It Wasn't About the Promises Part 1/?

Sep 09, 2012 00:45

I uploaded this onto Archive of our Own and decided to post it on here as well.
It all started when Adam met Michael. At first he felt burning pain, the feeling of all that power being forced into his body, but it faded away as he was pushed to the back of his mind. He could barely sense the things going on outside his body, and constantly aware of the bright grace, pure and raw burning through his body. Adam felt like he was dreaming, barely there in his own body compared to all the power surrounding him. He could only think about the chance of seeing his mother again, but even his thoughts seemed so far away.

It was quick, a sharp agonizing pain that pulled him back into a state of control, he blinked his eyes, trying to grasp what was occurring. There was darkness and the feeling of falling quickly. He felt a hand in his and could barely see Sam falling beside him. He felt every bit of Michael's grace leaving his body to form beside him, and it burned, ripping at his soul. He couldn't tell if he was screaming and could only clutch Sam's hand tighter. Eventually, the pain subsided, but the fear still there. Where were they? What was happening? He wondered if he was crying, he couldn't even tell. Suddenly the feeling of Sam was gone, and it was just him and Michaels bright form falling. Adam couldn't even turn his head to see Michael. It felt like every bone in his body was made of lead. His soul felt like a weight, dragging him down farther and farther into the dark. Then he felt it. A hand, or something resembling a hand, grasped his. The brief feeling of comfort entered his mind, his eyes fluttering shut to savor the feeling.

Images of his mother reading to him before he went to bed, singing to him when he had a nightmare, all flashed before his eyes. He savored every memory, his chest tightening if an aching pain. All of sudden, it was as if time stopped, and he opened his eyes to see only darkness, but the sensation of falling was gone. He couldn't tell if he was sitting on any ground or if he was floating. It was almost if he was sitting in nothing and everything at once. He thought he could hear the sound of thunder and screeches echoing from the distance of where ever he was. The sounds were unlike anything he had ever heard before, and he felt the fear rise up in him again. He wondered if Sam was in this darkness as well. Sam? He tried to say, but he wasn't even sure if a sound came out at all. Sam? He tried to say it louder this time, but only the sounds from the distance and an overbearing silence answered him back. He curled up, wrapping his arms around his knees, burying his head into his arms, trying to shield himself from the darkness.

He didn't know how long he sat there, it felt like centuries, or maybe it was months? The sounds he heard from the distance changed constantly. From thunder to the sound of a thousand swords clashing, they all brought fear upon him. Were the sounds getting closer or getting farther? He opened his eyes, raising his head from his arms, and looked up, wondering if there was any way out of the darkness he had been thrown into. He felt something dripping on his arms, and he shakily raised one of his hands up to his face to feel tears staining his cheeks. A broken sob that seemed to echo around him broke free from his body, and he finally released all the pain and sadness he had felt building up inside him. Once again, he lost himself in the pain and darkness, all sense of time lost to him.

Adam? A voice echoing all around him. He jerked his head up, looking around frantically. Searching for the voice. Maybe he had imagined it? He finally saw it, movement in the darkness. It appeared to be coming towards him and he braced himself, ready for whatever was coming. Sam materialized before him, coming closer, relief evident on his face, but he looked different to Adam. He took in a shuddering breath when he saw all the cuts, bruises, and blood covering Sam. It became clear to him that the difference in Sam was that he looked a thousand years older. His eyes were shadowed and his shoulders seemed to hold so much weight upon them. Are you alright? Sam's voiced sounded like bells to him, a relief, compared to the sounds still echoing in the distance. I don't know. He replied, he hadn't bothered to look at himself since arriving here. He jerked when he felt arms circle around him, pulling him into a comforting hug. Where are we? What are those sounds? What happened? The questions kept rising up and Sam shushed him, pulling him closer. We're in the cage. I said yes to Lucifer so that I could pull him back in here as well as Michael. I'm sorry you were brought down here as well, I never wanted you to suffer like this. You never deserved any of the things that have happened to you. I have the feeling that those sounds are from Michael and Lucifer fighting, but I'm not going to go and check, it's too risky. Sam's arms tightened around him, his blood staining Adam's clothes, but none of this registered in Adam's mind. He closed his eyes, grabbing onto Sam and holding him close, relishing the comfort he was given.

He knew he should be angry with Sam, hitting him instead of hugging him, but he couldn't bring himself to hate him. It was as if all the pain and hate he had kept in him was gone. Don't leave me. He whispered to Sam, clutching him like he was the only thing that was keeping him alive. I'll stay with you for as long as I can. But those two can't fight forever, and when they stop, they will come for us. I don't know what will happen, but stay strong Adam. You'll always be my little brother, no matter what you think or say, you'll always be important to me. Adam knew that was the best he was going to get, and he took it all because there was nothing else for him to hold onto. They sat there together, in the smouldering darkness, waiting for what they knew was to come.

michael, supernatural, grace/soul sharing, knotting, adam, mating

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