he was supposed to attend for this new movie he was doing, Ehren got me the name of the hotel they were holding it in, all I had to do was find out what room he was being left in. It was easy to do, the receptionist was probably overly sweet, she gave me the room number and when I mentioned that I wasn’t sure if he’d be in the shower or not she gave me the spare, I’m not sure if I was glad or scared, how many people could spin a story and get the room key?

I headed up to the room, knocked on the door, wondering at the time if maybe he was already at the conference. I had a key anyway so it hardly mattered. When I went into the room it was dark. I had thought instantly that I must’ve missed him, that I’d have to wait up here for him, in this crappy hotel room with nothing to do for most of the night while those bastards partied it up at Knoxville’s place. He wouldn’t care, Knoxville would let anyone party in his house as long as there were no complaints to him from the neighbours and no one was arrested. Other than that everything was fine.

I flipped on the light and something soft was thrown at me, hitting the light switch but not turning it off. I got the hint though, turning the lights off again. I headed towards the bed, where the pillow, as it was, came from. He was lying on the bed, face buried in the other pillows there and still fully dressed, converse and all. Shaking my head I knelt down beside the bed.


“What Bam?” He asked, voice slightly muffled in the pillow.

“How’d you know it was me?” I asked stupidly, wondering if he looked over before throwing the pillow at me.

“I do know your voice, Bam. We only worked together for like five years!” Johnny said, this time looking up at me. Although it was dark, there was a light cast by the lamp at the other end of the room, not too much light but enough that you could see with, I could still see that his eyes were pretty bloodshot, the bags under his eyes being somewhat more defined that I remember them ever being.

“Jesus, you look like shit.” It was automatic, I couldn’t stop myself.

“I know, thanks for pointing that out.” This wasn’t the Johnny I remember, this wasn’t the Johnny Knoxville that I knew.

“Sorry man, it’s just…how’d this happen?” I moved from kneeling to sitting, crossing my legs and sitting on the floor, watching him.

“Can’t sleep.” He admitted quietly, putting it as simple as he could. Insomnia, I had suffered from that once or twice, never to the extremity that Johnny was probably suffering it, but I at least knew a little of what it was like. “What’re you doing here?” He raised his head, looking at me with a raised eyebrow, a shadow of the man he once was.

“Visiting you.” I said, that’s what I was doing. I’d call Dunn and tell them to party on, that Johnny wasn’t up to a party right now. He had probably been wearing a mask for so long that he needed a night off, he shouldn’t have had to put another one on for those guys, he didn’t need to put one on around me.

“I’m not much company right now Bam, sorry.” He rested his head on the pillow again, looking at me apologetically. I had always looked up to him, all the stuff he did, all the things he said, everything he knew. That was what I wanted to be some day, I wanted to be able to look back and say that Johnny ‘PJ Clapp’ Knoxville had been a key influence on my life. Because he was. And if he lived to see forty then he was laughing.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said with a smile, happy to just sit there and keep him company, he had done it for me before. I got sick once during the movie, couldn’t leave the hotel for a while. Dunn wanted to stay with me, as always, but he was needed for some filming. So Johnny stayed instead, keeping me company, holding my hair away from my face as I puked up, keeping my temperature down, just generally nursing me, the whole three days I was sick. It’s the least that I can do, to sit here with him and let him talk if he wants. “We called by your place earlier.” I said, trying to see if he would at least open up. “Seemed a little deserted.”

“Bam, if you wanna ask me then just ask me.” Johnny said, rolling on the bed to lye on his back, looking up at the ceiling.

“How long have you and Mel been separated?” I asked, tact was never a strong suit of mine. And I wouldn’t know subtlety if it jumped up and bit me.

“About four or five months. We were taking some time away when I came down to West Chester and cut up your Hummer.” There’s a small smile on his face, at least he can smile about the whole prank war thing now, Ryan still gets a little mad about the bike now and then.

