Curious [Bam/Ryan]

Nov 17, 2005 21:21

Disclaimer: Not mine.

AN: I always wondered what their first time would be like…but in my head, it was in a back alley…*nods*

Summary: Bam just wanted to know.

For caramel_maddy. Tis one of the babies love, ^_^
And dothebullwinkle. You now adorn my converse, in permanent ink.
And _hoffnungloses. It’s been too long but I still love you. *huggle*

Possibly my best ever. At least I think it is.


Dunn woke harshly at the rough shake to his shoulder, senses going wild until his eyes fell on the slightly lit form of Bam. Shielding his eyes from the light glow from the lamp beside Bam, Dunn took in the younger males dishevelled appearance.

His hair was tossed, probably from sleeping, his eyes sleepy, much like Dunn imagined his own were, and his face was drawn in a slight frown, more than likely the reason for the interruption to Dunn’s rest at this late hour, or early morning as it was.

“Bam, what’s wrong?” When Bam didn’t answer immediately, Ryan let his thoughts wander. Had he had another nightmare? Something which was occurring more and more frequently, Bam would have some terrible nightmare and instantly seek out Dunn’s room where he spent the rest of the night. He never mentioned what the nightmare was, but it was so bad that sometimes Bam would be shaking as he crawled into bed with Ryan. Or had Bam and Jenn had yet another fight? This was also becoming a more common occurrence, at least more common than usual. Bam and Jenn would have a huge argument late a night, Bam would sulk, and Jenn would lock him out of his room. Once again Bam would just head to Ryan’s room and sleep there, moaning a little about Jenn’s behaviour, but never the situation where he was thrown out of his own room.

“Bam?” Ryan pressed for answers, assuming it was one of the aforementioned problems. But Bam just sat there, biting his lip and frowning. “Dude, what’s up?”

“You know how we always go on about how gay you are?” Bam asked, a little hesitant and shy, which was somewhat unbecoming of the usually boisterous, troublemaking youth. Dunn nodded slowly, wondering where this was going. Novak was the only one who knew about the truth in those comments, and that was only because Novak himself mirrored those comments. “I was just wondering, is there...I mean, are they a little true?” Bam asked, looking at Ryan but not meeting his eyes.

“Bam, what’s this about?” Ryan asked, not getting why Bam was bringing this up at three in the morning.

“I’m just...I wanna know if you’ve ever done a guy, or got done by a guy?” Bam said quickly, still avoiding Ryan’s eyes. Dunn didn’t really have any understanding as to where this was all coming from or where it was heading, so, he had to answer honestly.

“Yes.” There, said it.

“Really?” Bam wasn’t so much shocked and disgusted as interested and hopeful. Which was weird.

“Yeah, really.” Ryan muttered, scratching his head and really somewhat uncomfortable. “Wanna tell me what’s going on?” Bam moved closer on the bed, folding his legs underneath him.

“I almost cheated on Jenn, with Ville.” Ryan could sense a long explanation coming on, and decided to get comfortable, moving the pillow up behind him and leaning back against the wall as he watched Bam. “It wasn’t that I didn’t like it, cause I did, but I just didn’t get as far as actual sex. And, it’s left me thinking about what it would be like with a guy and, I couldn’t really talk to Steve and Chris about this over the phone, so, I was just wondering if you knew about it and I was hoping that maybe you’d tell me.” Bam said, looking at Ryan with wide wondering blue eyes.

“You wanna know about sex with a guy?” Ryan asked, still not really believing it. Why on earth was Bam suddenly so curious? Bam just nodded quickly, assuring Ryan that, yes, Bam was sitting there asking about guy-guy sex. “Well, um, what is it you want to know?”

“Does it hurt?”

“A little, but not a lot, and it dulls and then it just completely goes away if it’s done properly.”

“Was it done properly when you first did it?”

“Yeah.” It was strange how Bam was treating this like any other conversation. He was so...relaxed about it all.

“Would you tell me who?” Bam was now leaning forward slightly, his hands on the bed while his legs were still crossed.


“I’m just wondering.” Ryan took a sigh, this was getting too weird.

“Knoxville.” Of course. Was there a person on Jackass who hadn’t done Knoxville? Well, obviously Bam, and hopefully Preston and Wee-Man, and for some reason Ehren because if he had then that just blew everything Ryan thought he knew about Ehren out the window.

“Really? Wow. I thought it would’ve been Novak.”

