Prelude to Disaster [Bobby/John]

Dec 05, 2006 21:03

Title: Prelude to Disaster
Author: insomniacs_home/vampire_heart
Fandom: X-Men Movie Verse
Claim: Bobby/John
Prompt: Prelude 12/21 by AFI
Word Count: 1081
Rating: FRT
Warnings: Slash [male/male relationship]
Disclaimer: I do not own this, characters belong to Stan Lee and Marvel. The lyrics are the work of the amazing Davey Havok.
Author's Notes: This is part 1 of a twelve parter - taken and prompted by fic_cd_mix. They might all follow on, not sure yet.
Link to table: Table Here

This is what I brought you this you can keep,
This is what I brought you may forget me.
I promise to depart just promise one thing,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

It was one of those rare occasions. Just the two of them. Something that hadn’t happened in a while and was unlikely to happen regularly. John understood the reasons. He was a firestarter. Bobby was an icemaker. It was like some twisted story. Two boys, living in the same dorm, with the same friends, complete opposites right down to the genetic malfunction that gave them inhuman powers.

Worthy of a book was right. But John would never pitch the idea, he’d never write it either. John knew, they’d be called copycats. After all, it was so like Romeo and Juliet it was laughable. Although John wasn’t sure who’d be who. Just thinking about the idea made him smirk. But then again, there was that…thing. That…pull between them.

This is what I brought you this you can keep,
This is what I brought you may forget me.
I promise you my heart just promise to sing,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

Bobby was smart and caring and dependable. He tried to help everyone, he wanted to be the person that everyone could turn to. The younger kids looked up to him, the teachers each thought he was the star pupil in the school. He was practically kid brother to Jean and Scott. He was the golden boy of the Institute. And even though John teased Bobby about it constantly, John thought that was just another part of his charm.

John on the other hand was the black to Bobby’s white. John was unruly, he was tormented by his short past. He didn’t have friends or family, he didn’t study hard. He wasn’t interested in school and learning to do good. He was just surviving. People were scared of him, some of them downright hated him. Kitty Pryde was one of those people. And John knew that he was on limited time as far as it went with being at the school. Sooner or later, they would kick him out.

A trouble maker was one thing. A trouble maker who lost his temper and lit up his lighter on instinct, that was something else. Especially when he could incinerate everyone.

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

They’d put him with Bobby the first day he arrived at the school - fresh off the streets, wary of everything around him and not looking to trust a single one of them. But Bobby had been persitant, he’d kept talking, or just shown up after a class John was told to attend, or even sitting next to him at lunch or in the library. Little things that people saw and pointed out.

John had hated it at first. He’d seen Bobby as the over eager little do gooder. But in reality, and in time, John saw that maybe there was something else, something more. Hidden under the surface. Truth was, Bobby was just another mutant kid, and John saw it.

Emotions were hard to control all the time, and when Bobby lost his cool just that once, it was John who managed to fix the damage and calm Bobby, something that won him grudging respect from a few of the other kids and teachers. When something was on the television, the news was doing a report on street kids and their involvement in crime, someone had mentioned something about John and his less than legal activities pre-school. Bobby had lost it, something John hadn’t understood at the time. But now, he knew it all now.

The entire room had been chilled so quickly, none of the teachers or Professor Xavier could do anything. Bobby had a boy encased in ice, Bobby’s own hand starting to freeze over. It was John, disposable Bic lighter in hand, who thawed out the frozen boy, he’d then managed to somehow calm Bobby just by using his power, the flames carefully licking the iceman’s hand.

Professor Xavier had commented on his ability to control his powers to a perfect degree when called for. Scott and Jean had been impressed by his show of concern for Bobby. The students had been scared but willing to let John show them if he really was what they thought, or if they had misjudged him.

John was never one to back away from a challenge.

This is what I thought,
I thought you need me,
This is what I thought so think me naïve,
I promise you a heart you'd promise to keep,
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

But it had been him and Bobby the whole way. Bobby and John. Drake and Allerdyce. Ice and Fire. They dealt with it. John found out that sometimes, Bobby let his emotions go because he couldn’t hold it in anymore. John told Bobby everything that he had been put through on the streets and at home. Bobby told John about his ‘perfect’ family, and their high standards that he’d never reach. And then, after they couldn’t tell anymore secrets, Bobby leaned over and kissed John softly on the lips before admitting that he had a crush on his room-mate.

It had been awkward and strange at first. John a little unsure about Bobby, a little unsure about how he felt, about why he should let himself feel. But when Bobby’s cool tongue slid into his mouth, a hand cupping John’s cheek gently and John had just let it go. He knew there would be time later for self doubt, but right then, him and Bobby, it just felt right, it felt natural. Like he was meant to let it happen. And happen it did.

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.

Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep

And so, three months after that, they were still … something. Still kissing, still sneaking into each others bed at night and petting each other, cuddling. They were still a secret, but they knew about each other, and to them, that was all that mattered.

John sighed and looked down at the blond head on his chest, smiling a little to himself when he saw the little puff of cold air leave Bobby’s slightly parted lips as he sighed softly in his sleep.

So they were a secret. That didn’t mean it wasn’t something special.

Reviews are nice.

pairing: iceman/pyro, fandom: x-men, character: bobby drake, character: john allerdyce, genre: pre-slash, author: torncorpse, rating: pg-13

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