turning point [part ix - x]

Aug 14, 2008 18:15

X-Men Evolution: Turning Point

Part IX

It took Hank three hours to leave John resting in one of the medical bay beds. An hour or so after they’d arrived back everyone from the school got home, unaware of the disturbance of the morning in the mansion. Hank had ordered Remy to go upstairs while he treated Zaire and John, Ororo going downstairs to assist and calm the girl should she wake up agitated. Remy had practically collapsed on the sofa, waiting for news about his friends.

“What the hell happened to you?” Scott’s voice was the first thing he heard when the X-Men arrived at the mansion, one eyebrow raised over his quartz glasses as he stared at Remy. It took a moment or two to realise what he was talking about, but when Rogue carefully lifted one of his hands he noticed the blood that stained his gloves and the sleeves of his jacket.

“John called Zaire. He was…Sabertooth attacked him.” Kitty pushed Scott out of the way as she moved to kneel in front of the Cajun.

“Is he alright? What happened?” Remy didn’t know if he had the energy to explain things to the group, coupled with his worry over John and concern for Zaire, he didn’t really think a breakdown in the middle of explaining things would do him any good. Luckily he didn’t need to worry, as Xavier entered the room at that specific moment.

“Zaire went to help John, without informing anyone but leaving a note for Gambit.” The tone of his voice told Remy that Xavier didn’t approve of Zaire’s method. Remy didn’t approve of Zaire’s method either, what the hell was the girl thinking? Running into a situation like that? But what was done was done and now they had to piece things back together again. “When Wolverine, Storm and Gambit found them Sabertooth had caused John and Zaire some serious injuries, Dr McCoy is treating them both now.”

“Where’s Logan?” Jean asked, standing beside Scott with one hand resting on his elbow.

“He stayed behind to allow Storm time to get Zaire and John out with Gambit’s help.” Xavier heaved a sigh before looking to his students with a slightly forlorn expression. “He has yet to return to the mansion or contact me.” The grave look on Xavier’s face told Remy that this was not a usual occurrence. They were worried for the Wolverine, and possibly with justified reasons.

“Excuse me,” Ororo stood by the entrance to the medical labs, still in her X-Men uniform. “Zaire is awake and asking for Remy and Rogue.” The two stood up instantly and headed towards the weather witch. With a small smile and a nod she let them pass her. Rogue took Remy’s hand as they walked down the narrow corridor, approaching the newly redecorated labs. They’d put in much higher security and Logan had seen to getting sturdier doors for the area, including a secure lockdown room.

Zaire was lying in the bed Remy had left her in, white bandages around her shoulder and discarded gauze strips on a metal tray table beside the bed. She hardly fit her hospital gown, the shoulder slipping off, and her dark hair made her skin look so very pale against the white sheets.

“Zaire, how ya doin’ sugah?” Rogue asked as she approached the bed, taking a moment to glance over at the sleeping Pyro across from Zaire.

“I’m fine.” She sounded drowsy, possibly still tired or merely in pain. “Hank says it’s not too bad. Took a good lot of stitchin’ though. Ro’s already given me the lecture, and I’ll bet I get one from the Prof, probably Logan too. So…can we not mention how stupid I was?” Zaire asked, looking down at her hands on the bed.

“Everyone’s just glad you’re alright, petite.” Remy told her, taking his place beside Rogue by Zaire’s bedside. “It ain’t bad y’ wanted to help. Jus’ shoulda told someone is all.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” Zaire gave a soft smile and both Rogue and Remy returned it, Rogue sitting in the seat provided while Zaire pulled her legs up to sit cross-legged and give Remy space to sit on the end of the bed. “I figured you two wouldn’t mind keeping me company. I mean…I wanna wait and see how John is.” Remy looked over at his friend, the usually highly animated fire starter lying motionless with bandages covering his head and hands and probably much more of his body.

“Sure, we’ll wait with ya. Remy’s got a deck of cards; we can play some games while we wait.”

- - -

John felt consciousness creep up on him, the beep…beep…beep echoing in his head. //What the hell?// He struggled to open his eyes and for the briefest moment he caught a glimpse of white and grey, before the effort became too much and he let his eyes slip closed again. //Did ‘Tooth kill me?//

//Do not worry, John//

//God?// The voice drowned out the echoing beep and John felt himself panic. //What about Zaire? Is she okay? Did he kill her too? Oh God, don’t tell me I got another person killed?//

//John I need you to calm down. No one has died.//

//Then how come I can’t feel nothin’? How come we’re talkin’? Isn’t that how this stuff works? You can only talk to God when you’re dead, right?// But if this was heaven, it was pretty lame. And he was still tired, damnit, why couldn’t he open his eyes?

//John, everything is fine. You need to calm down.// John couldn’t figure how God could say that, he’d gotten Zaire killed, he knew it. He should’ve had the brains to know what to do; his own stupidity was the one thing that always caused trouble. His dead-beat dad was right about that. //Zaire is not dead. And nor are you.// God almost sounded sure of it. And he was British? //Storm and Gambit got you both out. Wolverine fought off Sabertooth.// John fought off his own drowsiness, trying to remember just what had happened but everything was far too fuzzy.

