Put Me Back Together [Mac/Don/Danny]

Jan 10, 2007 22:34

Title: Put Me Back Together
Author: vampire_heart
Fandom: CSI: NY
Character/Pairings: Mac Taylor/Don Flack/Danny Messer
Word Count: 5,452
Prompts: Drama 5 Walk Away
Complex 14 Save Me.
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I in no way own anything related to CSI: NY or the actors in it. I am making no money from this.
AU Notes: From my complex table and drama table. Both found here

Summary: Danny knew that it would end; he didn’t know what it would take for them to admit they’d miss each other too much for it to stay ended.

It wasn’t a shock. It was something that he’d expected for a while, ever since it started to be honest. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. It did. Danny was just glad that they hadn’t given in to that moment of madness when Don had mentioned getting a better place together. Moving again would be too much on top of everything.

That first time, that one night those short weeks ago, Danny knew then, it wasn’t going to last. No matter what Don said, no matter how many times they said it would last, that they’d make it, Danny knew.

The concept was too difficult for them. They had responsibilities. He didn’t. Not really.

Don was a cop in a long line of cops. No way around it, there would always be the prejudice against gays in the force. It just wouldn’t be accepted. Mac, he was a former Marine, he ran the lab, he was Danny’s - and sometimes Don’s - boss. They could never be open - not without constant questions and enquires, plus the evidence would be called into question too often. Unless one of them quit or transferred, they’d never be able to say anything. Mac would not retire, not yet. Danny liked his job - he’d worked hard to get there. Don couldn’t quit. And none of them wanted to leave.

Danny, he was the only one who had nothing to lose in their being together, and had ended up losing the most.

But Mac had said enough, had laid down the issues they had pushed aside in favour of great sex. And Don had understood - seen his way out without being the bad guy. But Danny had to agree, he knew it was coming so there was no reason to prolong his waiting for it. They had agreed, promised that it wouldn’t affect work, and so far it hadn’t. But Danny just felt hollow inside because of it. It was only a matter of time before he screwed up because of it anyway.


“Have you noticed anything different with Danny?” Lindsay asked while snapping pictures at a crime scene. A homicide with suspected gang involvement called for Lindsay and Stella. Until they found another two bodies with bullets in their heads, execution style. Stella had called Mac and Danny, needing the help to get the press away called for more Detectives, half the department were covering the door while Vicaro and Flack took statements.

“How do you mean?” Stella asked, dusting for prints against the door frame and the knob.

“I don’t know, you’ve known him longer than me and I just thought he’d changed a little. Quieter, more focused,” Lindsay stopped and stood up straight, “and he’s stopped hitting on me.”

“What part’s annoying you more? The fact that you don’t know why he’s suddenly changed his attitude, or that he might be in a serious relationship that’s balancing him out?” Stella had a good natured smirk on her face and Lindsay rolled her eyes.

“Who’s in a relationship?” Mac walked in the door, Danny standing just behind him.

“Just Danny.” Stella winked at the blond, getting a shake of the head, but no one missed the sudden tension in Danny’s stance.

“Nice of you to notice.” Danny lied, looking around the scene. “Been cleaned up?” Danny asked, indicating to the dresser with large dust voids. Mac and Danny split - Danny taking the two bodies upstairs and Mac assessed the voids on the dresser.

“Let’s leave Danny’s love life out of the crime scenes?” Mac said tersely, a grim expression on his face.

The rest of the investigation ran smoothly enough. The first victim, Emanuel Pascal, had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The other two males were identified as Darren and Michael Vendo, two known gang members from the area, running with one Osborne Tanner. The trace, bullets and fingerprints led straight to Tanner - now they just had to find him.

“So,” Lindsay held out a cup of coffee for Danny, both of them in the break room with multiple files and various leads to work through.

“So what?” Danny had managed to avoid discussing anything but the case all day. Stella had tried to corner him earlier in the day, but an interruption from Mac stalled her questions long enough for Danny to find something else to occupy him. Now, with Mac in a meeting with Stella and Flack, Danny didn’t think he’d have that much luck.