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“It’s a kinda touchy subject Bam.” Johnny said with a little bit of anger in his voice. “Sorry. But I just didn’t want to think about it. Which is why I decided to go see you instead of Steve.” The anger was gone as soon as it came and there was just a tiredness about his voice now.

“You wanna talk about it now?” I really don’t want to push him, but if he opens up maybe it’ll help. Ape always goes on about how it’s best to get these feelings out there. But I know that sometimes there are things that you just can’t bear to get out there just yet, that things take a little more time than you know. Besides, some guys just don’t like talking about their feelings. We can’t all be as young and innocent like as Raab, the little freak that he is.

“I don’t know, I don’t wanna bore you.” I know that he’s not being mean here, I know that he’s being serious and he really thinks that listening to him go on about the break down of the marriage will bore the life out of me, I can’t sit still on a good day never mind when some one is dumping a load of shit out there. But I’ll do it for him; I’d do it for Johnny, and for Ryan and for Steve and for the rest of them. They’re like family.

“I wanna help, Johnny. If getting it out will help I’ll sit here till the morning.” He looks at me, his brown eyes bloodshot and watery - unfocused and dull - boring into my own eyes.

“I thought that me being around more would help us to settle things. Mel had been annoyed that I was never around anymore, and that all I did was stupid stunts and get hurt all the time. She didn’t complain when the money was coming in though. So, I stopped Jackass, went home and tried that whole family man thing. It’s over-rated Bam, if Jenn tries to get you to settle down, tell her no.”

“I’m not with Jenn anymore.” I say quietly, not really wanting to interrupt him, but wanting him to know that Jenn was out of the picture. “I’m with someone else.” I’ll fill him in on that later.

“Oh, sorry I guess.” I shake my head and motion for him to continue. “So, after that didn’t work we had some movies that I did. And that took me away from them again and Mel started to complain and we had a lot of arguments and then they just stopped. She didn’t mention my travelling, or being out when we were shooting, or when I’d go out drinking. I think I knew she was doing it but I was past the point of caring to be painfully honest.” I knew exactly what he was talking about.

“Did you find out who?” I ask, wondering why there was no news about him doing time for murder or at least grievous bodily harm.

“Nope, didn’t care either. Just told her to pack her bags and leave.”

“Did she take Maddie?”

“Yeah, apparently a little girl needs her mother more than her father or something. What Mel doesn’t know is that Maddie comes home for lunch during school.” Johnny gave a smirk. “I’m afraid my daughter is ending up a lot like you.” I laugh; I can just picture Madison ending up like me. Melissa would not be impressed.

When we were around during the Jackass days, when little Maddie wasn’t at school, it was fun to hang out with her. We were teaching her how to skate, introducing her to our music, getting her kitted out for the whole skating life. Until Mel stopped her from hanging out with us when we were shooting, she said it was because she didn’t like the idea of a little girl being around us when we were pulling pranks, or doing stunts. Mel never knew that Johnny and Maddie pulled a ton of shit on us, the little girl pulling her innocent puppy look in order to escape from retaliation. She was the coolest 6 year old I knew, and she was one hell of a fun girl.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I ask, unsure to how he would handle a kid like me. Phil and Ape are great, but my god have we had a shit load of drama to deal with before we got to that stage.

“It’s fucking fantastic.” Johnny says with a smile. “Reminds me of the old days.” He staring at the ceiling again, ignoring me a little. He’s probably thinking back on all the whacked out shit we’ve been up to, remembering the prank war, that sort of thing. I think about it sometimes too, wondering what things might’ve been like if we hadn’t called it quits with Jackass, if I hadn’t agreed to do Viva, if we’d all stayed in touch and not lost so much contact. This was only the second time in a year that I had seen Johnny. It was a few months for Steve-O and Chris but Ehren hadn’t seen Johnny for a year; he was looking forward to the party so much. Damn reality bites.