//It was just too much. Too much pain and the confusion. We didn’t know what way to go, I couldn’t think. We couldn’t get away from him.// He could hear Sabertooth’s growling, knew that he was getting closer, that they were losing the ground they’d first had. He wanted to shut it all out but couldn’t. //I didn’t mean it to happen. I didn’t want anything to happen to anyone, to Zaire. I just…I’m sorry, I didn’t…I’m sorry.//

//John, I want you to open your eyes. Now John, open your eyes.// John tried it again. Struggling past the tiredness and the haze of confusion.

“John?” The voice reached his ears, instead of echoing around in his head like God’s voice. “John, can you open your eyes, please?” The grogginess slowly lifted and the white and grey of the room filtered in past his eyes, a little bright at first but his eyes slowly adapted. As the blurriness cleared and the light dimmed he managed to make out the form standing over him. “John?”

“Zaire?” She was paler than she should’ve been, but unless Heaven was a hospital she wasn’t dead. “Wha’ ‘appened?”

“We got away from Sabertooth. Remy helped.” Zaire answered with a small smile and John figured he could accept that as his eyes started to droop closed again. “John? Professor?”

“He’s just tired, Zaire. He’ll wake again when he’s ready.” God was talking to Zaire this time; maybe he could get some sleep for a while. Since they weren’t dead or anything.

- - -

John woke up again the next morning, managing a round of questions from Hank and a small conversation with Xavier. He was asleep shortly after that, leaving Remy, Rogue and Zaire to wonder when he’d stop sleeping. The trio had taken to waiting around the medical lab, either helping Hank with the occasional experiment or organising things for him, or playing card games on the bed next to John.

When Hank managed to chase them out of his lab they would sit in Remy’s room, talking mostly but sometimes sitting in silence and wondering. Logan still hadn’t returned and worry was building for the gruff Canadian. Matching claws with Sabertooth was one thing, but with a metal skeleton Wolverine would be far too easy for Magneto to subdue.

Rogue would go to school; Remy and Zaire would busy themselves around the mansion and then go down to visit Hank and John for lunch before heading back upstairs. Remy had started having ‘sessions’ with Professor Xavier in a bid to address the young man’s psychological scars while Zaire had taken to talking to Ororo in the sun attic about her powers. Ororo’s control over the weather was fairly similar to Zaire’s over the elements. They had managed to find a common theme of relaxation, letting Zaire feel the power inside her and allowing her to focus enough to have some control over the external powers around her. The first time they tried it most of Ororo’s plants were left without soil in their pots, but it was soothing enough to replant the different flowers with the weather witch that Zaire didn’t mind and Ororo was glad for the assistance. Remy had also placed a call to Piotr, telling the Russian what had happened and advising him not to go back to the mansion. They got word the following day that Illyana was released from hospital and that her brother had taken her home. It was one less thing to worry about.

It took three more days before Zaire, Rogue and Remy got to talk to John. He’d been waking up more and more, but falling back asleep fairly quickly. Hank had told them his condition was stabilising every day; it was just a matter of time before he was able to last the day without short naps. They’d got John sitting up in the bed, Remy sitting on one side, Zaire and Rogue on the other. In the time it took for John to recover Remy had taken to talking about John. Both girls had noticed that Remy had placed a lot of trust in the young male and agreed to at least try to be civil, hoping that John’s automatic arrogance and insufferable attitude was merely some kind of defence mechanism.

“Y’ getting’ moved int’ the mansion tomorrow, mon ami.” Remy told John, noticing the way he seemed comforted by the thought. “Y’ gotta share with me, but I’m told y’ gonna be fine.”

“Thank God.” John breathed. “This white and grey was startin’ to get to me.” He raised his hand to scratch at his head and Zaire swatted it down, raising an eyebrow in warning. One thing the Australian was guilty of was busting his stitches regularly. “Sorry.” He said with a sheepish smile.

“No worries, gives me a reason to hit you.” Zaire replied with a smile. They had fallen into an easy banter, much like Zaire and Remy first had, the verbal sparring seeming to diffuse any tension. Following John’s immediate apology for getting her injured they’d managed to find a balance between catty exchanges and sarcastic teasing. Rogue was the one who usually just sighed and rolled her eyes at most of the things John said.

“The Professor wants to know what you’re gonna do. Since you and Remy ain’t in school or anything, yer both a year older than Jean and Scott, so you’ve got college or work.” Zaire said with a smile.

“I’ve never done a honest days work in my life, I do not intend to start now.” John said, crossing his arms over his chest and lifting his head in a defiant manner. “What’s this college thing?” He asked after a moment, getting a smirk from Remy and another sigh from Rogue.

- - -

“I think I’m going to miss my double bed.” Remy said with a sigh, standing to the side as Jean floated a second single bed into the room. They had all pitched in to help move the furniture around. Two single beds from one of the empty upstairs dorm rooms being moved down into Remy and John’s room. They’d gone out shopping the day before, finding bedding and the odd nick-nack for the boys. Since John was still somewhat invalided they’d gone later in the afternoon to avoid the hustle and bustle, and most of the X-Men had come along too.