“Nah, that was after. We were drunk though and...I didn’t tell you that because Novak would throw a hissy fit.” Bam giggled and smiled, lightening the whole air around the conversation.

“Okay, forgotten. So, sex with Knoxville, what’s it like?”

“Hot.” Ryan said instantly, remembering back to the drink fuelled night in Knoxville’s hotel room after an award show of some sort. “It was strangely fun, and hot, and amazing.” Ryan said, still watching Bam’s eager expression. “I don’t know, it was just, something about being with a guy cause, you know, a guy knows what a guy likes, right?” Bam just nodded.

“Like, if I like someone doing this,” Bam’s hand moved to Ryan’s thigh were it slowly and gently started to rub at the muscle through the sheet. “Chances are that you like it?” Bam asked, in all sincerity. Ryan fought off the groan of pleasure and swallowed, nodding his head.

“Yeah, exactly.” Bam smiled, looking fairly pleased that he understood a little about what it was he was asking. Ryan tried to get his body back under control, not wanting to push Bam away or scare him off. “What else do you want to know?” Ryan licked his lips, trying to make sure his voice sounded normal and he could still look at Bam.

“Well, I was just wondering, that is I um, I wanna...I just, god, I just wanna know what it’s like with a guy.” Bam shot out, completely avoiding Ryan’s eye. “And I wasn’t comfortable with Novak, and I chickened out with Ville so...” Ryan was stunned, and flattered. Bam was curious and it was him he turned to. Although others may have taken offence at the assumption that they would know about it, Ryan felt strangely elated that Bam trusted him enough and was comfortable enough to talk about this with him. This was a fairly large step for Bam considering his past arguments about his own sexuality.

“Bam,” Ryan was almost lost for words, “what is it you want exactly?” they would have to take this slow, knowing how jumpy Bam could get.

“I wanna know what it’s like, how it is, cause, well, Ville said it was fun. Is it?” Bam bit down on his lip, chewing at it slightly and watching Ryan cautiously.

“Yeah, it can be, if you make it fun it is, if you make it serious it is.”

“What was it like with you and Johnny?”

“Fun.” Ryan said nodding, it had been a learning experience, and it had been fun. “How far did you get with Ville?” Ryan asked slowly, trying to figure out just where they were going to take this from.

“Kissing, groping and humping.” Bam said, almost like stating a revised answer. “He sorta gave me a hand job, I guess.” He added as an after thought. “I wanna do more, but...I don’t want anyone else to do this with me.” Bam said, looking serious for a moment. “Will you show me?”

“Okay, just relax.” Ryan said, a hand coming to rest on Bam’s cheek. “A step at a time, okay. Tell me the second you’re uncomfortable.” Bam nodded a little before moving in along with Dunn, their lips meeting hesitantly. Ryan carefully held himself in check, letting Bam set the slow and lazy pace. Their lips moved against each others leisurely, Bam taking his time and enjoying the feel of Ryan’s rough lips and stubbly beard. When a cautious tongue pressed against Ryan’s lips he opened his mouth to allow Bam further exploration, their tongues pressing together and sliding into Bam’s mouth before Bam pushed to get into Ryan’s.

Bam moved closer to Dunn, his hands tangling in Dunn’s unruly blond locks, holding their heads together more than Ryan was, the kiss becoming more passionate as Bam became more sure and Ryan couldn’t maintain the slow pace for very long. Ryan gently pushed Bam back, keeping their lips together, and laying his body over Bam’s, hands moving down the pale slim body and receiving tiny gasps that were lost in their ongoing lip lock. Ryan didn’t want to miss out on a single detail, his hands searching and mapping out every contour to Bam’s body. Ryan’s hands stroked down Bam’s stomach, moving to his hips before Ryan pushed both his legs apart, fitting his own body between Bam’s legs, hands stroking up and down his thighs like Bam had earlier.

The arch from Bam pushed their groins together, getting another gasp from Bam and a groan from Ryan. Bam’s head lolled back as Ryan moved his mouth down to Bam’s neck, biting at the sweet skin before soothing the hurt with a lap of his tongue. Bam held on to Ryan’s neck, his fingers playing with the hair there as he groaned from all the attention. Ryan watched Bam through his eyelashes, smiling as he slowly moved lower down Bam’s body, tongue and lips trailing a blaze down the cool, pale skin.

It was all starting to get to Bam, the feeling of Ryan’s tongue differing so much from Jenn’s or Ville’s. The scratch of Dunn’s beard against his skin was a welcome sensation and Ryan’s strong hands moving over him, warm and sure and knowing just where to touch. Every nerve in Bam’s body just shot to life and tingled in that vibrant way that just screamed for more, and nothing Dunn did was enough.

