Jun 19, 2006 01:27
"List up to ten (10) things you want to say to ten (10) people. Do not state who these people are. Do not confirm or deny any comment speculation. Tag five (5) people."
1. I still love you but only as a freind and it hurts me to watch you suffer instead of move on.
2. SHUT THE FUCK UP and listen to what i have to say im noty a fucking kid anymore
3. Your the reason im the man i am today and i love you for it
4. you abandoned me and i feel worthless because of it
5. i really do love you like a sister but your make it dificult to like you
6. dude your wasting your life and your mind grow up
7. ive never felt more ashamed for anything than i have for what i did to you
8. I love you but i dont tell you that i feel worthless everyday and your the only thing that can raise me up
9. your dead for what you did to someone i love and your never going to hurt anyone again
10. thanks for fucking me over i really needed it at this time in my life now i dont have a freind to run to and i dont have a place to live so fuck you