“What was it you guys had planned?” Johnny asked eventually, breaking the silence that was somewhat comfortable.

“Party. Your place. Whole crew came. Jeff and Rick and all the guys.” I say, there’s no point in lying to him, too many people do that already. “But we don’t have to worry; they’ll still be there in the morning.” I’m kinda loath to question if he actually wants to go to the party, if he does I probably wouldn’t get to see much of him, but here, in the hotel, it’s just him and me, and he’s telling me things he hasn’t told anyone. It makes me feel special; the same kind of way I know Ryan feels when I tell him stuff.

As if reading my mind Johnny comes back to the subject we touched on a little earlier, “So who you seeing now?” He looks back towards me, there was a look in his eye that I recognised from the look Phil got when we told my parents the real reason Jenn wasn’t coming back. That look that just screams ‘I want to know what’s happening so I can make sure you’re okay’ and I get a little bit jittery inside.

“It’s Ryan.” I almost whisper, a little worried about his reaction.

“About time.” That’s all he says, a small smile on his face and that look now gone from his eyes. Ape had gone into a speech; almost ordering Ryan to take care of me and never hurt me, Phil had just smiled and said ‘Whatever makes you happy.’ Johnny just smiled and said, ‘About time.’ What the hell did that mean?

“That’s all? About time?” I ask, moving closer to the bed, I know I look confused, I am confused.

“It doesn’t take a genius to figure out you two wanted to screw. And then coupled with the fucking friendship you’ve had for years, you were like an old married couple most of the time. When Ryan broke his wrist filming the movie, you were right there in a second, hugging him. You were the one he looked to for comfort after sticking that fucking car up his ass, when you tore your hamstring on the golf course it was Dunn who helped you out. God, you two were so obvious to everyone but each other.”

“What about when you guys crashed your golf cart. Ryan didn’t come near me then.”

“No, he was too worried he’d just killed me!” Johnny said with a laugh. It was true, the whole crew had thought Johnny had just been killed, it wasn’t the first time that Jeff though Johnny was seriously injured either.

“We all were.” I can’t help but worry about the things we used to do. Would they come back to haunt us? Would one of us end up dead way too soon because of what we did? Steve-O would probably be the first to go, knowing the shit he does. But it could easily be Ryan, or me, or Dave or whoever.

“Yeah, that was seriously fucked up.” I smiled before climbing up over the him and lying down on the bed with him.

“When I can’t sleep, Ryan cuddles me.” I’ve never admitted that to anyone, and thankfully Johnny doesn’t laugh as I pull him towards me. He just buries his head in my shirt and sighs.

“Thanks Bam-Bam.” I smiled and stroke the back of his head, just like Ryan does with me.

“Anytime.” We’re family. That’s what family do. And this time we’re not going to lose touch.


Failure in Stereo Part 2

When I woke up it wasn’t because of any discomfort, my phone, I heard it ringing and I was wondering what the hell was going on. As quickly as I could I got the phone out of my pocket and answered it, seeing that it was Dunn.


“Where the hell are you two? It’s been five hours!” That’s all? It feels like so much more.

“Sorry, I meant to call. Johnny’s not up to it tonight, we’ll stop by in the morning, okay?” I really hope he doesn’t want to go into it all just now. That he just trusts that I’ll tell him what I can later and deal with it then.

“Okay Bam, we’ll just crash here.” Ryan says, his understanding of me obvious. “Take care of him.” With that we both hang up. Being with Ryan is so much easier than Jenn; he didn’t even assume anything went on, despite the fact that he knows me so well. Jenn would’ve questioned me on my activities right then, asking who it was I had slept with and starting an argument. How did I manage to get it so good?

“Tell Dunn I’m gonna kill him.” Came Johnny’s sleep filled voice. He’d slept, finally, but not for near long enough.

