Rain [Ryan/Novak]

Mar 30, 2006 02:38

Disclaimer: Not Mine.

AN: Part of my fanfic100 stories.
(My Little Damn Table)

Prompt: 066 Rain

Summary: Whenever you need me, kiss the rain.


He’d like rain as a child, enjoyed watching the water hitting off the ground and flow down the road, forming a tiny stream and disappearing along the way. It had always made him think of change, that everything went somewhere else, everything led to something else.

It’d remained with him into his later life, his love for the rain. He’d often just sat out on the Margera’s front porch, watching the rain and sometimes walking out to stand for a while, enjoying the feel of the cool water running over his skin. It was the only time he felt free, the only time he felt alive.

He was out in the back, standing under the rain, looking up as the clouds wept and rain poured. His clothes were soaking to his body, his hair sticking to his face and in his eyes. He had felt everything slowly soak out of him, like it was all draining away in the rain.

“Novak, what the hell are you doing out here?” Turning around, Brandon looked around to see who was shouting for him, smiling slightly when he saw Dunn. Slowly, Ryan stepped out and walked towards Novak, wrapping his arms around himself to try and keep some warmth in his body. “It’s fucking pissing it down, why are you out here?” Brandon watched as the rain hit Ryan’s face and hair, his blond locks starting to dampen and flatten to his face.

A slight pink tint spread on his cheeks, his nose turning slightly red in the cold, indicating that Ryan had in fact been standing out in the cold longer than he’d let on to begin with. As the rain hit his shoulders, the dark green of his jacket darkening a little.

“I like the rain.” He said with a smile, noticing the light smirk on Dunn’s face as he shook his head, drops of water dripping off his hair.

“Dude, you’re gonna catch a cold,” there was still a smile on his lips as he stood beside him. “Come on back inside, you must be freezing by now.” Brandon made no move to head towards the house, Ryan standing waiting for Novak to lead the way in.

“Have you ever kissed in the rain?” Novak asked suddenly, turning his body to face Ryan. Ryan just shook his head, looking at Novak with a slightly questioning expression. “I’ve always wanted to kiss someone I loved in the rain, just because I loved the rain so much. Y’know?” Novak wasn’t sure if he was making much sense, but Ryan nodded in understanding, smiling a little.

“You’ll find someone to kiss in the rain Novak, just give it time.” Ryan said, placing a comforting hand on Novak’s shoulder. Brandon smiled, looking over to the now drenched Ryan. His hair was completely sticking down now, his trimmed bread holding water and flattening down. His clothes were sticking to him, his jeans darkening and his jacket completely useless now. Ryan had always been pretty dense, especially when it came to other peoples opinion on him. Novak was sure that other people, such as Bam and even Dico, would know exactly who he wanted to kiss in the rain, but Ryan, Ryan was pretty low on self esteem, something that had always been apparent, even with Bam as a best friend.

Novak just sighed, before turning completely towards Ryan and moving in, kissing Ryan as quickly as possible before pulling back to gauge Ryan’s reaction. The stunned expression on his face didn’t really give Novak much to go on, other than the kiss wasn’t expected. The lack of anger or disgust left a little of hope in Novak’s eyes, the fact that Ryan hadn’t stormed away or punched him encouraged him. Moving back towards Ryan, Novak was pleasantly surprised when Ryan met him half way.

This kiss was longer, more thorough, more passionate. Novak’s hands tangled in the damp, sodden mess that was Ryan’s hair, while Ryan instinctively held Novak closer, hands gripping slim, razor sharp hips. Novak pressed his tongue against Ryan’s lips, tracing them slightly before Ryan opened his mouth, their tongues meeting and pressing together, each battling for more dominance, Novak trying to press closer to Ryan while the latter just memorised the taste of Novak mingling with the rain. Drops mingling with their kiss, tasting Novak and the saltish taste of raindrops on his tongue, Ryan suddenly had a craving for more.

They pulled apart to breathe, their foreheads touching as Novak tried to get his breathing back to normal and Ryan licked the remaining taste of Brandon from his lips, smiling slightly. “I already know who I want to kiss in the rain.” Brandon whispered, feeling slightly shy all of a sudden.

“Well, I would love to stay here and kiss you in the rain, but damnit Brandon, I can’t feel my fucking fingers anymore.” There was a laugh in his voice and Novak relaxed, nodding slightly and finally starting towards the house, his hand somehow twining with Ryan’s.

Novak smiled slightly, opening the door, before stopping in the doorway, looking back at Ryan. They shared a smile, and one last quick kiss, before dropping hands and walking into the house like nothing had happened.




Kissing in the rain is fun. And for anyone who hasn’t done it before, I really hope you get to some day.

Feedback is nice.

character: brandon novak, genre: slash, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, pairing: ryan/novak, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse, rating: pg-13

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