“Who is she? Is it serious? And why didn’t you say anything?” Lindsay took the seat opposite Danny, elbows on the table and her head in her hands - looking and sounding just like the annoying sister Danny had always imagined he’d be curse with if his parents hadn’t stopped. Her eyes were wild with curiosity and a small spark there reminded Danny a little of Aiden, and he got that familiar pang in his chest again. He still missed working with her.

“Montana, there is no ‘she’. I ain’t seein’ anyone.” Danny looked back to the file in front of him, but Lindsay wasn’t satisfied.

“Yeah, right. You’re quiet, you don’t flirt, you don’t come down to Sullivan’s anymore. It has to be something.” Lindsay said, in many ways, just like that sister Danny didn’t want - Aiden was enough thanks.

“Listen, it was a break up, a rough one. I don’t wanna talk about it and I’d like to keep it private.” Danny looked straight into her eyes, knowing it would be the only way she’d believe him. Thankfully, she nodded her understanding.

“She break your heart?”

“You’re really bad at this ‘I don’t wanna talk’ thing, aren’t you?” Aiden would’ve let off by now. Or started punching him till he told her everything.

“I’m worried about you.”

“Don’t. I’ll be fine.”

“You never mentioned dating anyone.”


“You didn’t tell anyone you were dating someone.” Lindsay said softly when one of the lab techs walked in. Danny waited until they left before answering her.

“I thought it was serious. Didn’t wanna screw it up. And I did tell someone.” Something he had to hope Lindsay never revealed.


“Yeah.” After Mac called it off, after Don and Mac were back to being ‘boss’ and ‘Detective Flack’ it had been a little too sudden for Danny. He’d been sitting with Aiden, catching up, when suddenly he’d just blurted everything out. Telling her all of it helped, even the bits he didn’t really want to admit to himself. She’d been understanding as always - then threatened to hurt both Don and Mac.

“You two still close?” Danny didn’t miss the mild hint of rejection in Lindsay’s voice.

“I tell her things I can’t take to work. The relationship was one. Yeah. What are you getting at?”

“I want you to talk to me. Danny, you just changed, no warning, no reason. None of us knew why! I just want you to trust me.” Ever since he’d stopped - almost - calling her ‘Montana’ they’d both reached an easy understanding. She knew he was just teasing, and he knew she wasn’t trying to replace Aiden.

“I do trust you, that’s why you cover me, and I cover you.” Danny was starting to wonder where this was going, and why she was so inquisitive.

“I mean as a friend.”

“Lindsay, sometimes I don’t talk about things. Family, past, relationships. I thought this one was serious, turns out it wasn’t, I’m movin’ on. Can we drop it please?” It was probably the pleading that got her to smile sadly and then nod, almost like she was finally getting the hint.

“Any new possibilities on where Tanner could be?” And back to the case they went.


When the call came in Mac wanted the all at the scene. Another homicide, same MO. Flack was taking statements; Lindsay and Danny were processing the body while Stella and Mac checked the area for evidence to link this murder with Tanner.

“Mac, the neighbour says there was a delivery to the victim’s apartment ten minutes before the first gun shot. The fire exit was open; looks like our perp escaped that way.” Flack read off his memo pad before glancing around the scene. “Anything to indicate it’s the same guy?”

Mac was about to answer when a gun shot and shouts alerted them to the next room where Danny and Lindsay were with the deceased. Mac and Flack took point; guns drawn and Stella close behind. When they entered the room they saw the hole in the roof, where their attacker had apparently dropped in from. Lindsay was on the floor, blood on her forehead where a small cut was bleeding, a bullet embedded in the wall beside her. Danny was standing, an arm around his neck and a gun to his head as the attacker hid behind Danny’s body.

“NYPD! Freeze!” Flack and Mac kept their guns trained on the attacker, Stella dropped to her knees beside Lindsay, both comforting and protecting the younger CSI.