“It’s better if he doesn’t know, that way you get more of a shocked look when you attack.” Johnny laughed slightly against my shirt, snuggling in a little more and just sighing. It brought a smile to my face; I would’ve never pictured him as being the snuggling type. “Did you sleep okay?” I ask lamely. Why do I turn into such an idiot around him?

“Better than I have in a long time. First time I’ve slept in a long time.” He says, looking up at me from his place by my side, it’s nice to see him from this angle, his eyes looking a little more like they’re alive, rather than looking so hollow. “Thanks Bam. I really mean it, thank you.” I feel awkward now, I don’t know what to do, I know what I want to do, but I don’t know if I should, in fact I probably shouldn’t.

“Anything for you.” I whispered back, meaning it all. I bite down gently on my lips before I move, my head inches towards his. Johnny’s eyes fall to my lips instantly, and I can’t help but lick them. And then I’m kissing him. Softly and sweetly and oh so perfectly. I think deep down I always had a crush on him, always admired him and wanted a piece of him as my own. Now I could taste a little bit of that, hold him close, chase away some demons. It felt good to be able to help him, to keep his thoughts on something other than what was happening around him.

I pulled him as close to me as possible, our bodies flush despite the fact that I was leaning down somewhat to reach his mouth. Our tongues pressed against each other, tasting and mapping out the others mouth. My hands running down his sides before bringing them back up to run through his short cut hair, holding the back of his head as I enjoyed the feeling of his tongue against the top of my mouth.

I rolled us on the bed, placing me on top of his body. His hands rested on my hips, while he let his head fall back when I nudged at this chin with my nose, kissing at his neck I suckled on his pulse point, one hand moved from my hip, cupping the back of my head as he moaned, arching his back up and rubbing against my crotch. I had to bite down slightly on his neck to muffle my groan, although it vibrated through his skin and caused a slight whimper to escape his throat. My hands run back up his sides, skimming under his t-shirt to feel the smooth skin underneath, my fingers burning against the flesh and slowly dragging down against his ribs.

The noises he makes are incredible. The soft gasps and the whimpers, a man starved of affection for so long and I get to hear these sounds. I want to hear more, hear the quiet pleas and the moans and groans. I want to just see him radiating pleasure for once, without a hint of pain there. I pull at the bottom of his red t-shirt, pulling it over his head and throwing it behind us; I smile as a push him back down on the bed and move to lick the tattoo of his daughters name on his chest. His hand once more twines through my hair, massaging at the back of my skull while the other runs down my back and then rests at the base of my spine.

I encircle a nipple with my mouth before biting gently, enjoying the gasp and buck of his hips. I provide the same treatment to the other nipple before continuing down his chest, tasting his skin and licking at the few scars I come across. His hand releases my hair as I reach the top of his trousers, his fists balling in the sheets as I rub my chin against his erection. He moans and arches into the touch, eyes clenched closed as I watch him with a smile. I quickly undo his belt and trousers, pulling them down over his sharp hipbones and tugging at his boxers, I anxious now, wanting to hear and taste him all the more, have that part of him to be mine for just moment.

“Oh God, Bam.” I take the head of his erection into my mouth and suckle playfully while he moans softly, his hand once more in my hair as I take more of him in. His hips start to push up and I have to hold onto them to keep from chocking. I can tell that he’s close, the grip on my hair tightening and loosening as a bob my head, taking as much of him in as possible. When he releases my hair and grips the sheets, back arching and a low groan escaping his throat, he lets go and comes in my mouth. I relax and take it all, swallowing happily and continued to suckle until he relaxed against the bed, his hand returning to my hair and petting it. I smiled against him, releasing his cock and kissing at his hips and tummy, moving back up and sealing my lips over his.

“I want to fuck you, so bad.” I whisper against his lips, he’s laying there, eyes half closed, breathing uneven, that sated expression on his face. “But I’d need to talk to Random first.” He laughs a little, still quite gone.