“Where do you want this?” Zaire asked, carrying the gaming console into the room with her usual bounce. The four had clubbed together, deciding that since John already missed his video games they’d buy a console together and just split the games among them.

“Put it on the desk, petite. John can wire it up later.”

“Yeah, like that’ll happen. He’ll complain until you do it.” Zaire said, pulling it out of its packaging and setting it up without another word. Rogue just scoffed before going back to putting the newly bought clothes into the dresser. “Where is John anyway?”

“Down with Hank.” Rogue stated, “Professor Xavier said something about the stitches.”

“He’s probably just getting the ones from his side removed. They’re due out about now anyway.” Zaire commented. The three ended up finishing the room, Zaire going as far as to hang up John’s posters, disregarding Rogue telling her to leave them for the pyromaniac. “Should we have this many flammable items in the one room?”

“He can find anything to set on fire, wouldn’t matter much if the room was flame-retardant much. Jus’ give him the challenge.”

“You guys are too close to the kitchen, so no burning the place down, we’ll have no food.” Zaire plopped herself down on the floor at the end of John’s bed. Remy and Rogue sitting on the bed with Rogue leaning against Remy’s chest. “Okay, so, since you guys got a TV in your room we have a choice. Annoy everyone with our ‘super awesome zombie-fest’ night, or have it in here. What’s it gonna be?”

“Ah think we’d be best to just have it here, y’all know how Kitty gets with zombie flicks. Ah share a room with her, you don’t.” Rogue commented. The last time they’d watched a zombie movie Kitty hadn’t slept at all that night, curling up in her bed and regularly phasing through to the ground floor.

“Great. I’ll go get John. We’ll grab the snacks on the way back.” Zaire said, jumping up from her place on the floor and heading towards the door.

“Ah think she’s been eating those smarties again.” Rogue commented as she left. Zaire giggled slightly, moving through the main hall towards the medical lab. She was slightly more comfortable going back into the labs. The newly upgraded system helping to ease her discomfort, and Hank had shown his appreciation of her continued visits following John’s recovery. She actually felt like she was back on track with what she wanted to do.

Just as she passed the window she noticed something outside. Logan’s jeep sitting in the drive way. Zaire grinned and ran to the door, pulling it open and expecting to see Logan walking towards the mansion. The courtyard was empty though, Logan’s jeep sitting there on its own, no owner in sight. Zaire felt her spirit depress slightly. Ororo or Hank must’ve gone back at some point to pick it up when Logan hadn’t come back.

“Hey kid.” Zaire whirled round on the spot, Logan standing behind her by the stairs. “What’s up?”

“You’re back!” Zaire ran over to the stairs, throwing herself at Logan and trusting him to catch her. He did, as her arms went around his neck in a hug his arms steadied her around her waist while she nearly crushed the life out of him. “We were so worried!”

The commotion from the hall brought Remy and Rogue out of the room and caught the attention of the X-Men littered around the house. Rogue hugged Logan when Zaire finally pulled back; hugging the older mans waist and resting her head on his chest for a moment or two. Logan seemed rather taken back by all the attention, but didn’t pull away, not even when Kitty jumped on his back from behind. “Logan!”

Eventually everyone was told to back off, Logan’s gruffer nature pushing them back, but his affectionate pat to Kitty’s head told them that he appreciated their concern all the same. Ororo descended the stairs with graceful elegance as always before placing the smallest of kisses to Logan’s cheek in a welcome home.

“You missed the shopping trip yesterday.” She said in gentle teasing, her own brand of ‘I missed you’. Logan just gave a gruff laugh and shook his head. “Why were you gone so long my friend?”

“Shook Sabertooth off in the woods out the back of the base, sniffed around a little while for Magneto, but he never showed up.” Logan answered, leaning against the banister of the stairs. “How’s the pyro?”

“He’s okay. Getting better.” Zaire answered with a nod and smile. “I’m gonna go get him and tell Hank that you’re back.” Zaire hugged him again before running to the medical bay; Logan just watched her go with a raised eyebrow.

- - -

As John started to fit into the mansion life things seemed to quiet down slightly. Remy’s sessions with the Professor managed to bring the Cajun slightly out of his shell a little more, his decision to talk to Hank about the nightmares he suffered pleasing Charles greatly. Talking with John was slightly more difficult. The boy had never had a proper male influence in his life; Charles had already managed to piece together the fragmented family life, his verbally abusive step-father and the birth father he never knew. The only people in John’s life who ever had any kind of positive influence on him were his over worked mother and the aunt who brought him to America.

“Have you ever considered returning to Australia?” Charles asked one afternoon, watching John as he sat on his usual perch by the window. They’d never discussed John leaving, but John had never shown any inclination that he wanted to stay. He hadn’t looked at any of the college booklets Zaire had given him or talked about finding anything to do while in the country. Charles didn’t think it wise to let the boy leave, at least not until they’d dealt with the issues at hand, but he wouldn’t force anyone to stay without their express inclination to do just that.