“Another step and I blow his brains out.” The arm tightened around Danny’s throat as the barrel of the gun pressed harder against his temple.

“I don’t think you’re that stupid. That’ll put you away for life, killing a cop, not a good idea.” Flack muttered, his accent thicker due to the stress of what was in front of him.

“Or I can take him with me. You want him dead, you just keep standing there. But if you want your little geek all safe and sound, step back, and get out of my way.” Glances were exchanged between Flack and Mac before they slowly moved back, allowing the gunman to leave the room and then the apartment, Danny being dragged along.

“Danny,” Lindsay whimpered slightly, trying to move until Stella stopped her, a hand on her shoulder keeping the younger woman where she was. Mac slowly and quietly made his way to the hall, nodding to Flack who was radioing down to the officers outside that their suspect was making his way down the building with a CSI hostage.

“You really think you’re gonna get away?” Danny’s voice carried up the stairs, echoing against the walls. “How you gonna get past all the cops outside?” Mac quietly followed down the stairs, trying to get as close as possible without their suspect realising it. Flack was moving quickly to catch up on Mac, gun still in his hand and raised. The sound of metal on metal rang through the hall as the two Detectives gained closer to the gunman. “Oh yeah, cause I love New York sewers.” There was a proud smile on Mac’s face as Danny continued to give them commentary on what was happening, on where they were heading.

That was until the sickening thud echoed up the stairs along with Danny’s pained groan, Mac knew the sound of a gun hitting flesh and bone. When the sewer access hatch clanged shut, both Mac and Flack darted down the remaining flights of stairs as quickly as possible. Mac opened the hatch as Don cleared the area before they dropped down into the sewers, scanning the immediate area quickly and listening to the echoing against the walls of the tunnels.

“Can I just ask why I’m still here?” Danny’s voice echoed along the walls, giving Mac and Don a reference to where they were heading. “I mean really, why not leave me here? I don’t know, knock me out or kill me like ya did all those other guys? Wouldn’t be the first time for ya, would it?” Mac as quietly as possible down the tunnels - avoiding splashing any of the small puddles - hoping the suspect ignored Danny’s goading.

“I swear, if he doesn’t shut up soon, I’ll kill him.” Don hissed, the sound of Danny’s drawl growing closer as the two Detectives got closer.

“Tell you what, hit my head again and dump me there. Work out great.” Mac was beginning to think that the previous blow to the head had knocked Danny’s brain loose.

“Kid, if you don’t shut up,”

“You’ll what? Kill me? Didn’t we cover this?”

“NYPD! Freeze!” Danny turned to face Mac and Don, blood trickling down his head and to his eye from a gash above his hairline.

“Oh look, it’s the cavalry.” It was almost like time slowed down, just so that Mac could watch it happen. Danny was pushed forward, colliding with the brick of the tunnel, his blood smearing against the granite. A gun was pointing directly at Don, the perp about to open fire - Don shot first though, taking the suspect out with two shots to the chest. Flack moved to check the assailant, kicking the weapon away from the body. Mac knelt down beside Danny, helping the battered CSI to his feet. Danny’s hands were scraped from his slide down the wall, a small graze on his cheek from where his head hit it, eyes still dazed and that large cut still bleeding openly.

“Hey, easy. Can you stand?” Mac assisted Danny until he was half standing and half leaning against the wall. “Danny, can you hear me?” Mac held Danny’s head up, one hand on either side. “Danny, speak to me.” Mac’s voice was firm enough to bring Danny’s attention back to the hard blue eyes in front of him.

“Ah, my head.” Danny clenched his eyes shut and Mac let out a shaky breath before acting totally on impulse and pulling Danny into a desperate kiss. Danny’s scratched hands clutched at Mac’s jacket as their mouths met, Mac’s tongue desperately seeking Danny’s as he pushed the blond back against the wall, both groaning as Mac slid a knee between Danny’s legs. They parted to breathe and Mac looked over at Don before dropping his head to Danny’s shoulder, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself, Danny still unmoving and holding tightly to Mac’s jacket.

