Not Charlie's wonderful dog

Jun 13, 2009 06:06

Godammit. Why is my Internet so slow on my laptop? Remind me once again not to let Dad touch my computer again. Gods, it makes clicking on GPX a chore.

Puri got cabin fever, so she and Dad bid a visit to Barnes 'N Noble and Half-Price Books! Dad bought me lots of Nabokov goodness (Ada, Pnin, etc.) and I got PokeManga. This includes the first volume of PokeSpecial (YES!), a volume I was missing for Diamond & Pearl Adventures (more on that later) Mystery Dungeon with Ginji, and the Movie 11 adaptation. Now, allow me to rant on that latter. Skimming, I knew it was going to suck, but I bought it anyway for some of the cute plump Shaymin illustrations. I thought Movie 9 manga sucked? Well, so did the movie, no harm done. But what this guy did to Movie 11 is unforgivable. DD:

You know how Movie 10 manga took out the annoying bits of the movie (no more forced Accordshipping or Blame-It-All-On-Palkia syndrome!) and made the story and characters cute and enjoyable? (See: Tonio) Movie 11 manga takes the opposite route, butchering the movie by removing everything that made Movie 11 interesting and cute (Shaymin being a brat, a HUMONGOUS amount of Mugen and Zero's relationship, Shaymin's contrasting friendships with Ash & Dawn far more "subdued", etc.) and reduced it to shallow generic trash.

- The art is hideous. This sums up Makoto Hijioka's style: draw everyone's facial features as W I D E as possible and make their eyes tiny and their chins clearly pointy blank space. Mugen especially suffers from this. He looks like a gorilla. His facial expressions are so ugly it makes me cry tears of blood. The only characters that look good SOMETIMES are Shaymin (only reason I bought this at all), Giratina, Dawn and Zero. Speaking of Zero. Speaking of Zero, GOD. STOP SHOWING HIS SECOND EYE.

- Zero is OOC as fucking hell. In the movie, he's composed and quiet to the point of apathy. In the manga, he becomes Dilandau Without Substance, constantly cackling how he's going to take over the Reverse World ("and it'll belong to me, Zero!" Yes, he even addresses himself. Multiple times at that) and is just your annoying villain who never goes away. Worst of all, the manga can't make up its mind what he wants. First, Mugen is all, "Oh noes, he wants to take over the Real and Reverse Worlds!", then it's "He's gonna take over the world!", then Zero goes, "I'm going to blow up the Real World so the Reverse World belongs to me as its ruler, Zero!" Dude, which is it? His motivations for wanting to preserve the Reverse World is never explained, and Mugen himself doesn't take responsibility for Giratina's capture as he does in the film; it's all Zero's doing, uh huh. And he's doing it because he's evil and out of control. It's not like Zero felt close to Mugen and felt betrayed when Mugen suddenly decided to cancel all the plans they promised they'd finish together! It gets worse: when Mugen erases the plans and when Zero is left frozen in the Megaliba, Zero sobs like a maniac over having lost his beautiful plans. SOBS. In the movie, he was devastated when Mugen got rid of everything, yes. But he snarled and that was it. Finally, when Megaliba malfunctions, Zero has done everything he could and when he realized it was hopeless, he closed his eyes and accepted his fate, waiting for hypothermia to claim him before Officer Jenny and Mugen found him in the credits. Now which guy are you most likely to sympathize with?

- Shaymin's a damsel in distress instead of a brat (unless in Sky Forme, but that's not saying much), and Mii always refers to herself with all the "I"s and "me"s as "Miis" in its place. ("Mii doesn't like it...") It's... a different Shaymin, and it makes me cry. D: Come on, girl! Yank Ash's head around like you used to! You're supposed to be his grasshat! DDDD:

So, Shaymin manga? Huge disappointment. Don't buy it. :P Get Darkrai instead!

I didn't expect much out of Shigekatsu Ihara's Diamond and Pearl Adventures, but I finished the first volume and I loved it! Seriously, Hareta owns my soul ("I'm fine with being stupid! :DDDD") and his Piplup is made of win. Mitsumi makes me think of a lovechild between Misty and Tiff/Fumu from Kirby, and while Jun isn't the same Jun from the games, I'm fine with that 'cause he's fun too. XD (Plus he hits on Mitsumi and she always smacks him down. lulz for everyone!) The Gym Leaders, like Roark and Gardenia, appear for only a short time, but it's like I got to meet them for a day and goshdarn they're so cool. (Gardenia has her hood up in the introduction and goes stealth in the Eterna Forest!) The Munchlax chapter is so cute, and I like that Hareta lets him go instead of keeping him. From what I heard of later volumes? Gosh damn, I'm so excited! *_______* (Riley, Lucario and Riolu in Volume 2? YES PLZ) Dude, this same guy also is supposed to be responsible for the Lucario manga adaptation. DO WANT. Except I have no idea if it's translated or if it'll ever be. *sob*

Mugen the Shieldon has PokeRus~

*hedgehog hiss*, animé/manga, sir aaron is not disappointed in me!, pokémon, my darling songbird shaymin~ ♥, computer needs to fucking die, ...wut? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, rants, reading

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