Jan 05, 2006 01:01
today has been a day of thought - thought in a form that is not hurried or fretting, in a form that trickles like a bit of spray from a cool stream, from the center of your forehead, down, following the curve of your eye, pausing for a moment at the corner, then running down and tucking itself behind your ears, past your temple, into tendrils and waves.
it's difficult to pluck out any single thought from today. I thought about loss and about friendship, carpe diem and laughter, family and old friends and songwriters.
ever had a part of you that you would do anything to claim belonged to someone else? it's that thorn that always snags you, that demon that sleeps but never dies. I feel like I'm starting to lay some of my demons at peace.
I also feel that of late, more meaningfully than I have in quite some time, I've been learning: not how to emulate, but how to be...
and isn't that all that we do, in this pleasant sort of thinking?
and you know, for days like this, I've always preferred the phrase "immersed in thought" to "lost in thought".