“He needs a doctor,” Mac said, looking over to the suspect, “he needs processed, and we need to check on Lindsay.” Mac’s breathing was still ragged as he stayed pressed against Danny. Don nodded his head, his eyes wild and focused solely on Danny.

“I don’t feel so good.” Danny murmured quietly, his eyes drooping slightly. Mac’s hands held Danny’s head up, thumbs stroking Danny’s cheek softly, careful not to hurt him further.

“We’ll leave this guy here, I’ll radio in.” Don glanced back at the dead body, something settling over his features.

“Hey, it’s a closed case, if this is Tanner; we link him back and close it. If it’s not we assess the evidence again. But he took Danny hostage; he raised a weapon at you. You were right to fire.” Mac pulled Danny up away from the wall, an arm around his waist. “Help me with him, then we’ll sort this out.” Don joined Mac at the other side of Danny, taking some of the weight from Mac and allowing Danny’s head to loll to the side to rest on Don’s shoulder.

“Danny, have you lost weight?” Mac had noticed it too, Danny felt lighter, his clothes looser than usual. Mac hadn’t seen it before, the dark circles below his eyes, being slightly more reckless at crime scene, today being a prime example. They made it to the access point, Danny having rested against Don the whole way. “We’re gonna have to carry him up here.” Don eyed the ladder before taking Danny over his shoulder and climbing up. “I need a medic!” Mac followed, reaching the top in time to see three medics rush to Danny’s side as Don lowered Danny to lean against a wall. Lindsay and Stella sat at the bottom of the stairs, a white band-aid on Lindsay’s head.

“Is he okay?” Stella asked as Mac approached to check up on them.

“Two blows to the head. He’s gonna be fine, I’m sure.” Don was sitting beside Danny as the cut to his head was stitched and the graze was disinfected. Danny was leaning to the side, pressed against Don, his eyes closed as he murmured the answers to the medic’s questions.

“Detective Taylor,” one of the paramedics approached the three CSI’s, “Detective Messer suffered a severe concussion, he will be fine in a few days, but if he experiences any dizziness, nausea or blurred vision I would highly recommend that he be brought to a hospital immediately. He doesn’t want to be admitted for observation over night, but I’d like if someone could keep an eye on him, ask him questions every hour, make sure nothing happens to him.” Mac nodded his head, and the young medic walked away.

“Maybe his girlfriend will watch over him. Any idea who she is?” Stella asked both Mac and Lindsay. A hardness settled over Mac’s features as he continued watching Danny.

“He’s not dating anyone. They broke up.” Lindsay said sadly. Mac’s head turned so he could watch her. Danny had told Lindsay? “She broke his heart. He thought it was serious and she didn’t.” So he hadn’t told Lindsay, she’d just interpreted things. But Mac could almost feel the blood pounding in his veins. They had ended their … relationship a few weeks ago. There was no way Danny had been in a serious relationship since then. Meaning he was the one who broke Danny’s heart.

“I’ll have Flack take Danny home. Lindsay, do you need someone to stay with you?” Mac knew he could ask Sheldon, even though it was the former ME’s day off. Even if Mac just wanted to be there for Danny right now, Lindsay was injured too, another of his people, two of his people.

“I’m staying with her.” Stella said, a comforting arm still around Lindsay’s shoulders. Mac nodded, watching as they made their way over to Danny and Don before they headed out. Mac caught the lead Detective on the case to fill him in on what they knew and give his statement, knowing that the case had to be completely handed over since his own people were now officially victims.

“Don, go give Maka your statement and then we can get him home.” Flack nodded, moving slowly away from Danny and letting Mac take up the supportive position beside the younger CSI. “Danny, can you hear me?” The slight movement and inclination of Danny’s head indicated that he had heard Mac, prompting him to continue. “Don and I are going to take you home. You’ve got a serious concussion so you can’t go to sleep, you understand?”