“You can blow me but not fuck me?” I suppose it’s always been a strange part of my relationship with Ryan. He lets me do almost anything I want, as long as he knows about it. Which is pretty perfect, he knows I’ll come home to him, and that few people mean more to me than him. Mindless sex is mindless sex, making love is making love.

“Yeah,” I answer, as if it’s that easy, which it is really. “And if I talk to Ryan today I’ll get to have my wicked way with you.” I say with a smirk, Johnny just laughs a little, his hand pulling my head back to his as our lips meet again. It’s more relaxed this time, a smile on his face and a mirroring one on mine. And I’m glad I can make him smile like that, more than I thought I would be.


When we finally arrived at Knoxville’s place nearly everyone was asleep. Either lying on the floor in the living room or camping out on the stairs. Ehren and Dave were lying on the table in the kitchen, Steve and Chris curled up on the sofa and Ryan was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, as if he was waiting for us.

“About freaking time.” He complained, beer in hand and a smile on his face. He wasn’t mad; I thought he might’ve been a little bit pissed.

“Hey Dunn.” They shared a hug, Ryan shooting a worried glance at me; I just smiled and shook my head, indicating that we’d talk about it later. “Sorry for keeping you all waiting for so long.”

“Don’t worry about it; we had fun without you anyway.” A slight smile and a wave of the hand before Ryan’s completely dismissed his own comment. “Nah, I think Steve and Chris are intending to use that against you though, they want another party.”

“You’ve probably cleaned out all the booze as it is.” The sheepish look from Ryan confirms that and Johnny just laughs. “Just what I thought.”

“Knoxville!” It seemed that Ehren and Dave decided to wake up, both ushering Johnny into the living room to wake up Steve and Chris. I took the chance to steer Ryan into a quiet room to talk.

“How bad is it?” Ryan asked instantly.

“Pretty messed up. She took Maddie, he’s in a rut, he’s not sleeping and I don’t know if he’s talked about this with anyone.” I said, not sure how much Johnny would mind me sharing with Ryan. He knew Ryan and I were close, knew that we shared pretty much everything, so he probably guessed that whatever he told me Ryan would eventually find out. If he didn’t want that happening I’m sure he would’ve asked me not to tell Dunn.

“So what do we do? We can’t leave him to get into this again?” Ryan said, going into his considerate friend mode, I always envied that about him. No matter what was going on he wanted to make others feel better, always. In a way it’s something else that just makes him as damn close to perfect as I could ever want.

“I don’t know, what about if he came to West Chester for a while?” Ryan looks at me strangely now, I can’t say I didn’t expect it, but I had hoped maybe this wouldn’t come up.

“Are you serious?” I nod mutely, waiting to hear his argument. “Last time you got mad at me for nearly a week.”

“That was because you and him sawed up my Hummer!” I hissed back, we have been over this so many times, but it always comes back to it. “Listen, forget the shit that happened at the prank war, forget the argument it caused. Johnny is seriously fucked up right now and I’m not leaving here if he’s not coming with us.”

“What the hell happened between you two?” He asked, giving me the look that tells me I’ve won and he’s just doing this for show.

“We talked, cuddled, slept, you woke us up, we messed around and then we came here.” I answer honestly, with Ryan honesty is probably the best policy. With the others it’s different, but not with Ryan.

“Messed around? How far messed around?”

“I sucked him off.”

“God Bam, if you wanted to sleep with him you should’ve just said!” Ryan shakes his head and I smile. He snakes an arm around me and lean into him, still smiling.

“Ryan?” I whisper against his ear, nipping lightly on the lobe.

“Yes Bam?” There’s a slight scratch in his voice, and I lick my lips against his cheek.

“I want to fuck Johnny.”

“Okay.” He laughs a little before capturing my lips and I moan against him, clutching his shoulders and moulding my body against his.

