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Aug 20, 2004 09:52

im at my moms work today.. yay ny! lol i havent been here since last year i think.. whoa that just clicked lol... when we were outside my moms office i was like "you sure its ok im here?" cause we just decided last night that i was coming and she goes "i dont see why it would be a problem" and i kinda looked at her and went "good cause theres no turning back now" lol XD

i might go see a broadway show with my mom once she finishs work.. that would be awsome since we've been trying to see one for a long ass time now and have only succeeded like twice lol

it wont let me on aim express and i dont know why.. thats gay lol

i bought new sneakers from journey's yesterday and i didnt realize it till the walk over but their too big lol.. im thinking of stuffing them with tissues so i dont die on the walk over to broadway lol.. that and lunch XD... maybe i should try tying the laces..lol that might make it fit a bit more

doc says in two weeks i can eat normal food again so im gonna be off this diet thing and back to gaining weight! yay lol

the guy that works at the desk im at right now has one of those wireless mouse things and i want one.. its so cool lol

im tired i got about an hours sleep last night and the guy has a nice big red couch in his office thats calling to me but i cant use it cause if someone walks in and im fast asleep and its someone important then there goes my moms paycheck lol

im gonna go look for lyrics for those wallpapers i've been making lol i really need a life.. i made one for allie and maggie lol yay go me *party*

i'll probably update again about 40 times saying how i need something to do lol
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