Apr 12, 2004 17:45
wow i really love my mom..she makes me want to be a good person..i dont want to let her down..i feel ever so blessed to have one of the sweetest most caring people in this world as my mom..she is awesome..the awesomest mom ever..its mommy appreciation day..anyone out thurr who appreciates the shit out of their moms..write it down..if you dont..may you forever live in a dark and desolate world where there is no ice cream and nothing but a tetris video game..have fun..haha..im cwazy..anyways..lifes been not bad..my throat is so freaking sore..i think i smoked too much weed the last 3 days..cuz i cant even smoke a cig without dying..no good no good..btw mom i know i gave you this link..you dont have to read it..if youre gonna take it personally or try to use it to be mad at me or get me in trouble..i do know how to make it so you cant read it so BACK OFF JAVIER..haha..i bet no one else will get that..I NEED A DOLLAR..haha..DRIVE ME NOW..LEMME HAVE 50 BUCKS..hehe..mom i love you so much..youre too special..ehh..anyways..alcohol hasnt shown its ugly face in my neighborhood in a couple weeks..thats been nice..it was getting to be too much drinking everyday..ugh..diana got pissed at me for no reason last night(there actually is a reason im just lazy) and threw a chip at me..it wasnt cool..my car is funny..very funny..i hate living here..i want my place..tv is boring..i like my computer..starcraft is fun..chase is a PIMPIN ASS BITCH MOFO i love chase to death..ive decided i want my three life long best friends to be chase, diana, and matt, i love those three people to death..anyways..its been a nice update..its meant alot to me..and i must go now to the red lobster..never been..hope i dont get some bad sea food