“Maybe you should join in?” I mumble against his lips. He pulls back sharply, looking at me with that ‘I don’t believe you just said that’ face. He thinks I didn’t know that he wanted to screw the life out of Johnny at one point. Shit, I think Johnny wanted to screw the life out of Ryan at one point. His eyes do that little thing, where he’s debating things inside and he moves his yes from side to side, I always thought that was cute.

“Yeah, sure, okay.” He shrugs and smiles and I mimic the smile, although I’m sure mine is a little more devious.

Now all I need to do is get Johnny to West Chester.


Failure in Stereo Part 3

By the time everyone decided that they had to get back to their lives it was almost midnight, meaning Ryan and I wouldn’t be going home tonight. Which meant there was enough time to badger Johnny into coming home with us, which suited me perfectly, Ryan however, was pessimistic as always.

“He won’t buy it.” Ryan had said to me as we assisted in the tidying up, something which earned a suspicious look from Johnny when I offered our help, which meant he knew something was up already.

“Well, you two can have the guest room; you guys know where it is right?” Johnny asked, sitting down on his now clear sofa thanks to Dunn.

“Yeah, no worries.” Ryan said, walking through from the kitchen with three beers in hand. “Managed to salvage some beers.” He said with a smile, handing out the cool bottles. Johnny and I took one, Ryan sitting down on the sofa beside Johnny while I sat in the chair facing him. I had already talked Dunn into putting my plan into action tonight, saying that if we started tonight we could probably convince him to come to West Chester to unwind a little. Of course that was all providing Johnny actually went for this. Let’s just hope I don’t just have a big ego.

“So, when are you two heading home?” Johnny asked, taking a sip of his beer. Ryan looked at me, then at Johnny and I just shrugged.

“Just whenever.” Ryan said, a slight smile on his face as he raised his own bottle to his lips. There’s a sly smirk on his lips as he drinks, one that I can read and smile at. I put my beer down on the table and get up, walking towards the sofa. Johnny’s busy taking a swig out of his beer and doesn’t notice me until I’m standing right in front of him, by which time it’s pretty much too late to stop me. I straddle his lap and smile, inching a little bit forward and taking his beer, handing it to Ryan, who’s just sitting there watching us. Johnny just watches me, my smile stuck to my face as I lean further towards him. I’m aware of Ryan watching intently and by God if that doesn’t just turn me on so much more.

“Told you I’d have my wicked way with you.” I whisper just before I capture his lips, his shock wearing off quickly as I press my tongue into his mouth, hands roaming down his chest and reacquainting myself with his body again. His head just falls back against the sofa and I just push myself to him, his hands on my thighs, stroking at the back of my legs and moving to my ass.

When hands move to my belt I gasp a little, realising that Ryan’s decided to join in. Johnny and I part as my belt is slid away from my trousers, then he moves on to Johnny’s belt. There’s a small smile on his lips and it’s relaxing, I know I felt Johnny tense when Ryan started working on my belt. Dunn moves from his position, kneeling beside Johnny and I as the skull and crutches is discarded from Johnny’s waist and Ryan moves in to bite down a little on Johnny’s neck. He moans and one of his hands leaves my leg, curling around Ryan’s neck as he exposes his own neck even more. This is insane, and I just don’t want to stop.

I pull off my own t-shirt, pulling Ryan and Johnny apart long enough to get both of theirs off and then they got back at it again. This time Ryan swoops in for Johnny’s mouth, sealing their lips together and stroking my back. I get a glimpse of what it must’ve been like for Ryan, watching me make out with Johnny. Seeing him with his tongue half way down Knoxville’s throat is doing wonders for my hard on, there’s just something about watching your boyfriend make out with someone you want to fuck into the ground. Or is that just me?

There is no way the three of us are going to be able to get this done on the sofa, as loathe as I am to admit it, we really need to move. Getting Ryan and Knoxville apart long enough may just be difficult. Or at least that’s what I thought. It’s Ryan who pulls away, panting slightly as he looks between Knoxville and I.

