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Aug 19, 2004 06:45

getting my hair done today finally.. i've waited so long for this lol i just hope it comes out well x.x

i have a doctors appointment after the hair dressers one and then i get to go to my ortho place so my mom can tell my dentist that they can start working on my ortho stuff again... yay..cause you know they havent put me through enough pain yet..... -.- i hate doctors their all against me.. lol

today i've been making wallpapers all day cause i have no life lol and then at about 11 i went out with rich, chris, and chris for a walk to 7/11 and the we went to hamerskijold and they ate and i just kinda sat there and then we walked back cause i had to be home and somehow i was an hour late when i really wasnt.. i dont know how to explain it cause i dont understand myself... lol but i stayed outside with them.. i dont feel as if it makes a difference whether im there or not anymore.. its like im there but they talk to eachother like im not there and i dont know how to include myself in the convos cause most of the time i have no idea what their talking about.. so tonight while i was out with them i thought about a lot of other shit.. its weird to feel so uncomfortable and distant around them especially since i consider them my best guy friends

blah i think im gonna try and go to sleep since im gonna have to be up and about in 3 and a half hours.. YAY lol x.x
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