Jul 06, 2006 12:08
Work a day, get a day off, then work a day, then get a day off, then work a day, then get a day off… this has been a pretty good week, schedule-wise. Still, aside from completing two more Nevenzor chapters, this was the most uneventful Independence Day weekend in Dave Miller history. A far cry from watching fireworks displays all up along the Outer Banks from the fishing piers out back of the Lost Colony stage, or from watching explosions of light and color all over Honolulu and Waikiki Beach reflect off the glass buildings around my hotel… or from buying a fireworks kit at a store and setting them off with my son in the parking lot of Lowe’s Hardware; I basically sat around and typed. Productive use of the day perhaps, but hardly the most traditional. I didn’t even have a hangover to nurse this morning.
In fact, to my shame, not a drop of alcohol has passed these lips from last weekend to the present. I really should go get a twelve-pack of J. W. Dundee’s Honey Brown Ale or something. I’ve got one more day off before another four-day stretch, and I should use it wisely by wasting it away.
It’s probably too late though, seeing as I’m meeting with a sketch artist this afternoon who wants to try her hand at drawing landscape renderings of Frey. Let’s pray she can show me what’s in my head, or something I can grow more attached to than what’s in my head… sort of like when my cousin Tim used the Morrowind Construction Set to build a 3D version of how he thought Walthus’s Fortress should look, and I fell in love with it and scrapped my original concept.
Goddess, if I could have my way, I’d surround myself for the next five years only with people who were as excited about this project as I am! I need painters, I need sketch artists, I need cartographers, I need computer animators, I need camera operators, I need fight choreographers, I need makeup artists and costumers, and I need actors! Now, damn it!!! (Actually, like as not, I’ll have them all by next year, and working out of someone else’s wallet. Go magic envelopes, go!)
By the way, I’ve got less than a month to decide what I want to get in the way of another tattoo. My friend Nick is getting his first one, and I’m pouncing on the excuse to go. Richmond, VA appears to be the tattoo capital of the U. S., and that being the case I would have felt lousy leaving without getting inked again. (Tattoos are a strange addiction, and hard to maintain on a typical paycheck.) All of what I’m wearing now is 100% original, as in I can guarantee that no one else anywhere has another like them, and that’s a tradition I’d like to continue, so I can’t go for anything from a magazine or a stencil wall.
Well, that’s all I’ve got for the time being. Stay tuned to this channel for follow-up reports.