Hopefully the madness has stopped.

Nov 29, 2009 14:13

*runs frantically through the internets* GOD I MISSED IT HERE!!! I've been at my great grandmother's house for the past three days with no internet and i swear to god I was going through withdrawals.

The quarter ended pretty smoothly. Got an A on my final website in webdesign which made me REALLY freakin happy because that project was such a bitch. Don't know what I got on my final in Boylston's class because the man doesn't use freakin blackboard but I assume its a B because i didn't notice until I had all my work up on the big screen in a slideshow presentation that i didn't grab a few points on the logo in some places so the cow was missing a leg in some of the peices *headfuckingdesk* Stupid shit like that pisses me off. I'm such a moron. Our coffee bag design for business was TOTALLY the worst one in class but Jacey and I serious did not care anymore haha. So straight B's overall. Yay for mediocrity.

So that was finals week and on top of that I was trying to enter the SCADDY awards this year, like I REALLY wanted to enter because it would look great on my resume and its a pretty prestgious award from the school. So all through finals week I was trying to get old projects together to enter. I was going to put in my WritersCon logo and business system, Newman's Steak and Seafood logo and business system, and my cookbook. It cost me 80 freakin dollars to print and they fucked up my cookbook so there's a few blank pages in there that I ended up having to spray mount together -_- The entries had to be in by Fri Nov 20 at 5pm so I figured that I would get my pictures and stuff together on Thursday, which Nicole helped me with because I'm a shitty photographer and Thursday night Nik, jacey and me would go down to JAX to see New Moon at midnight with Britt and then I'd have all Friday morning to put my PDFs together and email them in by 5. Well I wake up Friday morning and remember FUCK i left my camera in Savannah so I got up at like 10 and was going to drive back to Savannah to get my camera. Jacey was like "uh we have a camera here, Nicole can just take the pics again." and I was like DUR okay so I'm putting my PDFs together and I read on the entry sheet that it has to be at Adler Hall at 5pm, like you couldn't email them. So I'm like FUCK i have to drive this shit back up to Savannah. So I'm hurrying through, Nicole is retaking the photos and by then it's like 2:15 and I have to leave at 2:30 to get back to Savannah in plenty of time to make the deadline. THEN I realize I don't have any burnable CDs. So Jacey is like "Nicole will finish taking the photos, I'll take your car and go to wal-mart and get CDs and you can finish the PDFs" but by then I was like fuck it God does not want me to enter this contest *sigh* so that was pretty much 80 bucks down the drain haha.

I left Jacksonville on Sunday and hung with my Grandparents in Leesburg for a couple days then drove over to Niceville, Florida to spend thanksgiving with my other grandparents my great aunt and uncle and my greatgrandmother. Talk about crazy. On Friday my granny, two great aunts and greatgrandmother all went to this little boutique where they sell Sorrelli jewelry. Oh. My. God. We spent an hour and a half in there picking out jewelry which was FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!! And its' FAKE! We talked about the jewelry for an hour and a half in the store then we talked about it in the car on the way to lunch, who got what, and who got what for who and how pretty it all was. Then at lunch we talked about who got what, and who got what for who and how pretty it all was. Then we went home and they showed it to their husbands and talked about who got what, and who got what for who and how pretty it all was. Then we went shopping at an outlet mall and I got some kick ass boots for Christmas then we went back home and they all put on the jewelry and talked about who got what, and who got what for who and how pretty it all was. I pretty much wanted to kill myself haha. But I learned how to play poker and actually didn't do too bad. Broke dead even. Like I came out with the exact amount of money I came in with. Weird.

So now I'm finally home where I have my own room and the internet and everyone will leave me the fuck alone when I want them to haha. I have to call about my internship tomorrow and my great aunt wants me to work for her some this break and my dad wants me to work some at the liquor store. Busy Busy Busy.

Oh and UTTK! I'm working on it I swear. I've hit a little bit of a snag but I think I know how I wanna work it out so I just need to sit down and do it. Its gonna be rough but I'm gonna get it outta me if it kills me haha. I've had a lot of driving time to think about it so hopefully it won't be too bad.
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