I think my last entry was back in December. There have been so many things I wanted to post, but to be honest, I was just too lazy. However, if there's anything that needs to be posted, it is this:
About one month ago, on May 6th, I got married!
You can view some pictures here:
http://insigniaice.photosite.com Yup, that's right. I'm married now, after six long years of being with my girlfriend, Rochelle. The wedding was a blast! It took place in a little chapel called the "Canterbury" located inside the Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. There were about 115 attendees including the wedding pary; the majority from San Diego who all travelled about 6 hours to get there. For our "honeymoon," we went to Disneyland and Six Flags.
Shortly after the wedding, Rochelle moved in with me into my apartment in Rosamond, which is about 3 hours away from our hometown in San Diego. Along with her came her two cats, Sammy and Pinky; for a grand total of 4 cats in my apartment.
While I'm at work, she stays home and takes care of the place. And while some would wonder why she isn't working too, it's because she'll be taking a three month break until she starts her new job...in the Air Force. Yup, that's right. My wife is enlisting, just like I did.
So that's what's new with me. Hopefully, I'll be good and start posting more frequently again. Until then, take care!