interluding moments [riku, demyx] pg

Aug 12, 2008 20:49

Title: Interluding Moments
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Characters/Pairing: Riku, Demyx
Word Count: 495
Warnings: None really. Set just after the visit to the Underworld.
Summary: A small interlude in a world of darkness.
AN: written mostly for hollow_strife, because we can be such fangirls. Thanks to her for the beta also.

He stared out over the water, the inky black sea reflecting the silver dots of stars; so far up in the blanket of darkness it was hard to see them. There was no way to tell where the water ended and the sky began, the horizon just bled into darkness, merging them together. The moon was the only light for miles, the full white globe sitting proudly in the sky, surrounded by darkness but never consumed. The mocking grin of the moon bore down on him as he waited there, waiting for something he wasn’t yet sure of but knew was coming.

“It’s getting closer.” He said, already aware of the presence behind him.

“What if it’s not what you think it is?” The voice was hesitant and unsure, something he’d come to associate with the other male feeling ill at ease. Not because of this world, but because of his required actions in the other world.

“It is. I can feel it. He’s getting stronger.”

“But if he’s getting stronger, doesn’t that mean he might get too strong?” He turned towards the one who kept him company, the only one who ventured into this darkness time and time again, just to talk to him.

“It doesn’t matter,” his smile was met with a hesitant one in return, something he always managed to get. “He’s already surpassed their power. He’s whole; his heart will never be touched like ours.”

“So, Roxas is really gone now?” The smile disappeared, replaced with a sad frown. “I saw him. He’s really good. They aren’t that similar.”

“Did you know him well?” Maybe they both had that in common, two people who were the same but not really.

“Roxas? No, not really. Axel knew him best. He’s not the same anymore either. It’s like they had something, like they really cared about each other.” He paused for a moment, lowering his hood to look the other boy in the eye. “But that’s not possible, is it? We don’t…we can’t care, can we?”

“I don’t have the answers for you, Demyx. But maybe, maybe you do.” Demyx sighed and looked out over the sea, apparently engrossed in the sight before him, despite the fact that it never changed.

“I don’t even know what I’m doing half the time.” He watched Demyx closely, something he’d formed a habit of doing on these meetings.

“Then what do you hope to achieve?”

“I want to be remembered.” Demyx said, “I don’t want to be forgotten after I fade.” His features were set with an uncharacteristic determination, something that happened few and far between, the Nobody never really showing anything other than a calm and carefree exterior with his joking and playfulness.

“I’ll remember.” Demyx turned to him, a smile spreading over his boyish face and the glint in his eye sparkling again.

“Thanks Riku.” The silver haired boy just nodded and the pair fell into a comfortable silence, just watching the darkness.


comments are nice.
con-crit is welcome.

character: riku, rating: pg, character: demyx, fandom: kingdom hearts, author: torncorpse, genre: drabbles

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