Ryan looped his fingers in the waist of Bam’s boxers, watching Bam intently as he pulled them slowly down the toned legs and threw them behind him, hearing them fall to the floor. Bam licked his lips before biting down on them slightly as Ryan got closer to his erection. Ryan’s deep stormy blue eyes met his own pale blue, a questioning concern mingled in with all the lust and want.

“Are you sure?” Ryan asked carefully, his thumb stroking reassuring circles on Bam’s hip. His breath tickled at the head of Bam’s erection, his mouth so close to just where Bam wanted him.

“Oh, God, just don’t stop.” Bam couldn’t bear the teasing breaths, he needed more, he needed anything and he needed it right then. Ryan chuckled a little, flicking his tongue out to lick at Bam’s tattoo under his navel before working his way down and taking his time to tease Bam’s cock. The sound of Bam’s whimpers was all Ryan could hear, and when he finally took Bam’s erection into his mouth, the younger skater almost yelled before biting down on his knuckle. Ryan suckled on the head of Bam’s erection teasingly, his tongue trailing down to the base and mouth taking in the full length before pulling back and repeating the action. Bam groaned and moaned, one hand tangling in Ryan’s hair while the other was still in his mouth, teething biting into the flesh around the knuckle to keep him from calling out.

Ryan continued to tease Bam. Light licks and suckles on Bam’s needy erection while the skater tried to contain the noises he was making. Bam’s hand tightened in Ryan’s hair, pulling slightly at the roots, making Ryan wince slightly, before his grip loosened again and Ryan carried on with driving Bam crazy. When Bam’s body tensed, and the hand tightened to almost unbearable Ryan looked up to see Bam shaking his head and biting almost all the way through his lip.

“Ryan,” it was a low, keening whimper and Ryan stopped instantly, fearful that he’d over stepped the mark and that Bam had changed his mind. Ryan drew back, watching Bam intently. “Ryan.” Bam drew himself up, before launching himself at Dunn, their lips clashing and Bam pinning Ryan to the bed this time. Bam’s hands running the length of Ryan’s body while their lips were locked and tongues slid against each other again, the taste of Bam’s blood mingling into the kiss but taking nothing away from it.

Ryan tangled his hands in Bam’s hair, clinging to Bam as he devoured his mouth. Bam’s tongue running over everything, as if he were counting his teeth or memorising everything. His hands were doing pretty much the same, running over each muscle, teasing the skin, counting his ribs. It was pretty much just curious little Bam learning everything he could. And it was almost too intense for Ryan.

Bam’s hands slipped into Ryan’s boxers, pulling them down. The kiss broke for a moment while Bam got them off Ryan and threw them to the other side of the room, smiling slightly as he made his way back to Ryan’s mouth. Except that this time, the kiss only lasted a few seconds, and Bam started to kiss down Ryan’s body, furthering his exploration with his tongue.

Ryan just continued to hold on to Bam’s head, gasping slightly as Bam bit down lightly on his nipple, when he bit down a little harder Ryan moaned and arched his back, his blunt nails digging in to Bam’s head. It was clear Bam was learning he went; Bam was doing stuff he probably did to Jenn, but learning he could be a little bit rougher with Ryan. Teeth scraped down Ryan’s chest as Bam headed a little lower, his hands moving lower still and stroking at Ryan’s thighs like he had earlier. Ryan couldn’t help but moan, low in is throat, at the feeling. Bam licked at his sides, licking over the ribs there and Ryan shivered, he never knew that he was sensitive there.

Bam smiled as he hovered over Ryan’s mouth, his eyes taking in the utterly debauched look of Ryan. His lips were swollen, eyes dilated from the sheer lust in them, cheeks flushed and his breath coming out a gasps.

“Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” Ryan managed to gasp out, just as Bam’s hand wrapped around his cock. Ryan’s eyes fell shut as his head pushed back against the pillow, the groan stuck in his throat as Bam smiled and licked against his ear.

“I’m just doing what I like; guess you like it too, hmm?” He whispered against Ryan’s ear, his breath hot and his voice clouded with lust. Ryan was sure that it should be illegal for someone to sound that sexy, it was just plain cruel.

