Nov 14, 2009 18:46
UTTK is slowly moving. I've been working on it off and on over the past week and I know where i want it to go I just need to find the time to get it down. It's so frustrating when all you want to do is write but you really have NO time at all to do it *sigh*
Next week is finals THANK GOD I'll be so glad when this quarter is over. One more after this one. Just one more and then its the real world. I'm not really scared yet. I'm kinda excited actually. I'm just really sick of school and sick of being broke all the time. I want a real effin job so I can start paying off some of this debt and get my own place and everything like that. I feel like school has been a giant leash that's kept me from getting to where I wanna be and honestly I'm glad its about to be over. I know all you people who have graduated and are out there doing it are probably saying I'm in for a rude awakening and I'm sure I am haha but I just wanna be done with school.
I'm such a procrastinator right now. I've got SO MUCH WORK to do and I just can't seem to DO it. My webpage is pretty much done for Web design as is my restaurant branding for Studio II. Business is getting the shaft because its a blow off project that's gonna sneak up on me I just know it and I still haev to write a paper and do a presentation for web design and study for a test in there too. The paper is killing me right now. We had to pick a topic that had to do with the internet and I chose fan fiction and it's effect on pop culture and the interwebz hahaha. There are like NO sources about fanfiction. Its all just fanfic lol So I gotta kinda pull this paper outta my ass and I have NO idea how to start it ugh
Last night we had a Christmas party for all of our friends and we roasted this 20 pound turkey hahaha. It turned out GOOD too. We were so proud. It was kinda a respite from studying and we don't get to spend Christmas with everyone here so it was nice to just spend that time with everyone. We played Apples to Apples and man do I suck at that game. no one ever picked my card haha
Also dyed my hair yesterday. Its a nice chocolate brown color which I have wanted to try for a REALLY long time and I think it looks damn good if I do say so myself lol I've gotten mixed reviews from people but everyone who's seen it in person has really liked it so maybe the picture that I sent to everyone back home just wasn't very good or something. Who knows lol
Anyway back to the grindstone I guess *sigh*