Flames [Bam/Ryan implied]

Mar 16, 2006 17:21

Disclaimer: Insert the usual mindless going on here.

AN: I was listening to my VAST album due to my depressed nature and I just couldn’t stop myself from thinking about Bam and Ryan during this song.

The song is ‘Flames’, the artist is ‘VAST’ and the album is ‘Visual Audio Sensory Theater’.

Summary: ‘Close your eyes, let me touch you now’


‘Close your eyes
Let me touch you now
Let me give you something
That is real‘

Bam stood against the door, his eyes closed as he listened to everything in the house. He sometimes hated the noise, sometimes he craved the quiet, longing for somewhere to go and just rest. And when that urge came over him, he always went to the same place.

Ryan’s room.

‘Close the door
Leave your fears behind
Let me give you
What you’re giving me’

Sighing to himself, Bam slowly looked around the room again, remembering every prank, every laugh and every cry that happened here. The memory of nights together and days of planning, mornings of rushed whispers before a quick parting. It hadn’t been perfect, but it had been damn close.

‘You are the only thing
That makes me want to live at all
When I am with you
There’s no reason to pretend that
When I am with you
I feel flames again’

It’s the only time that Bam feels alive at the moment. When he’s close to something that he can link back to Ryan, when he can sit down and reminisce about their times together. Even if Ryan is on the other side of the country and Bam’s sitting there, trying to ignore the sound of his fiancé shouting his name.

Bam can remember almost all of those encounters, from the first clumsy kiss to the last heartfelt goodbye. It hadn’t been goodbye forever, but it had been the end of something special, and Bam knew that it was hard for both of them to walk away from that. He knew that given the chance he’d change it, that if Ryan had asked him again things would be different.

‘Just put me inside you
I would never ever leave
Just put me inside you
I would never ever leave you’

The door creaked open and Bam, with his eyes closed and sitting on the bed, could picture Ryan perfectly, walking over to him and smiling, before kissing his breath away and pulling him close to that strong perfect body that made Bam feel so protected and loved.

“There you are.” His day dream was shattered when a soft delicate hand cupped his cheek, opening his eyes Bam found the face of a woman he both loved and resented equally. She smiled warmly at him, completely oblivious to his inner battle. “What are you doing in here?” She asked, looking around the room with distaste. Ryan hadn’t bothered tidying up before he left, there was still the big hole in the wall above Ryan’s bed, there were shoes and magazines and even one of Bam’s skateboards all over the floor. No, she wouldn’t understand the need to keep this mess; she liked things being neat and tidy.

“Just thinking over things. Reliving a few memories.” Bam said, standing and taking her hand to lead her from the room. He didn’t want her to corrupt the feelings, didn’t want her to invade his haven. He needed that room to be kept like it was, until Ryan came back.

“Phil’s looking for you. Something about L.A and homecomings. I wasn’t really listening.” Bam smiled slightly and looked at the calendar. Yeah, there was only one person who made him feel alive now, and soon, he’d be just as alive as ever.




Sometimes, my mind confuses me.

Feedback of all and any kind would be very nice.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, rating: pg, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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