“Bedroom?” He asks simply and I nod once, getting off Johnny’s lap and pulling Ryan after me while Dunn brings Johnny. I feel like a giddy school girl and it’s stupid, I’ve had a threesome before, just never with Ryan and Johnny, and that must be what’s making me so damn giddy. It’s Ryan and Johnny, and they’re here, together, with me!

I go for the guest room rather than Johnny’s. I don’t think I want to have sex with him in the bed he shared with his wife at one point, it would feel too weird. I moved over to the bed, pulling Ryan with me as he brought Johnny in. I had no longer knelt on the bed as Johnny was thrown down on it, I giggled slightly at the look on his face and straddled him, smiling as Dunn’s mouth moved against my back, causing me to arch and press my crotch into Johnny’s lap. He’s more relaxed now, so much so that he sits up and kisses my neck, biting at my throat before moving down to lap at my collar bone.

Ryan’s hand dips into my pants, making me gasp, and Johnny takes the opportunity to start his own exploration of my mouth. I cling to the back of his head but let him take control, deciding to just enjoy the attention from both sides, Johnny breaks away from my mouth and looks behind me, to Dunn. A small smirk spreads on his face before he moves to nibble my ear lobe, at this point Ryan moves to the other ear, licking and biting and blowing on my heated skin. When Johnny’s hand joins Ryan’s I can’t stop from moaning, the two different hands stroking my hard on in time with one another, sending my nerves into a frenzy.

I buck my hips, thrusting into the hands but also rubbing against Johnny’s crotch, I can tell because he shudders a little and moans against my neck, his breathing hitching just that little bit more. They both took their hands away, Johnny moving to start undoing the heartagram belt and Ryan starting to stroke at my chest, he pulled my head back by my hair and sealed our lips, rubbing his erection into my ass, informing me right then of what he was planning to do.

I was pulled off Johnny momentarily while my trousers and boxers were discarded, Ryan set about removing Johnny’s and I got him out of his. By the time I’ve got Ryan out of his clothes he’s already on Johnny, kissing him and mapping out his body. Johnny’s own hands are returning the attention Ryan’s are bestowing upon his, sure hands running up and down Ryan’s back, up his chest, returning to give his ass a little squeeze and brining their erections brushing and causing Ryan to bite down on Johnny’s shoulder. It brings a gasp out of Johnny and I want to join in again.

I’m on Ryan in a matter of seconds, biting and licking at his back and shoulders, my hands straying to Johnny’s body on occasion. There are subtle differences between the two of them, Ryan’s not as toned as Johnny, Johnny’s not as powerful as Ryan, Johnny has smooth skin adorned with a few tattoos here and there, Ryan has rough skin from the countless bumps and breaks and his skin is almost painted.

Ryan sighs against Johnny before pulling away, mumbling something and leaving the room, Johnny and I watch him with slight confusion, but I hear him coming back upstairs and I figure nothings wrong. I move to Johnny, mouth covering his and my hand wrapping around his erection. He moans into my mouth, his hand in my hair while my tongue presses against his.

When he pulls back, his head thrown all the way back exposing his neck I’m a little stunned before I hear Dunn behind me, smiling wickedly. I realise then why Johnny reacted so suddenly, Ryan has two fingers up Johnny’s ass, pushing them in to the knuckle and twisting them. So that was what Ryan left for. I smile and continue stroking Johnny’s cock, watching the changing expressions on his face. Dunn lubes up the fingers on his other hand, signalling that I should move to give him access to my ass. I smile and lean down over Johnny, taking his mouth again and sucking on his tongue.

I bite him a little accidentally when Ryan pushes his fingers into me, causing a jerk in Johnny’s body. I’m not sure if he’s trying to pull away from the hurt or if it’s the shock of pleasure from the bite. His hand runs down my side, moving to my own erection and lining our cock up before Ryan pushes down hard on my prostate, causing me to buck into Johnny. Ryan laughs a little behind me before his mouth come to rest at my ear.