Bam’s hand continued to move up and down Ryan’s cock, his thumb sliding over the head sometimes and his grip tightening and loosening on occasion. Ryan had his fists in the sheets, until Bam’s mouth came back to his, and Ryan’s hand got lost in the mass of dark hair. He’d never mentioned it before, but Ryan liked Bam with long hair, when he had cut it short and bleached it blond when Jenn had suggested it, Ryan almost wanted to hit him, or her.

“Bam,” Ryan tried to get Bam to stop, not wanted to come just yet, considering there were other things to do, and Ryan really wanted to do them. But Bam didn’t heed him, and just smiled as he watched Ryan try to fight the building orgasm. It was no use, and in a matter of seconds, Ryan’s seed had spilled over Bam’s hand. Ryan felt his body go limp, all tension and strain easing out of if as he spilled, Bam’s hand continuing to stroke until there was nothing left.

Ryan lay there with his eyes closed, trying to slow his breathing. Until he felt Bam moving beside him, and it wasn’t to leave. Ryan fought heavy eyelids until he saw it. Bam, between his legs, licking his hand and moving down and…yes, Bam was now licking the drops of cum on Ryan’s stomach, and by God it was almost enough to make him hard again.

Ryan whimpered slightly as Bam looked up, their eyes meeting and Bam smiling wickedly as he continued to lap up the drops like a cat drinking milk. Ryan threaded his fingers through Bam’s hair and pulled him up slowly, bringing their mouths together and tasting himself on Bam’s tongue. Usually he didn’t like the taste of himself, but when it came from something as sweet as Bam’s mouth, Ryan was sure he could deal with it.

“Bam,” Ryan whispered, his own voice heavy laden with lust. Bam smiled, pulling back a little and waiting for Ryan to finish his sentence, although it was difficult when all Bam wanted to do was ravish those pouting, swollen lips. “Bam, I want you to fuck me right now.” Ryan said, and Bam felt his heart almost stop. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to go all the way just now, but then he looked at Ryan, lying under him, eyes heavy and filled with lust and want. Bam bit down on his lip and nodded shakily. “You want to?” Ryan asked, his hand running through Bam’s hair and stroking his cheek lazily. This wasn’t a pressure deal, Bam could say no, but did Bam want to say no?

He’d come to Ryan because he’d almost slept with Ville, until he realised that although he was attracted to Ville he didn’t want Ville to be his first time with a guy. It wasn’t about not being able to impress, it wasn’t about being shy and learning. Ville knew he hadn’t been with a guy, Ville told him he thought it was cute and that he’d be happy to teach Bam what it was like. But Bam hadn’t been ready then, or so he thought. Bam was ready, but he just wanted it to be Ryan who showed him, he wanted it to be Ryan, his best friend who had never laughed at him, or made him feel inadequate. Ryan who knew how Bam felt and Ryan who would respect any of Bam’s decisions. Ryan who Bam loved more than he knew.

“Yeah,” Bam replied, still nodding his head a little. “I’d like that.” Ryan smiled at him, a lazy happy smile that made Bam warm inside, because he was the one who put that smile there. Ryan leaned up and placed a quick kiss to Bam’s lips before moving away and leaning to his bedside table. He opened the bottom drawer and pulled out at tube or something. Lube.

Bam felt his heart beat a little bit faster, the reality that he was really going to do this sinking in, he wasn’t nervous, and he wasn’t scared. He was excited and anxious. He wanted this, really he did. Ryan handed him the lube and spread his legs a little more, Bam still kneeling between them.

“How much will I need?” Bam asked, a little unsure but not at all self-conscious this time. Ryan opened the bottle for him and squeezed out some of the cool liquid, coating Bam’s fingers.

“Use that just now,” Ryan said as he lay back, “ease in and just try to spread me out.” He said, his voice hitching a little. Bam nodded and moved to push one finger in, watching Ryan’s face. He tried to remember back to when it was the car that went up here, but then this was probably a lot different. Carefully he pushed his finger in, getting past the protective muscle and stroking the inside of Ryan. He bit down on his lip in concentration, intent on not hurting Ryan no matter how inexperienced he was. “Add another.” Ryan said, gasping slightly and obviously trying to relax around the intruding digits. Bam did as he was told, pushing in another lubed up finger and stroking back and forth, almost like he was fingering a girl, except this was tighter, and there was more heat and God, if this was what it felt like around his fingers, what would it be like when his cock went in?

Bam felt confident enough to push in a third finger, spreading them and pushing in a little deeper. He watched as Ryan’s face changed, noticing that he was struggling anymore and he was just biting on his lips as he panted for breath. He smiled as he watched Ryan, lying on the bed, fists in the sheets, legs spread and panting in pleasure. It was amazing to see him like this, just looking so shameless and gorgeous.

