When In Prague [Bam/Ville]

Oct 16, 2005 16:50

Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em…

AN: For Yuki, cause he wanted a Bam/Ville. Pointless smut, but then, why does smut need a point?

NC-17 for the pointless smut. I have mentioned the smut right?

Summary: It’s a miracle no one can figure it out…

When in Prague

I mean really, how can they not see it? How is it not obvious? Bloody idiots.

Were sitting there, drink in hand and I’m talking to the camera and he just looks at me. Sure, people could just say he was interested in what I‘m saying, but not when they see the look . It’s the one where he nearly undresses me with his eyes, the look that practically screams ‘ I want to fuck you against that wall right now ‘. And it sends shivers down my spine and the only thing I can think about is how much I want that.

We’re sitting here, everyone’s laughing and joking, enjoying the time they don’t need to be doing anything and drinking. We’ve been drinking for nearly two hours and all I can think about is getting him upstairs or out back or just somewhere that we can be alone. We haven’t had much time to ourselves this trip, one night, after the initial shoot was over and it was just pick up shots to be done, we had that night, but I had to go back to my room after wards, and now I’m itching for his touch, craving his kiss and just wanting him so bad.

He knows this; it’s all there in that crooked smile he gives me, the smouldering look I get. His nimble hands brush against my leg covertly and I have to cover up my gasp of shock as it heads for my thigh. I can’t take this here; I need him so fucking bad.

Gas and Lily wouldn’t be shocked if I just pounced on him, but the others might just be, which is pretty bad. We’re not exactly stealthy or whatever. I can remember after the recording of Buried Alive by Love, we locked ourselves in his room and I know I was anything but quiet. So either they’re ignoring it or they really are as thick as they pretend.

I compose myself enough and stand up. “I’m hitting the can.” I say, not like they need to know but I’m drunk enough that I’ll tell them anyway. Why not just let them know where it is I’m going? Pushing my seat back and move, making my way to the back of the bar and heading for the loo. I can vaguely hear Ville telling them he’s gonna make sure I don’t fall and kill myself. I’m drunk, but not that drunk.

But it gets the desired effect. We’re alone, in a public restroom, and if that doesn’t get my blood flowing a little bit faster I don’t know what will. He pushes the door open and follows me; I’ve already done a quick scan and found that we are in fact the only two in here. Perfect.

My lips have attached to his before he can even take in his surroundings, my hands delving under his shirt and trailing against his stomach, I’ve pushed him up against the wall, my thigh between his legs and his hands tangled in my hair. I can’t get enough of him, I try so hard to mould myself against his body, trying desperately to get as close to him as I can. But it’s not enough, it’s never enough. His hands leave my hair, moving down my body and resting on my ass, pulling us closer and rubbing our groins together. I break from the kiss, unable to stop myself from moaning against his neck, breathing into his ear.

I’m pushed away momentarily, my back hitting one of the stalls and Ville presses my body flat against it as he moves back to seal our lips together again. Our tongues pressed together, I almost whimpered against him as he pulled at my belt buckle. By the time my pants are around my ankles and he’s turning me to face the stall I’m about really to scream. Even now, it’s not enough, I’m not getting enough, I need more and I need it now. His hand strokes up my chest before he offers me two fingers which I instantly take into my mouth. Ville presses against my back, moaning into my neck as I suck on his fingers, just thinking about what’s to come.

His other hand strays up my stomach, running under my shirt and he takes his fingers from my mouth, pressing them against the crack of my ass, running them down to my opening and teasing me to no end. I moan in annoyance and push back against him, earning a nip to my neck in warning. I’m always impatient when it comes to sex, especially sex with Ville. But he likes to tease, likes to take things as slow as possible, prolong the whole thing. We’re so different there it’s usually like a battle to get to bed. He wants to tease me while I just want to jump him. There are times when things get a little…out of hand.

“Gah.” I struggle to breathe as he pushes three fingers in, my head resting against the cool surface of the stall, my breath coming out in gasps as I whine and he smiles against my neck, enjoying himself no doubt. He slowly starts to work his fingers, loosening me up while still teasing, pressing in further but not far enough. I want so much to just push back and force him in deeper, but his hand on my hip and chest against my back stop that from being an option.

He adds another finger, and then another, but never pressing in deep enough that I get what I want, he’s teasing, taking it slow. He’s going to make me beg and I know I will. I’m craving him so much, needing this too much and I’ll crack and beg him like some ten cents whore.

“Ville,” my voice is so whiney I cringe, this is what he does to me, what only he can do to me. I can feel the chuckle more than hear it, the vibrations in his chest running through my back and making me shudder. “Ville, please.” I fight the urge to whimper as he removes his fingers, biting softly on my neck and breathing against my ear.

“Please what?” He asks, still teasing. I can feel his erection now, he’s dropped his pants and has positioned behind me, all he wants is the words, the begging and what not. It would definetly be a personality flaw on his part if this didn’t turn me on so bad it hurt. But I don’t complain, because he can make me beg and he’s the only one.

“Ville, please, fuck me.” He chuckles again, the need in my voice obviously coming across enough that he realises that I want him so bad. He pushes in, and I can’t stop the moan of pleasure, I don’t even want to. He presses his chest against my back, his lips closing around my ear lobe as he pulls out and thrusts back in, moving as deep as he can and jabbing that spot I’ve been itching for him to press since we started.

I’m panting and moaning and I don’t care, I’m bracing myself against the stall, his thrusts getting stronger and harder and I know this isn’t a case of teasing me anymore, it’s a need for release. Someone might wonder where we are, what’s taking so long, and we both want to finish this. He takes my cock in hand, stroking it in time with his thrusts and I start to meet him, pushing back and clenching as much as I can. When his grip tightens and he pulls his head to my shoulder, muffling the sound of his scream in my neck. I feel him come in me, I shudder at the feeling and arch into him, still clinging to the feeling.

He pulls out and I do whimper this time, because I’m so close and I need to come. He spins me around, pushing my hips back and pressing me against the stall again. He’s on his knees in seconds and takes my cock into his mouth, sucking reverently and flicking at the head, it doesn’t take long, and when he bites down just the little bit I release in his mouth, my hand gripping his hair as he swallows my load and strokes my hip. I’m left standing there panting, barely standing and clinging to his head.

He pulls up my trousers, doing my buckle up and then standing, pulling his own up as he does. I smile slightly, letting the exhaustion wash over me as my body comes down from the high. Ville presses against me, his hand running through my messy hair and cupping my cheek before he leans in for a lazy, unrushed kiss. I smile against it, enjoying the lethargic pace as opposed the usual rush to our kisses. I can taste myself on him, something that I never really got used to but never really minded, it always takes my mind back to the feeling of his mouth on me and I moan against him. He laughs again, pulling away a little and smiling at me.

“Not just yet, sweetheart.” He says, licking his lips and kissing me softly once more. “Let’s make an appearance before sneaking to the room.” I smile back a him, a smirk coming to his face as we start to head out of the bathroom. I giggle a little, and he shakes his head, sitting next to Mige and taking a sip of his beer.

“What happened? You get lost?” Gas asks, nudging Linde and laughing. Ville looks at me with a smile and a dance in his unnaturally green eyes.

“Something like that.”

How the hell they don’t figure it out I’ll never know. But hey, I’m not gonna tell them. That’d take some fun out of it, and Ville and I are all about the fun.



This is my first attempt at this pairing and I would love to know how you all think I did.

It was actually pretty hard to write, but I managed it.

*sigh* Well, feedback is love.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, rating: nc-17, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: ville valo, pairing: bam/ville, fandom: him, author: torncorpse

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