spring never met the fall; she has no wisdom at all to deal with falling leaves

Feb 17, 2006 00:47

it was beautiful today, wasn't it?

I woke up early today and read for a long time before class. this was nice. I've decided I'm cursed, though, in the respect that every time I get cereal it flies all over the place and not just into my bowl. I do this twice a day, and every time I walk over to the land of cereal the sad cafeteria worker is cleaning the counter. and immediately I come and mess it up. I feel bad because she has a shitty job to begin with, watching obnoxious brats like me shuffle in and swipe, and I make a mess right after she cleans, every day, twice a day. but I can't help it; it's a curse.

got my english project out of the way. that's a pleasure. I felt good today so I could talk, which is helpful when leading a class discussion. this bode well in my favor. I can't completely guage how well I did, but...well, I think it went pretty well. frankenstein's a good read, all. I enjoyed the snippet of conversation billiam, corrald and I shared over it on my voyage to class. verdant is a good word, skip. well met, laddies.

alex, robyn and I walked to the library. I bought two hemingway novels for thirty cents a-piece and am exceedingly pleased by said purchases. they don't have the book my dickinson workshop leader wrote, though, and that saddens me. I shall support her art by purchasing this book at some point, methinks.

tonight was corn dog night in stimson. oh, it's been too long! I thought I'd never taste the manna from heaven again.

I am saddened, for my roommate has left me for three whole days. the thought of returning to an empty room saddened me this night and kept me out longer than I would have intended.

I apologize for these disjoint thoughts.

I block a lot of people for whatever reason. I'm glad I'm letting some of the people I once blocked in. who they are, really, it's like pointillism...once you start assembling the whole canvas, it's not a bunch of muddy-colored dots anymore. you step back and it makes a picture. I guess until you see the picture you don't know if you're glad you looked or not.

there's so much love in my life right now. it makes me a little sad.

I can't explain that statement, which is why I put it at the end.

robyn, bill, alex, weirdness, skippy, melissa

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