“Wouldn’t be much point. Nothing there anymore.” John answered. He’d always become quiet and withdrawn during these meetings, twice a week Charles would try to broach the subject that came up during their ‘talk’ while John’s thoughts were disordered when he first woke up.

“Surely your mother would want to know you’re doing well.” Charles asked, thinking that perhaps he’d managed to find the sore spot regarding John’s home country.

“Y’know my name’s St John?” The boy said, Charles didn’t reply, waiting for John to reach where he wanted to take the revelation. “She called me that because she said I was her angel. Never knew what she was talking about.” He mumbled, looking down at his shoes and picking at the laces slightly. John seemed to fidget incessantly when without his lighter. “My powers manifested when I was eight. She was cooking and I was watching her and…and the gas stove just went wild. All I could do was watch it, watch the fire crawl up the wall and then…everything just spread.” Charles sighed heavily when he finally realised the meaning behind John’s words.

“Did she survive?”

“No.” John looked out the window again. “The whole house went down, I was barely even touched by the fire, it sort of…danced around me. I didn’t know at the time but…it was like I was playing with it.” John looked over at Charles for the first time since they’d started talking that day. “I stole my step-dad’s lighter; I wanted to figure out why what happened had happened. I kept it and every time he shouted at me I’d just hold it in my hand and it would calm me. It was like…it was like she was there.” He turned back to the window, watching the gardens. “I don’t want to go back there. If you want me to leave I’ll find my Aunt Claire and stay with her for a while, but she doesn’t need me hanging around.”

“John, we do not want you to leave.” Charles told him, sure that with this out in the open they’d be able to move forward, to help John build on his powers. “I know that you’re friends would like you to stay. Remy and Zaire and Rogue.” The four of them had formed a sort of close knit group. It wasn’t like they were excluding the others, but they seemed closer to each other, shared experiences and the understanding helping them grow together. Evan had even taken a liking to John; the pair played basketball against Scott and Kurt regularly, developing a team bond that would’ve taken a while to build on otherwise. They worked well together.

“You think?” John asked sparking Charles’ understanding that maybe the boy was just looking for somewhere to be accepted.

“I do.” John nodded once or twice before smiling slightly. “However I do believe you should visit your aunt. It is my understanding that you have a new cousin?”

“Yeah. That makes four.” John said. “She comes up with wacky names too, poor kids, they’ll probably change them when they start to talk.” With the topic changed to something slightly more welcome they continued to talk and Charles became to build himself into the positive influence in John’s life that the young man dearly needed.

- - -

“What’cha up to Z?” John asked as he entered the kitchen. It would be another hour before everyone returned from school, another three weeks left before the summer vacation started. There were already a lot of plans to head back to their families for a few weeks, Jean and Kitty already having plans made to head home the second week of summer and stay with their parents for three weeks before coming back to the mansion for the last three. Kurt and Scott had already stated they were staying home; Evan and Ororo were going to Africa for three weeks to spend time with family.

“College applications.” Zaire answered, her papers strewn around the table, three pens and a pad of paper sitting in front of her. “Hank says that I’ll be able to get into a community college to do my first year of training and then I’ll have a better chance of getting into University. If I do the community college this year I can start the University at the same time everyone else my age would. It makes more sense to do this properly rather than just having Hank train me on his own.” Zaire told him. She’d been talking about starting her academic doctor studies for that last few days, Hank’s encouragement giving her the little nudge to start looking into it properly. She’d started filling out the applications it seemed.

“Where are you applying?”

“There are two pretty good colleges in the city and one out of state, but that’s a last option, I don’t think I’d like the travelling so much, it’d wear me out.” John laughed at the thought that anything would wear this girl out. “Hey, Remy said you guys got an email from Piotr.”

“Yeah, he’s invited us over to see how things are going. Mega-man likes building; he’s been helping rebuild villages around his town.” John answered, hearing from the tin-can had been nice, the invitation had been a welcome surprise too. “So what courses do these places offer?”

Zaire smiled at him, handing over two of the booklets with the college courses in them. John just started flicking through the pages, trying to ignore her watching him with that smile on her face. Eventually it got too much, he wasn’t so much reading the book as much as staring at the pages and Zaire’s scrutiny was getting on his nerves.

“Okay, what?” He put the book down, raising an eyebrow in question at her giddiness.

“I knew you’d stay.” She gloated, a smirk gracing her features as she turned to her own application. He noticed that there was a pile of them and Zaire had already filled out his name and address on four of them.

“You did not.” He told her, picking up a pen and pulling one of the applications to him. “I could be a fire-fighter.” John said, reading over the book again.

“You’d be such a successful one too.” They fell back into the easy banter with a smile and John just snorted as he started filling out his sheet.