“He’s ready for you.” He whispered huskily, I knew I was ready for Ryan, he probably knew that too. I kissed Johnny once more on the lips before working down his chest, bringing myself to rest between his legs; I hooked my hands around his knees, placing his legs at either side of my body while I knelt there between them. I watched the rise and fall of his chest, the flush of his body and I felt Ryan move behind me, his hands on my hips, head in my neck.

Johnny looked up at me, his chocolate brown eyes meeting my blue ones, and I pushed in, watching the way he swallowed as I did and how he bit down on his lip, his hand moving to my hip, resting over Ryan’s. That’s when Ryan pushes into me, my head falling back against his shoulder as I moan out loud. As Ryan starts to pull out I pull out of Johnny, Ryan slams his hips back to me and I push at the same time, slamming into Johnny with duel force, he almost screams and arches off the bed, I know I’ve hit his prostate and I grin, feeling Ryan manoeuvre behind me to find mine. We repeat the action and I can’t laugh this time when Johnny moans and clutches the sheets, I’m biting my lip and letting Ryan do most of the work, my hips following him as he pulls out and pushes back, nailing my prostate each time and pushing me into Johnny’s. Ryan pushes in deeper and one hand moves to take Johnny’s neglected hard on in hand, stroking it as he pulls out and pushes in.

Knoxville’s the first to come, Ryan’s hand clenching around his cock and my stabbing at his prostate pushing him over the edge and his release covering my stomach and Ryan’s hand. His clenching around my cock is enough to coax me into release after a few more thrusts; I take Ryan with me, his biting into my neck and grip on my hip tightening as he comes inside me. I nearly fall on Johnny, Ryan’s strong grip being all that keeps me up.

He pulls out, and I follow suit, hearing a slight hiss from Johnny. Both Ryan and I fix a concerned gaze on him, but he ignores us as he moves slightly. I move to straddle him again, holding his head to keep him from looking away.

“Did I hurt you?” I ask, my eyebrows furrowing in worry. I hadn’t wanted to hurt him, and Ryan had said he was ready, and there didn’t seem to be any discomfort at all. He licked his lips and shook his head.

“Just a little uncomfortable right now.” He says and it struck me that I never bothered enquiring as to whether or not he’d ever done this before. I just took it as a given in the way he was comfortable enough with Ryan and I. Ryan’s hand on my shoulder pulls me out of my thoughts and off of Johnny. Ryan and I move to get under the covers and Ryan pulls at Knoxville’s arm to get him to join us. Johnny rests between Ryan and I, and he looks uncomfortable again. I nuzzle into his shoulder and Ryan moves closer, his arm looping around Johnny’s waist.

“Johnny,” I mumble slightly, talking more to his chest than to his face.

“Hmm.” His breath blows slightly at my hair and I sigh happily.

“Will you come to West Chester with us?” I guess it’s easier to just ask straight out than to beat around the bush. Ryan’s thumb is stroking at Johnny’s sharp hip, and I notice he looks just a little thinner. Ape’s cooking would fix that, and Raab and Bran would help him loosen up, and Ryan and I can take care of the sleeping. We’ll be able to help him.

“Sure, I guess.” Ryan smiles behind him and places a light kiss on his neck, Johnny moves one hand to rest over Ryan’s hand on his hip and his other arm loops around my neck, holding me close to him. “Thanks.” He says before yawning and closing his eyes. I smile and watch him slowly drift off to sleep.

“See, told you so.” I say as quiet as possible to Ryan, he just smiles at me and closes his eyes, I do the same and enjoy falling asleep in Knoxville’s arms, with Ryan’s legs tangled with mine and my hand resting on his ass.


Love me. Send me feedback.

pairing: bam/johnny, character: bam margera, genre: threesome, pairing: bam/ryan/johnny, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, warning: rps, fandom: jackass, character: ryan dunn, character: johnny knoxville, author: torncorpse

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