I ADMIT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call me childish, call me immature, call me.....well, something along the lines of that -_-;;
But if there's one thing that haven't changed ever since my dad received a Playstation from his friend back in late 1998, it's my addiction to video games.
Back then I was in 3rd grade, my sister was 2 years old, and the only game discs I had was one of a demo and my dad's GranTurismo (the very first version).
Ah, the good ol' days..
......................wait, that sounded like an old geezer talking....
I just completed Okami on PS2 yesterday.
More precisely, it was 4 AM today..
It's one of the best games I've played, and a lot of reviews around the web would agree with me :P
Unlike a lot of RPG's I came across, the part right before the final battle was really touching.
Heck, I almost, almost jerked a tear.
It's strange, considering that many RPG's had used the same formula.
I remembered clearly the similar moment in Wild Arms 2, when every character you've come across prays in some form and gives the main character a MAJOR-IPWNZJ00-IMACHARGINMAHLAZORRZ-SHOOPDAWOOP power-up against the final boss.
But that just flat-out came as cheezy when I saw it with Wild Arms 2....
Last night though, it was different.
The fact that you controlled a weakened Amaterasu due to people's lack of faith in gods made a lot more sense.
After the first stage of the final fight, there's a cutscene of the supposed fallen boss suddenly rising up again and sucking Amaterasu dry of her powers.
It's really heart-wrenching (well...it could be partly since wolves are one of my fave animals and I abhor animal cruelty...that's pretty hypocritical since I still eat meat -_-;; ).
Amaterasu litterally gets zapped around while getting her powers sucked out of her one by one until she gets thrown to the ground.
I don't know about what other players felt when they saw Amaterasu trying to stand up again in the form of a tired, regular wolf to face the big ol' baddie, but that really made me pity her.
All throughout the game she worked so hard to restore people's faith in gods, even if it meant giving the credit to another person..
And now she was still trying to protect them from total annihilation even when she could barely stand up.
Then the miracle came along--Issun had been traveling all over Nippon to spread the word of her being a goddess, surprising several characters from past encounters and somewhat restoring their faiths.
In the end, they all prayed together and restored Amaterasu back to fighting shape--more, even! (Shiranui-mode ftw...)
It's like...all of her efforts wasn't in vain after all.
She did all of those miracles for helping humans, and now they helped her when she was at a dire need.
One really innocent line came from a little girl who was trying to make her older sister believe in gods: "Is that doggy crying somewhere, sis? Is that why the sunshine has disappeared? *sob* "
(All together now, "Aawwwww.....")
Btw, someone had uploaded the scene on youtube
here Although I agree with others who've played this game that the design for the final boss was a bit...........random, the story itself was more than satisfactory.
The gameplay was also great, with all the Celestial Brush drawing stuff.
It really feels like you're controlling a deity...since you can make plants bloom just by drawing a circle, create water, fire, wind and ice out of nowhere.
Hehe...this may be the first game I'm really looking forward to replaying since Final Fantasy IX...and FFVI..and Chrono Trigger...and...well, you get the picture XD