“Yeah Mac.” Danny’s voice was strained, possibly a little pained as well. His head kept falling a little to the side while he struggled to keep it upright, to not lean on anyone.

“We good to go?” Flack stood over Danny, his face etched with concern. Mac nodded, standing slowly and helping Don get Danny up to his feet. “Come on Danny, lean on me.” Don’s arm held Danny close to him, possibly too close, but no one looked at them any different, as if it was just two co-workers helping another out. But Mac knew differently, they had to get home, before the control Don was holding back burst.


On the ride over Danny had lulled in a out of sleep, Don sitting in the back of the car with Danny stretched out with his head resting on Don’s lap as careful fingers threaded through soft hair, petting and comforting.

“Are we gonna talk about what he said down there?” Don asked quietly as Danny slept. They were two blocks away from Mac’s apartment; hopefully some where Danny could feel safe and relaxed.

“Once he’s feeling better. We have a lot to talk about.” Mac answered, watching them in the rear view mirror.

“I noticed. What made you do it? Fear or desperation?” Don asked, still watching Danny, who was clutching at Don’s knee with scratched fingers and torn nails from his mild scrape with the wall.

“A little of both.” Was Mac’s answer. “Don, I worry about him.” Flack understood that, he did too. The last few weeks he’d watched as Danny crawled into himself. Yes, his work didn’t suffer, if anything Danny became more methodical. But Danny had become quiet and reclusive, just like he had after the Minhas incident, and then again after Aiden was fired, which was when they’d first slept together, all three of them. When Stella had mentioned a girlfriend earlier that day, when they were still in the lab and still safe, Don had shocked himself with the violent jealousy that had swept over him. And seeing Mac kiss Danny in the tunnels only helped to prove that Mac still felt something too. “I think I caused this.” The car pulled up to their destination, but no one moved to leave the vehicle.

“How could you cause this?” Flack asked, genuinely confused.

“When I ended things, I think he just went along because he thought it was what we both wanted.” Mac turned, watching Danny in his semi-peaceful slumber. “I had thought it was what I wanted, but I realised later that…whatever it was we had, it was something. That I missed having it. It wasn’t what I really wanted.”

“You’re right. But it was both of us then. I agreed too, remember? I got scared. I was feeling too much and it scared me.” Don sighed, his deep blue eyes meeting Mac’s. “But right now? I just wanna feel him, and you. Prove to myself that you’re both safe and there and real.” Mac nodded, understanding, and reached out to cup Don’s face.

“Let’s get him upstairs and see if we can fix things?” Mac suggested, finally moving to get out of the car and moving to help get Danny out. “C’mon Danny, you’ll need to stay awake now.” Danny muttered something into Don’s shoulder as he fought to stay awake. “Get you something to drink and eat. You can answer some questions and then get some sleep.” Mac handed Danny’s care over to Don, Danny’s back pressed against Don’s chest, the cop’s arms loosely around Danny’s waist, fingers trailing under the bottom of the loose shirt Danny wore to trace patterns on the smooth flat stomach. There was a light sigh as Danny let his eyes drift closed and pressed against Don’s hard chest.

Mac pushed his door open, ushering Don and Danny inside, throwing the light on and dropping his keys, badge and gun onto the side table beside the door. By the time Mac had the door locked and bolted again, Flack’s hand had strayed further up Danny’s chest, his lips dropping light kisses to Danny’s neck as the shorter blond clutched his fingers to Don’s legs, supporting himself by leaning on the cop. Danny moaned, a low rumble from his throat and Don bit gently into the soft, delicate skin of Danny’s neck.

But it broke Flack’s control. Danny was spun around by the waist of his pants, pulled against Flack’s chest and then completely ravished by Don’s mouth right there in Mac’s doorway. Don’s fingers threading through Danny’s hair, pushing his head back to allow better access to his mouth. Flack didn’t hold back, his tongue all but possessing Danny’s mouth as he tried to reassure himself that Danny was still alive. Mac moved behind Danny, pressing his chest to Danny’s back, letting his hands trail up Don’s sides, resting on top of Danny’s hands on Don’s shoulders.

