Oct 30, 2006 01:31
sometimes I truly find myself amazed by those around me. It seems the younger we are the wiser we are. The more willing to love, and forgive, andlet ourselves be hurt and tried... To give chance after chance just because we ourselve so often need that extra chance.
Sometimes all we need is a taste.. and sometimes it's never enough, the glass is bottomless and all we want is more.
Everytime I'm ready to accept an move on, the more I find myself retreating away. And the more I say it outloud the more I want to scream and cry and make it not be that way anymore. I the more I want to hug and make it all better. The more I want to love. Everyone keeps saying this is right... and now it's starting to feel wrong. And I keep doing it because I'm hurt, and because I want to prove my point. But I don't think it's going in invoke change in the other person... and so really, is this form of help really helping?
All I know is that you were my person. And now you aren't. But sometimes I still want you to be.