- - -

Part X

Three months later and things had settled into as normal a life as anyone thought they’d get in a house full of mutants. Summer had come and gone, Evan and Ororo brought everyone back a strange African statue from their vacation, something no one but Hank and Logan really seemed to understand. Remy, Rogue, Zaire and John had taken a road trip to Pennsylvania where John introduced them to his Aunt Claire and his cousins. She’d been happy to meet them all and John had got to meet his newest cousin Cherry-Blossom, much to his own chagrin. His eldest cousin, Daisy-Dandelion, or DD, had asked him all about his girlfriend, which got both Zaire and John blushing furiously while Rogue and Remy found it cute. Aunt Claire had made John promise to visit more, extending the invitation to his three friends and a not so subtle hint that she approved of his ‘girlfriend’.

By the time school restarted everything was moderately peaceful again. John and Remy had both accepted a place on the team, training alongside the X-Men and having one on one sessions with Wolverine - who seemed to have warmed up to both males. John’s training had started off shakily, the first time Logan and he were to use their powers in a sparing match had resulted in Logan stalking from the danger room with singed arms and uniform while John remained in the danger room - stock still and stunned - for a while longer. John didn’t like sudden noises or cats in any way. Logan’s growling set his teeth on edge and if anyone mentioned watching any movie with large cats or wolves John left the room. He wouldn’t even sit through Catwoman - although he argued that it was the bad acting and plot that did that and not his dislike for cats.

Remy and Rogue ended up making a very formidable team. Any sort of breaking and entering mission was usually done with quick time and a grace that Rogue couldn’t have admitted having before. Gambit’s agile nature seemed to rub off on Rogue and her training with Wolverine helped push her that little bit further with her abilities.

When the school year restarted most students were shocked that Remy, John and Zaire were all attending community college. The three were attending Westchester Community College while Jean and Scott both attended Pace University, slightly out of the way from the trio. Remy was doing a business course while John had opted for a more flexible computer technical course, still unsure on if it would suit or not. Zaire was happy with her pre-entry level medical course, looking to go further into New York when it came to her University applications the following year.

“Hey, long weekend coming up. What’re we doing?” Zaire asked, climbing into Logan’s jeep that Zaire had talked Logan out of for the time being so Remy could drive them to college. “We should swing by school, pick up Rogue, head to the mall and discuss it.” Zaire decided, turning to face John who sprawled in the back of the jeep with his eyes closed.

“Y’ know we gotta be allowed to do anyt’ing chere, right?” Remy offered, slowly pulling away from the college and avoiding the pedestrians as they passed.

“Scott and Jean are doing a mini vai-K at Long Island, we should be allowed to do something. Responsible adults and what not.” Zaire answered, grinning broadly. Although college had brought the girl further out of her shell, if that was possible, it had also refined her somewhat. Instead of constantly changing hair colour she’d settled on a dirty brown shade of hazel with a somewhat pixie style cut, choosing to express herself far more artistically instead of drawing attention away from a mutation that no one really knew about. It had settled her in her own skin, only the occasional streak of some colour working into her hair in times of stress.

“Nah, Remy’s the responsible adult, you and I are still the delinquents we always were.” John answered with a chuckle, leaning forward and looping an arm around Zaire’s seat.

“John, put y’ seatbelt on.” John laughed again before doing as Remy asked, understanding that if he didn’t the Cajun would just do something stupid to make him want to belt up. Gambit still seemed to have a reckless edge, which the Wolverine mostly brought out in him. Since Remy’s cherished motorbike had been repaired the Cajun and Canadian would regularly race up and down the private roads around the mansion. There were the odd occasions when Remy would beat Logan, there were also the odd occasions when one of them would tumble from the bike resulting in some pretty interesting bruising and grazes.

“See, responsible.” John commented, sitting back and relaxing while Zaire twisted slightly more to face him.

“We still gotta do something. Betcha Rogue agrees with me.”

- - -

“They’ve got a music festival in the Park during the weekend. Maybe we could go there?” They picked Rogue up outside Bayville High, the goth teen waving to Kitty who hitched a ride with Kurt and Bobby when Ororo picked them up. “The Professor probably wouldn’t mind.”

“Yeah, I know this pretty good hostel we could stay in too. It’s not as shabby as the other ones.” Zaire’s enthusiasm perked at Rogue’s apparent agreement. “Long weekend in the city could be just what we need.”

“Long weekend in the city might be what lands us on in jail.” John shot back, one arm over the back of Zaire’s seat again. When they pulled over for Rogue the elementalist had jumped into the back, allowing Rogue to take the seat next to Remy. It was still pretty cute to see Rogue kiss her gloved fingers and press them to Remy’s lips, which he in turn would kiss back quickly. Zaire and Kitty had spent a night or two speculating how else the pair would find ways around the ‘no touching’ ability.

“We’ll only land in jail if we don’t keep you entertained.” Zaire said, leaning into John’s arm absentmindedly with a smile. Remy just raised an eyebrow as he watched in the rear-view mirror.

“How about y’ argue about it at the mall?” Remy offered, ignoring the squabbling in the backseat while he drove sedately. Despite Remy and John both having their drivers licence, John obtaining his shortly after agreeing to stay at the mansion with Logan’s assistance, Remy was the only one with ‘driving of Logan’s jeep’ permission. They’d all seen John drive on the odd mission when it was needed. Twice he’d drove into walls in his distraction attempts. There had been an issue with the Weapon X people; Wolverine’s past itching its way into their everyday lives again. Wolverine had gone missing and it hadn’t felt right.

