Ok. Before I go to bed I need to make some kind of rambling rant about the Open Source Boob Project, otherwise I'm going to be thinking about it and being all bleh. Google it if you don't know about it. I don't know that I want to spoil your own disgust or elation at the idea
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The consensus is pretty much that the girls were DEFINITELY just as accountable as the boys, if not more so. It's one thing, almost an expected thing, for men to silence women who want to speak out. It's despicable for women to do it to other women. Women should know the hardship, the pain, the degradation that other women go through in their lives. They should understand it and want to help, not add to it by putting their own pressure on. It's just horrible. It makes me sick to my stomach.
And it's not just grab ass. It's ALL of it. And I know this all started because of the OSBP, but so many of the random things that boys in our society do degrade women and make my skin crawl. Men who wheedle women into wearing skimpy clothing, who insist that girls post revealing pictures on their blogs. This happened on MY OWN FLIST. When I e-mailed the girl in question, privately, she told me that it was her BF's best friend and it was okay, but it makes my SKIN CRAWL. You do not pressure a woman into something like that. You do not take advantage of the inherent politeness that society forces upon women. You don't stare at her breasts instead of her face, you don't make comments to her on the street, you do not disrespect her body. EVER.
And, you know, the "well-meaning" nerd guys are just as bad, if not worse than the frat boys. Guys like the OP of the OSBP think they can get away with doing things like this under the guise of being cute and nerdy or academic about it, under the guise of NOT being the frat boy asshole who roofies a girl or gropes her at a party. They just make comments about how nice your boobs are or how hot you are. That's supposed to make you feel good, right? And it's JUST AS BAD. They're still objectifying women, only they expect to be praised for it because they're not raping anyone. It makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm just so angry about all of this. So angry. I don't know if you've heard of the Open Source Women Back Each Other Up project, but I'm going to buy a few dozen buttons and give them to my friends because this is just painful and wrong and awful.
Wow. Um. Sorry for ranting on your journal. This whole thing has just made me angry and ashamed beyond words.
I emailed him a link to this. I hope he reads it and feels appropriately ashamed.
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