It Wasn't About the Promises Part 2/?

Sep 09, 2012 00:52

He no longer knew how long they sat there for. It seemed like eternity and seconds all at once. He hated the fear that haunted him. He knew of no way to escape it. He could only clutch Sam tighter for the small comfort he was provided. Silence. It echoed all around, bringing with it a new tidal wave of fear that almost consumed him completely.

The whisper of wings seemed to be coming from all around. A savage snarl came from Adam’s right side, where Sam sat, and then Sam was gone leaving a lingering warmth. He could hear Sam’s cry of surprise and then silence. Glancing around in panic, Adam did the only thing he could think of. Run.

He leaped up, running with no destination. He couldn’t tell where he was going, only that he had to get away. He ran until he collapsed shaking. The tears returned, trying to drown him with the emotions that followed. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t take the fear, the pain, any of it. Adam gave up, no longer having any will to fight. He was weak and he knew it, he couldn’t lie to himself any longer. He had only wanted to see his mother again. He longed for a family he could never have. Then he had made the mistake, he knew he was a fool for even falling for Him. A mistake for wanting love from a being that had only wanted him for the use of his body. Look where it had gotten him.

Curling up in a ball on his side, he lay there, waiting for his fate to be decided. He clutched himself tighter when the whisper of wings surrounded him. He waited, holding his breath, bracing himself for the pain he knew was coming, dreading the agony that would follow. When what felt like a hand landed on his head gently, he flinched, hoping it would all be over soon. When nothing happened, he opened his eyes, looking up at the figure above him.

What could only be Michael's true form stood over him. His body was composed of a blinding white light that seemed to be alive with fire. He radiated a power that filled every inch of his very essence, it was almost too much for Adam to withstand. Adam’s eyes were then drawn to the six great wings branched off from Michael. Each wing made of the purest white with hues of gold and silver that seemed to appear and disappear with every movement of his wings. Trying to recover from the shock of seeing Michael’s form, he tried to gather himself up and prepare for his fate.

What are you going to do to me? He whispered unable to look at Michael. I want to hurt you, destroy your soul bit by bit, then rebuild you so I can do it again. Yet somehow I can’t bring myself to do that. Michael’s true voice rang out around him, shaking Adam’s soul to the core. Adam finally looked up at Michael again, blinking slowly in shock. What was going on, what did Michael mean? Michael’s head tilted to the side slightly, as if he were trying to figure out a puzzle. Slowly Michael’s hand reached forward and very gently touched Adam’s cheek. The touch filled Adam’s soul with a warmth that chased away the cold that had been slowly filling him up. He couldn’t resist leaning into the warmth, forgetting himself for the need of comfort that he desperately needed.

I wish you didn’t have to be here. You should be in heaven with your mother, you shouldn’t have been forced to join a war that was never yours to fight. Michael picked Adam up and curled himself around him, as if he were shielding Adam from the world. He didn’t have any words to respond to Michael. A soft croon of comfort pulled Adam from his thoughts, and he realized he was crying again, unable to stop himself from shaking he curled up tighter, ashamed of being weak. Rest Adam, I will watch over you. He didn’t know why Michael cared, but he didn’t have the energy to question it. Sleep overtook him, and for the first time since arriving to the cage, he found some peace.


Adam awoke to the sound of talking. I’ve come for Sam and only Sam. I can not take the boy as well. Came the voice of a stranger. Adam tried to see who the voice belonged to, but Michael’s wings shielded him from the surrounding darkness and the stranger. You must take him. He doesn’t deserve to be here. There was the rising presence of anger as Michael snarled at the stranger. Adam shifted, trying to peek through the soft cocoon of feathers, but Michael only held him closer. No, came the voice again. I will only bring one and the deal was only made for Sam. Michael? Adam question softly, what’s going on? There was a shift of feathers, and Michael looked down at Adam in his arms and replied softly, Death is here for Sam. I’ve tried to get him to take you as well, but I fear there is nothing I can do. It’s fine, Adam choked out, I get that Dean cares more for Sam, after all they are brothers. Another soft croon from Michael had him curling into the warmth he offered. Get out of here, you’ve done enough damage, Michael snarled at Death and Adam choked back a sob. He felt like it was all hopeless. There was never going to be a way out. He lay there silently in Michael’s arms, trying to cope.

Why are you doing this? Why do you care? You’re an Archangel, I’m just some human, why am I worth the effort? Adam knew he sounded like a self hating brat, but what else did he have? You misjudge your own soul Adam. You have a strength that makes you just as strong as your brothers. Yes, you are human, but I think I finally understand why my father cherished your kind so much. There is something unique about you. A strength that keeps you going when everything seems impossible. Angels are beings of power. We have always had this power. Humans only have their will and their will has given the strength to do great things. Your will is the equivalent of our power. We rely on our power while you rely on your will. In some ways that makes you stronger because our power can be taken from us, but while it can be broken, you will always have your will. I misjudged your kind, and all it took me to realize this was getting pulled into the cage by a human. I admire you Adam. You have a strong will, and while you may think very little of yourself, you are a lot stronger then you think. Adam blinked slowly, trying to process all that Michael had said.

What makes me so special? He couldn’t help but ask. Your soul called out for me the day you were born. I ignored it because I was arrogant. I couldn’t accept that a human was my mate, it seemed like a disgrace. Adam flinched, but before he could say anything Michael shushed him. When I was residing in your body, I felt all that you felt, I could see into the depth of your soul, and I knew that you were mine. A bond so strong is something to be cherished, it is rare for a bond between an angel and human to exist, but when it does, it is because my father has willed it to be so. I took something so powerful for granted when I should have responded to your call the moment I first felt it. I ask for your forgiveness for being a fool. I hope that in time, you would permit me to form a bond with your soul. I cannot ask you to accept me after all that has happened, but I ask for a chance to redeem myself. Adam looked up at Michael, his mind working furiously, trying to figure everything out. A chance? He asked softly. If you would permit me so. Michael responded. Adam really wanted to hate Michael, but he couldn’t. Not after everything. If we ever get out of here, you may have a chance to redeem yourself. I want to hate you for what you’ve done, but I don’t think I can.

Thank you Adam. Michael responded, his voice full of gratitude. I promise you, I will find a way.

And maybe, Adam found himself believing Michael, because Michael had given him something he had lost the moment he entered the cage. Hope.

michael, supernatural, grace/soul sharing, knotting, bonding, adam, wingfic

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