I have these things, you know? Things that I do.

Mar 12, 2004 09:05

I think I can get all my work done today. This will be a first for the week.

I have plans this weekend, but all I really want to do is drive the entire perimeter of Lake Michigan, ferry out to an island at the tip of the UP, and readreadread until my brain melts. Assuming, of course, that melted brain is an acceptible excuse from work. I'm hoping it is.

But alas, brain melt is not in the cards.

Was talking with zennerthanyou on Wednesday and cracked myself up, because I amuse me, even if I amuse no one else.

Zen: So I'm watching FoxNews, and that guy I hate comes on. What's his name... ummmm...
Sid: Garrison Keillor?
Zen: No. *pause* Garrison Keillor isn't on FoxNews.
Sid: I know, but isn't he a weird person to hate?
Zen: I... I guess. Yes.
Sid: 'Cause, really? Who hates Garrison Keillor? He's utterly unhatable.
Zen: That's true. But he's not on FoxNews.
Sid: But wouldn't it be funny if he was? *cracks up*
Zen: *ponders ending friendship*

Then we talked about the personification of Death, and where he would come from.

Zen: Death could be Texan.
Sid: Nah. Death is pretty mellow, and I'm pretty sure it has a sense of humor. Maybe it's Minnesotan.
Zen: ??
Zen: No. But that would be pretty disturbing. Death is from Lake Wobegon?
Sid: And who would hate him?
Zen: No one. No one hates Garrison Keillor.
Sid: Though maybe Death is Australian.
Zen: *thinks* That doesn't sound right.
Sid: What, so Death has to be American?
Zen: No, but I don't think Death fits into the Australian character.
Sid: Argentinian?
Zen: Maybe.

My sense of humor is deep and unfathomable.
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