The X-Men had gone in and wound up trapped, much to their crazy scientist’s pleasure. With only Spyke and Pyro on the outside they’d taken drastic measures to break in, disregarding the previously taken route. Pyro had drove one of the abandoned cars on the laboratory compound around the base, avoiding or destroying the security outposts before ramming into the wall and breaking down two doors and a window in his second attempt at it. From then on in, despite the need for his reckless driving that once, John was banned from driving a vehicle without adult supervision. And was promptly told that Remy did not constitute as an adult in that manner.

“Ah want a slushie.” Rogue decided as they strolled into the mall, Remy walking with his arm slung over Rogue’s shoulder. The pair started towards the food court when the hairs on the back of Remy’s neck started to tingle. He was used to the discomfort, mostly because of the odd occasion when they were testing Rogue’s control and allowed skin-to-skin contact. But this was a completely different tingle.

“John,” Remy made a point of keeping his voice low, turning towards his pyrokinetic friend. He was slightly comforted by the fact that John already had his fingers around his lighter, the unease apparently not just his own. “Look out?” John just nodded, his face serious for this time, something that rarely happened.

“What?” Zaire turned to both of the males, noticing the change in their demeanour. “You two are just paranoid, ya know that?” Zaire told them, smile on her face. “Did I tell you about the time Remy almost blew up a guys locker because he was getting pushy with me?” Zaire asked Rogue, ostensibly nonchalant towards Remy or John’s unease. Rogue started to laugh, but was cut off when they heard a low rumbling growl, one that every single one of them recognised instantly and the girls sobered promptly.

“Come on.” John grabbed Zaire’s hand and pulled her towards a clothing store while Remy pulled Rogue in a different direction, both males sharing one nod before they disappeared from each other’s view. “You got your cell?”

“Yeah, dialling Logan right now.” Zaire answered, hitting the speed dial that went straight to Logan’s mansion extension. She waiting impatiently for the answer, tapping her foot while John looked out for Sabertooth, getting a few glances from confused shop workers. Should they do something to alert people to a problem? “Logan!”

“What’s up kid? Half-Pint said you guys were headed to the mall.” Zaire was fairly glad that Kitty was unable to keep anything to herself.

“We were. Are. We’re there right now, but so is Sabertooth.”

“What? Are you sure?” Even as he asked it Zaire was sure he was already storming towards the hanger to depart and come down there.

“Yeah, Remy and Rogue headed in one direction, John and I in the other, spreading our scent like you taught us. But we’re sure he’s here. What do we do?” Zaire was at least grateful to have Logan be able to tell her what to do this time around. They weren’t alone in this; someone would come, and come quick if she knew Logan. Wolverine’s instincts would have been kicked into triple gear by now.

“Stay outta sight, if he gets close, move. Do something to get people out of the mall. The less people around the better.” Zaire heard Logan move from room to room, probably going to alert the others.

“Okay, we’ll find you when you get here. Hell, you’ll probably find us.” Zaire said, noticing John’s wide eyes. “Gotta go, get here soon.” She hung up on Logan, figuring the worst that could happen would be him coming faster. “We need a distraction, something to get the people out.” Zaire whispered. At that moment the fire alarms went off, blaring around the mall and sending people streaming out of the building. “Fairly good distraction.” Zaire offered, Remy must’ve had the same idea. Or Rogue had called the mansion too.

“We’d best move.” John said, taking Zaire’s hand again and moving in the opposite direction of everyone else, going out the back of the shop. “Come on, we’ll be able to spread out a little more if we go through the shops.” They ducked in and out of the shops, ignoring the blaring siren and trying to stay alert enough to listen out for Sabertooth. Zaire caught sight of the large animal across the courtyard, a slight squeak escaping her throat. Her shoulder suddenly itched like crazy and she was frozen to the spot. John pulled at her arm, pulling her to the back of the store and out of view, both of them hid in what looked like a changing room.

John kept Zaire pressed to the wall, facing her and standing just to the side, watching around the corner just in case Sabertooth picked up on their scents or heard Zaire. The girl tangled her fingers around John’s and it was the first time he noticed she was shaking. John knew there were times when Sabertooth still haunted Zaire, he still carried the emotional baggage that day had brought, never mind the scars. They’d never really let it go, because it seemed to be the one thing that really drew them together. They’d survived Sabertooth, so it seemed like they’d just carry it around together and that would be fine. Neither of them had really buried it.

John drew her closer, choosing not to comment when she hid her face in his neck and he felt her tears against his skin. She wouldn’t be in this alone; he wasn’t going to let what happened last time happen again. He fingered his lighter, keeping it ready and accessible just in case. Forget the defensive tactics they’d been learning, if this turned back he would go full offensive. See just how much heat ole’ Tooth and claws could take.