“Oh, God.” Ryan moaned out loud and Bam stopped, afraid that he’d hurt Ryan. “I’m ready.” Ryan gasped, looking down at Bam. Bam nodded and took out his fingers slowly, still spreading them on the way out to make sure. He felt himself breathing heavier, getting a little more anxious and excited and he just hoped that he could control himself enough to make this last.

Bam placed the tip of his erection against Ryan’s entrance, stroking himself with his lubed hand to get what was left of the lube on his cock. Ryan gasped as Bam pushed in the head, holding to his cock and Ryan’s hip, careful to go slow and not miss. Ryan moved his legs, bending his knees and giving Bam better access. The heat and tightness was unbelievable, and Bam struggled to keep the slow pace, pushing in another inch or two and breathing heavier. It was so different from being with a girl, so much tighter and hotter and just looking down at Ryan, lip between his teeth, fists in the sheets and the sweat covering his body, it made Bam push the full way in without thinking, groaning at the sensation and heat.

Ryan groaned himself, not from pain so much as discomfort and he arched a little, trying to ease the feeling. Bam pulled out a little before pushing back in and Ryan gasped, felling himself being stretched to accommodate. Bam’s grip on his hip increased, and Ryan was wondering if the bone would make it through the night, but a quick stab from Bam to his prostate and Ryan didn’t care how many broken bones he got from this, his back arching to an almost painful position as Bam continued with his strokes. Ryan was groaning and moaning uncontrollably, and he was almost worried about someone hearing him and coming to see what was going on. The last thing that Ryan wanted was Raab there right not, so he put a knuckle in his mouth, biting down and tasting the blood.

Bam was set in a rhythm, his head back as he pushed and pulled in the tight heat, Ryan’s muscles clinging to him. Each time be felt the tremor that ran through Ryan’s body he gasped, pushing in hard to see if it would intensify. Ryan’s moans were building and the muscles tightening and Bam could feel that he was about ready to come. His nerve endings tingling as Ryan hooked his legs around Bam’s thighs and pulled him in closer, Bam plunging in to the hilt and Ryan arching up off the bed. Bam managed to hold out a few more seconds, going as deep as possible into Ryan before he came, hard and hot inside Ryan. One hand grasped Ryan’s hip while the other supported his body on the bed, his torso leaning over Ryan as he rested his head on Ryan’s chest as he slowly came down from his high.

He was panting and exhausted and Ryan let him fall down on him, two strong arms wrapping around his body and stroking his back as he felt his heartbeat return to normal. It was intense, and just watching Ryan had been intense enough to make him come. Bam gathered his wits about him, slowly pulling back to pull out of Ryan, feeling the gasp and slight his from Ryan. But neither commented on it, and Bam, slightly dazed, looked around the room for his boxers, but just couldn’t find them.

Ryan’s hand on his shoulder pulled Bam down to the bed and Bam lay there, watching the ceiling, his shoulder touching Ryan’s and his hand laying over Ryan’s heart, feeling the thump, thump, thump of his heartbeat.

“So, that’s sex with a guy?” Bam finally managed to say. Ryan just nodding, his tongue running over his bruised lips and trying to clean away the blood from his now cut knuckle. “Random,” Bam’s voice now became hushed, taking on that shy tone from earlier.

“Yeah, Bam-Bam?” They were both quiet, both uneasy and neither wanting to ruin the calm moment.

“Can I stay with you tonight?” Bam asked, looking over at Ryan. Their eyes met and said a thousand things to each other. They knew that although this was supposed to be a one off, although this was supposed to be Bam getting through his whole experimenting thing, although this was supposed to be a friend helping a friend, this would happen again. Probably more often than either would’ve thought.

“Yeah, you can stay with me whenever you want, Bam.” Ryan said, moving over a little and letting Bam curl around him, arms around his waist and head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Ryan just looped his arms around Bam, holding him close and playing with his sweat slick hair.

Yes, this was a learning experience for a curious young male. But it was also a learning experience for a smitten older male. And you always learn through life so, maybe this learning experience would continue for a while.




My longest one shot to date.

Also something I’m fairly proud of, and that doesn’t happen too often so, n’yeah.

Feedback would be loved.
I love feedback.

character: bam margera, genre: slash, pairing: bam/ryan, rating: nc-17, fandom: jackass, warning: rps, character: ryan dunn, author: torncorpse

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