My Hearts Desire

Mar 22, 2006 22:43

My heart’s desire:

When I was in high school, my friends and I spent days compiling a list of qualities that future boyfriends must be sure to possess. This list, although lost now, I recall included things such as “man hands”, “nice legs” and the like. Now, not to say that these things aren’t important aspects of a man I’d be attracted to, but I have definitely decided that this list could use some revision…so here goes, here’s what my heart desires:

I want a guy who is in love with God, and completely devoted to following His will. A guy who can and will be a spiritual leader, who will pray for me and with me, and encourage me to be a Godly woman. A guy who will not burn out and turn away from God when times get rough, but instead, trust Him more and rely on His plan for us. A guy who makes attending church and studying the Bible a vital part of his life. A guy who listens to God’s voice and follows wherever it leads him, even when his worldly plan is different. A guy who loves Jesus more than me, and doesn’t mind that I will love Jesus more than him.
A guy who is not intimidated by my passion for nursing and my calling to reach out to disabled children and their families. A guy who knows how to play with children, and a guy who will think its cute when we go to my church and I have 16 little followers after mass. A guy who will be a good father to my children, who will provide for our family, help me cook dinners, and not mind that I don’t eat meat, and therefore don’t cook it very well.
A guy that will think it’s hot that I drive a 1988 Trooper and know what a Mack dog is. A guy that knows more about cars than me; and therefore isn’t intimidated when I proceed to change my own oil, rotate my tires, change my brake pads, flush my radiator, and come in all greasy for dinner. A guy who knows how to build and fix things, and will let me help.
A guy that will respect my father, and listen to his stories about his glory days in the fire department without rolling his eyes. A guy that brings my mom flowers when he meets her for the first time, and says “yes ma’am”, “yes sir”, please and thank you.
A guy who thinks it’s cute when I dance around in the rain, and resourceful that I will swim in my underwear in the summer at my pool when all the swim suits are in the wash. A guy who is not scared of the human body and doesn’t get offended when I’m not modest. A guy who can dance, or at least make an effort to do so, and doesn’t think that my belly dancing is a sexual innuendo from Satan.
A guy who doesn’t mind that sometimes I’m ditzy, that I’m not shy, and that I willingly talk with homeless people on the corner. A guy who is not scared by my friends and our crazy antics, someone who even doesn’t mind spending time with us just hanging out. A guy who want to take long walks with me, likes animals, and isn’t opposed to living in the country with some livestock. A guy who will take me out every once in a while, but also doesn’t mind staying in and watching a movie or playing a board game.
A guy I won’t be ashamed to share my past with, and a guy who will not hold it over my head. A guy who will understand my need for emotional stability and comfort me when I get anxious. A guy who understands why I’m prone to jealousy, why some days I’m a daddy’s girl and some day’s I’m not, why I am terrified of alcohol, and will help me work through it. A guy who won’t think cuddling is a waste of time, or a signal that I want to make out with him. A guy that will call me out when I’m being obnoxious, but love me anyways. A guy with a shoulder I can cry on when I need to, and a guy who will know when I have cried enough and tickle me until I stop.
I want a guy who loves me for me, and grows me in ways that I never thought I’d be able to. An attractive guy would be nice, but you know, I’ve learned that a guy who is head over heels for God and serving His people is incredibly sexy in his own way, and that’s quite enough for me. I guess all in all, I want a guy with these priorities: God, Family, and Serving Others. That’s not too much to ask now, is it???
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