- - -

After Rogue pulled the fire alarm she and Remy made their way to the upper level of the mall, deciding that a birds eye view would be the best tactical move and give them somewhat of an upper hand. Rogue had called Jean when she’d found Logan’s number busy, hoping it was because Zaire had called him first, but telling Jean the situation anyway. Remy and Rogue watched as John and Zaire darted in and out of shops, their forms fairly easy to pick out as the number of people in the mall dwindled. They had to avoid three security guards as they checked the area for stragglers, making sure to stay out of sight until the coast was clear.

“He’s down there, look.” Rogue said, pointing to where she could see Sabertooth’s shadow moving. “You think he’s picked up on Zaire and John?”

“Non, he’s just stalking, he ain’t found them. He’d have pounced by now.” Remy told her as they made their way higher, passing the empty shops and the security office. “De scents, they’ll be mixed up wit’ everyone else, take a little while for him to figure them apart.”

“Until then we just what? Run?”

“We ain’t even close to prepared to fight wit’ Creed. Y’ ain’t dressed for it, I got two packs of cards, John got one lighter and Zaire, well, I don’t know about Zaire.” Although the girl was working with her powers it was still unclear just what they would develop into. She could generate fire without much problem now, which was probably good that she was with John for that reason. And Scott says we can’t think tactics, Remy snorted at that thought.

“Look, he’s moving past the food court,” they watched as Sabertooth circled around somewhat, moving to the end of the mall before coming back the way he came, lingering near the shops. “He’s caught them, he’s following their scent.” Rogue gripped Remy’s arm as she hissed lowly, watching as Sabertooth got closer and closer to the clothing department Zaire and John were stuck in. “They don’t have anywhere else to go.”

Gambit gave it a brief moments thought before he grabbed his cards and charged three, throwing them towards the window Sabertooth was approaching. Both he and Rogue avoided detection, ducking down out sight and slinking further along the upper level. Sabertooth’s growling was getting louder, Gambit realising he was getting closer to them. He was about to just grab Rogue and run for it when a fireball zoomed overhead, barely missing them and setting fire to the side wall before fizzling out with a hiss. Sabertooth leapt out of the way at the last moment, but it was evident that his anger had got the better of him as he pounced back towards the lower level, less than a hundred yards away from Gambit and Rogue.

“Back that way, chere, we play a little bit of cat and mouse.” Gambit directed Rogue further along the level, using tables, benches and anything they could for cover. Watching as Sabertooth destroyed the walkway of the lower part of the mall, Gambit timed his throw just before Sabertooth entered the shop Pyro and Zaire were in. The blast caught the large feral off guard, blowing up two trash cans that lay on the ground. With a huge roar Sabertooth batted the items out of his way, looking around the mall furiously for his targets. Rogue watched the whole thing with trickling trepidation, could they keep this up until the rest of the team arrived? The fact that she didn’t have any active powers or that Zaire was comfortable using hers in a battle situation left only Gambit and Pyro to match wits with Sabertooth. “Merde.”

Instead of trying to locate Gambit and Rogue again, Sabertooth just went into the shop, swinging his arms at the racks in the way in a bid to find Pyro and Zaire. Gambit and Rogue didn’t waste time waiting, both dashing towards the stairs and quickly moving towards their friends hiding place. When the entire shop was engulfed in flames they were forced back, the racks of clothes going up faster than expected and the fire busting through the glass.

“They’ll never get out.” Rogue breathed, watching the orange flames lick at the walls and slowly climb.

“They both got control of fire, they be okay.” Gambit said, although the shake in his voice told Rogue that he wasn’t as sure as he wanted to be. What would you do if you were trapped in a burning building? Zaire’s stupid questionnaire came back to him then. She could use her powers to get out. John could use them. They just had to deter Sabertooth long enough.

“What the hell’s going on?” The X-Men slowed from their run to stand beside Remy and Rogue, a fair distance away from the burning shop. “Where’s Sabertooth?” Cyclops asked, hand on his visor and in full leader mode, Wolverine slightly behind him and subtly sniffing the air. Remy figured that by now all Logan could smell would be smoke.

“He’s in there, with Pyro and Zaire.” Rogue said, pulling her eyes away from the inferno to look at Scott. “They were all in there when the place went up.”

“Can we go in?”

“There’s no way to douse that now. Only Zaire or John would be able to control it enough to put it out. Or…Storm?” Jean turned towards the elder female, hope in hers.

“I can try.” Storm was about to try when they heard more smashing, everyone’s attention being drawn to the side window as one of the metal clothes stands was used to knock out the window. The X-Men braced for combat but gave a sigh of relief when John jumped through the window before turning to help Zaire through the shattered glass. There were slight burns on their clothes, and soot stained John’s hands and Zaire’s face, but neither seemed harmed either from the fire or Sabertooth. The pair made their way over to the group when the spotted them, coughing slightly and staggering just a little.

“Are you both okay?” Scott asked while Wolverine helped to steady Zaire as another wave of coughing took over her body as she attempted to answer.

“Some water would be nice mate.” John told them, Kitty ran off in the direction of the food court, coming back with a single bottle of water. John twisted the cap off and handed it to Zaire first, a hand on her back in a comforting gesture. “Creed still in there?”