Don had to break away from Danny, the need to breathe breaking them apart. Danny panted slightly, his body pressed tightly between Don and Mac’s, his head falling back to rest on Mac’s shoulder as Don moved to press his lips to Mac’s in a hungry and barely controlled kiss. Mac tried to press in closer, as did Don, in doing so both men pressed their erections solidly into Danny, eliciting a whimper from the blond. Don and Mac pulled apart, both looking to Danny, whose eyes were still dazed, but at the same time filled with something else, something that Mac knew all three of them had in their eyes.

“We shouldn’t do this.” Mac murmured, although not pulling away from the embrace. Danny’s hands were tightly wrapped in Don’s shirt; one of Don’s arms was wrapped around Danny’s waist while the other held Mac to them both. “He’s taken a blow to the head, he might not even realise this is happening.”

“Mac,” Danny’s voice wasn’t as shaken as earlier, but it was just as low, “shud up.” Mac was about to argue, but was cut off when Danny’s lips hesitantly sought out his own. Mac held Danny to the gentle kiss, lips parting slightly and tongues touching just a little, there was no rush to this kiss, just a soft confirmation to Mac that Danny did know what he was doing, that they weren’t taking advantage of him.

Don’s fingers expertly came around to undo Mac’s shirt buttons, Danny’s hands then trailing up the exposed flesh, caressing the heated skin in a way only Danny really knew how. Mac couldn’t help moaning into the kiss, pressing his chest a little closer to Danny’s fingers and co-operating completely when Don’s hands pushed the shirt off his shoulders. Don’s hands then moved to Danny’s stomach, trailing back up under the loose shirt, this time taking the material with him. Mac and Danny broke away from each other to get the clothing over Danny’s head. Don was already out of his shirt, tie and jacket, eager to get his other lovers stripped as well.

Danny smiled lazily as Don started nipping and suckling at his neck, Mac taking the lead and pulling his younger companions into the bedroom, shoes being kicked off in the process. Danny was the first to be thrown to the bed, Mac and Don then taking care of Danny’s pants and socks, leaving him lying in the middle of the queen sized bed, slightly ruffled on top of the white comforter. The light from the street cast an eerie glow over Danny’s flushed skin, making the band-aid on his head all that more obvious with the startling white and minor trace of blood still there under the gauze. Don shucked out of his pants while Mac carefully removed his and folded them over a chair in the corner.

“You scared us today.” Don whispered against Danny’s cheek, his hands carefully running through Danny’s hair. Danny rested his head lightly against Don; his hand moving to stroke at Don’s hip while Mac pressed light kisses to the homicide detectives back. “Don’t push murder suspects to kill you Danny; you get into enough trouble without that.” The tone may have been light but Don knew Danny would see past that, knew that they all understood the severity of this situation. It had been too close a call for anyone to really be comfortable at all.

“’m sorry.” Danny mumbled, half delirious from the concussion, half out of it from the light touches and heated kisses. Don’s hands ran the length of Danny’s body, moving down to his thighs before moving back to his waist, hooking his fingers on Danny’s boxers and pulling them off, Don was promptly stripped of his own boxers as Mac evened them all out on their nakedness.

Danny sat up on the bed, pulling Don to him for a kiss, their tongues tangling even as Danny felt the first touches of Mac’s lubed up fingers pressing at his entrance. Gasping slightly at the coolness, Danny moved to give Mac better access, his body being pulled tightly against Don’s chest as those fingers worked further into him, stretching and stroking nicely against him. When Mac’s fingers stroked against Danny’s prostate there was a mild jerk from the CSI’s body, his kiss from Don being broken as Danny’s head fell back and the moan escaped from his throat. Don’s mouth pressed to Danny’s Adam’s apple, just at the same time as Mac’s fingers pressed against his entrance too. A shiver ran through Don, but it had nothing to do with being cold, his body was nearly on fire, with Danny pressing against him in the most provocative of ways, and Mac fingering him with slick precision.

