I'm not Cutting it because I Want you to Read it.

Apr 25, 2008 03:33

Ok. Before I go to bed I need to make some kind of rambling rant about the Open Source Boob Project, otherwise I'm going to be thinking about it and being all bleh. Google it if you don't know about it. I don't know that I want to spoil your own disgust or elation at the idea.

Even the name of the "project" sounds disgusting. It's not really a project. It's a practice in male ideas of appropriate sex behaviors. I'm going to take a firmly feminist and female position on this, so if my male friends take offense I'll apologize for over-generalizing (but I'm not taking it back). I'll also apologize for my frequent use of all caps. I'm pretty overzealous on this matter apparently.

Note that I'm using the terms boy and girl because none of the people involved were mature enough for me to merit calling them men and women.

My sense of humor says: BOYS HARDLY KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH BREASTS IN THE BEDROOM. How on earth are they going to know what to do with them in public?

My sense of feminism says: NOW WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THOSE GIRLS THINK TO ASK IF THEY COULD FONDLE THE BOY'S BALLS IN EXCHANGE FOR A BREAST GROPE? There was absolutely no reciprocity. I guess you could argue a pair of balls doesn't equal a pair of breasts, but I don't imagine anything on a boy's body does. The boy who came up with the idea in the first place even said that he wouldn't let someone fondle his junk if asked (last page of comments near the bottom). DO NOT get all PROPRIETARY about your BOYISH BODY when you're invading a GIRL'S BODY with your grubby little hands!

My male opinion: I asked my brother and he agreed with me. Those boys were SCUMBAGS.

My female opinion: Those girls were IDIOTS. When you let boys touch you like that in public you're doing a huge disservice to girls everywhere. ROLE MODELS KIDS! You're being treated like sex objects. It's not demystifying sex in anyway. It's making it harder for women to be taken seriously when GIRLS engage in such immature behavior. It's like playing doctor in fourth grade, except only the girls are dumb enough to get groped.

Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but the girls involved were just as much to blame as the boys. We have the power to say NO and we need to start exercising it. We can't cave to peer pressure. We can't beg for validation with a quick grope of the tits. IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. WE HAVE TO CHANGE OUR BEHAVIOR TO CHANGE THE WORLD. It doesn't even start at saying NO. We need to SCREAM THAT SHIT.

Even while the main boy apologized on his site about "the project" it's not enough. Mind you, he started a conversation, a very IMPORTANT conversation about SEX and how easy it is for BOYS to take advantage of GIRLS. But the error here was in the behavior (the very concept of bringing buttons to the next con... JESUS CHRIST ON A POPSICLE STICK! I can't begin to reveal my revulsion). KEEP your fucked up values between you and your fucked up friends. Breasts aren't happy fun bags for a boy's amusement. It's a part of a woman's body, a secondary sex organ, something you don't need to be touching in public.

Lastly: I've been in the theatre for much of my adult life. If you think animecon kitty cosplay girls are fondle-some, you should meet my friends from PSU theatre. We didn't have a lot of personal boundaries and there was lots of grab-ass. BUT, here's the catch: it was always among friends and it was always in safe places (our theatre hallway, lounge, the basement, and stage in Myer's Fine Arts). We didn't play 8 rounds of grab-ass in front of people we didn't know in places that we weren't comfortable to walk around and be our lascivious selves. BONUS POINTS FOR US: we NEVER ASKED STRANGERS to play with us.


If someone were to ask for a fondle (or just grab without permission) I reserve MY RIGHT to SLAP A BITCH and SCREAM NO.

wtf?, douchebaggery, public post

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