“We think so, he hasn’t come out.”

“He was in there when we started the fire.” Zaire rasped, handing the water over to John with a nod of thanks. “I never knew nylon was so flammable.” There was a small smirk on her face, but she was ashen and soot covered and looked like a gust of wind would blow her off her feet.

“Can you douse the flames?” Wolverine asked John, one eyebrow raised as he kept a hand on Zaire’s back. “We need to make sure if he’s in there before the authorities show up over the fire alarm.”

“I can kill it a little, but there’s no where for it to go so…”

“If you can calm it, I shall do the rest.” Storm let John bring the flames down slightly, getting them somewhat under control. As they receded back into the store Storm let the wind build up, changing the concentration gradient around them and letting loose the gust of wind into the shop, the dwindling flames eventually turning into just a few small fires. Wolverine entered the shop first; Cyclops close behind while Storm remained outside with the remaining X-Men to secure the area in case Sabertooth escaped. Shadowcat and Nightcrawler stayed close to John and Zaire, the young girl still having some trouble breathing, while Spyke and Jean flanked Remy and Rogue. It took ten minutes for Wolverine and Cyclops to leave the store, both looking perplexed.

“Are you both sure that Sabertooth was in there?” Cyclops asked, getting a glare from John. The fire starter had yet to fully accept someone who was only four months older than him as any kind of leader. Wolverine and Storm were different, Storm was calm and collected and maybe logical decisions. Wolverine was their sparring partner, he trained them regularly and John had a quiet but deep respect for the older male. Wolverine was rather similar to Sabertooth, but he controlled his urges and instincts in ways that Sabertooth would never even consider doing.

“Yeah, we are. He was as far away from us as you were and he spoke to us, okay.” John said, his temper flaring at the antagonistic questioning. Zaire took a step towards John, her hand brushing the back of his wrist and enough to stop him from going off at Cyclops in the middle of the mall, deserted or not.

“He was definitely there; he threatened us when he entered the shop, starting talking and getting closer to the changing area where we were. John lit his lighter and both of us just pushed at the fire, the place went up quicker than the fuses on a fourth of July display.” Zaire told them, keeping herself calm since John wouldn’t and not shouting for the simple fact that she couldn’t.

“We best get out of here before someone shows up.” Wolverine said, the sirens from the emergency services getting louder to signify their impending arrival. “You four back to the jeep, but I’m driving. Storm?” The dark skinned female just nodded once, understanding that they weren’t taking any chances that Sabertooth wouldn’t follow them back to the mansion for another attempt. Since the fire was only lightly burning now, the X-Men left the mall hurriedly to allow the fire department to treat the threat. Wolverine took the front seat of the jeep, Rogue signalling to Gambit to sit in the back with Zaire and Pyro. Zaire was still shaking, only coughing lightly but trembling like a leaf. She drew her legs up to her chest before leaning to the side and burrowing her head in the crook of John’s neck. The pyrokinetic just wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her close the entire trip home.

- - -

Later that day, after numerous showers, Zaire headed down to the room John and Remy shared, stopping by the kitchen for the popcorn she was supposed to supply for their weekly movie night. The other three were already waiting, having cleaned the soot off once and been done with it while Zaire had decided to scrub until she felt clean again. Interactions with any enemy usually left Zaire out of kilter for a while. She wasn’t the battling sort; she seemed to avoid confrontation as much as possible - unless it was with John.

“Hey, you made it. We were starting to worry that we’d need to get our own popcorn.” Rogue broke any tension swiftly, something she seemed rather good at, much to Zaire’s surprise. Since Remy and Rogue had become an official couple Rogue had been far more active. She didn’t shy away from team outings or even just outings in general and she seemed to be a little more full of life. Their friendship may have started out with Remy as the common bond, but now Zaire and Rogue had built their relationship on their own common merits.

“Pull up a seat, petite, John picked the movie.” Zaire chuckled; John had an affinity for old war movies, much to their surprise. Zaire handed Rogue one bucket of popcorn while she sat next to John on his bed with the other bucket.

“What’cha pick tonight Flame-boy?” John grinned widely as he showed Zaire the DVD case. “Full Metal Jacket?” John just grinned more, if it were possible.

“We need livening up. I’m not going into this weekend with a frown because of an over sized kitten.” John said deliberately. “Aunt Claire invited us out to spend the weekend; I figure we can have some fun. PA is far enough away that we’ll have a laugh, don’t you think?” Zaire figured that even with Aunt Claire, Uncle Paul and the four brats, they’d be able to have enough fun that things wouldn’t matter too much.

“Absolutely.” She curled her feet up around her, dug into the popcorn and didn’t mind one bit when John’s arm rested around her back as they both sort of leaned into each other while watching the movie.

- - -

- = END = -

pairing: gambit/rogue, pairing: john/oc, character: remy lebeau, warning: oc, rating: r, genre: het, character: john allerdyce, character: rogue, warning: abuse, series: turning point, fandom: x-men evo, author: torncorpse

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