When Mac withdrew his fingers, Danny’s body shuddered against Flack, hands moving to his hips, urging Danny to move into a different position. Don moved Danny to his knees, pressing a hand in the middle of Danny’s too prominent spine, gently pushing Danny to lean forward and brace himself on Mac’s headboard. Danny’s hands curled around the top of the headboard, his back arched as Don slowly started to enter him. As Don pressed the whole way into Danny, pressing tightly into Danny’s heat, balls against the back of Danny’s thighs, Mac started to push into Don. Danny gasped as one swift thrust from Mac into Don forced a jerk out of Don and a tremor ran through Danny.

They stayed joined but still, each ones breathing erratic and hitched. Mac was the first to move, pulling slowly out of Don before thrusting back, his hands on Don’s hips to guide the younger male with him. As Mac thrust back into Don, he pulled back on Don’s hips, causing a chain reaction that had Danny mewling like a kitten in seconds. As the pace increased, the three moving in synchronisation with one another, the moans, whimpers and grunts got louder, the sound of flesh against flesh echoing in the room. Mac hit Don’s prostate with a precise thrust, causing the cop’s hips to snap back and push Danny forward, getting a cry from the smaller male and to push further back against Don, getting a brush against his prostate for the attempts.

The rhythm was steady and strong as Mac thrust against Don, taking Danny with them both. Don’s hand moving from Danny’s hip to wrap around his erection, stroking in time with Mac’s thrusts and causing Danny to mewl and arch more, if it were even possible, causing him to swallow more of Don’s erection.

Danny was the first to reach orgasm, his cursed cry drowned out by the moan that broke through Don’s throat as the muscles of Danny’s ass clenched tightly around his erection, milking him to orgasm himself and taking Mac with him. Mac’s arms holding strong around Don’s waist as Don lay his head on Danny’s back, breathing heavily. Danny himself was shuddering constantly, the after shocks of his orgasm racking his body, the heat and weight of Don, and Mac, behind him sending the tiny tremors throughout his body. His breathing was laboured, the gash on his head throbbing harder than he thought it could, but he didn’t want to move, didn’t want to lose the comfort of Don and Mac being so close.

But Mac pulled away from Don, heading to the bathroom and picking up a wash clothe. Don pulled out of Danny slowly, careful to be gentle since they had been motionless for a while. Danny shuddered one last time, almost violently, as Don moved away, the hollowness inside opening up again. Don’s hands were back within moments, hands softly caressing his back, running up his spine before moving back to run down his sides, along his ribs. Danny tried not to move into the touch, tried not to appear needy, but it was Don, and Don was always so attentive to every detail. As it was, by the time Mac returned from the bathroom, Don was lying on his back in the middle of the bed with Danny in his arms, sighing happily as Don’s long, deft fingers trailed patterns over his sensitive heated skin. Mac smiled at the sight, before moving to wipe each of them up, avoiding the stickiness which would ensue the next morning.

Mac came back to the bed, pulling the covers over the three of them, his fingers linking with Don’s over Danny’s chest as he placed a light kiss on the blonds temple. “Get some sleep Danny, I’ll wake you in an hour.”

Danny yawned and mumbled something, letting his eyes fall closed.

“What’d he say?” Don asked, running his free hand through Danny’s hair.

“Something about going away.” Mac replied with a frown, unsure as to what Danny could mean. “We’ll talk about it when he’s feeling better. You get some sleep, I’ll wake you up before I wake him.” Don just nodded his head, letting Mac indulge himself and letting him watch over them both as Danny lay sleeping in Don’s arms.


End [for now]

Will be continued soon.

genre: threesome, character: danny messer, character: mac taylor, rating: nc-17, character: don flack, author: torncorpse, fandom: csi, pairing: mac/danny/don

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