Stolen from everyone

Jun 11, 2009 02:57

Name your top 5 favourite games from EACH SYSTEM YOU OWN (or have played if you have played that many for a system you don't own).


1. Super Mario Bros. 3 - Oh god oh god. This and the next game defined my childhood.
2. Kirby's Adventure - AND THIS IS WHY I LOVE KIRBY
3. Earthbound 0/Mother - Fuck the haters. It may be the underdog of the Mother series, but it sure as hell didn't stop me from making me smile or wrench my insides or spook me.
4. Kid Icarus - ♥♥♥
5. TIE: Bubble Bobble/Bubble Bobble Part 2 - ~HAPPY END~ And the latter is a GORGEOUS game. *________*

Honorable mentions: Startropics. I still need to beat it! :o I also liked ExciteBike, Clu Clu Land and Ice Climber and I'm a mad pro at Wario's Woods~ ♥ Cobra Triangle was fun even though I sucked at it. XD Tetris and Tetris 2 'cause I'm a loser.

Super NES:

1. Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars - Oh god. Ohhhhhhhhhh god. *o*
2. Earthbound/Mother 2 - FUCK YES. FUCK YES.
3. Chrono Trigger - Final Fantasy? Eat your heart out. ;D
5. THREEWAY TIE: Plok!/Kirby Super Star/Twinbee: Rainbow Bell Adventure - BECAUSE I SAID SO

Honorable mentions: Tetris Attack!, Kirby's Dream Land 3, Final Fantasy IV... god I love the SNES. WHY HAVE YOU ENTERED MY LIFE SO LATE

Nintendo 64

1. Super Mario 64 - So much to explore, so much to do! Including play games like "Stupid Places for Mario to Fall Asleep". Favorite spots include next to the sleeping Piranha Plant in the flower fields, lying underwater in the fountain, inside the sunbeam of the Wing Cap, and atop the roof of Boo Mansion. :P
2. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - I remember squealing when I first saw the ad to this game. To this day, Kirby 64 is still amazingly beautiful with all its creeping shadows. *______*
3. Banjo Kazooie - Grunty sure is fun to imitate / Pick this game up! Don't hesitate! Jinjos are also goddamn precious. I want one. :o
4. Paper Mario - For all its flaws, it has crack pairings. And Lady Bow. AND TWINK! :DDDDDDD
5. TIE: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask - The former is my favorite Zelda, but on the other hand, I LOVE the story and weird darkness and poignancy of MM. It's just being timed that I hate. :P

Honorable mentions: Jet Force Gemini. MOTHERFUCKING JET FORCE GEMINI. Now THAT is a hardcore game. Plus it's kinda cathartic for me to blow up ants with rocket launchers and watch them explode and splash with rainbow blood. ;D Mario Kart 64 allowed me to be creative with booby-traps, mmm~ ♥

Sony Playstation

1. Legend of Legaia - Oh goooooood. T______T The first RPG I ever beat by myself. THIS WAS THE FIRST GAME TO MAKE ME CRY OKAY
2. Spyro 1-3 - Yes, I consider them a trilogy in one game. Goddamn, it's addicting collecting all those gems, even if I want to headbutt Moneybags' ass (which you actually do later! :D) Simple relaxed fun, and you get to chase egg-carrying guys in turbans who make the most obnoxious taunts in the cutest voices ever. XD
3. RPG Maker - I barely even made progress on it! XD
4. Threads of Fate - Oh god. T___T ANOTHER GAME THAT MADE ME CRY. Not to mention give a barrel of laughs. Mint is the best ever.
5. Um. Um... FFVII? :DDD;;; Which kind of doesn't count. I didn't play the PSX much. XDDD;;;

Sony Playstation 2

Again, I can't remember much of any games I played on PS2. (There's both Kingdom Hearts, but I can't say I enjoy them THAT much. XD!)

1. Final Fantasy X - Say what you will, it was the first FF game I've ever beaten. The story blew me away, so did the graphics, I cared about what the characters went through, I loved challenging religion (Yevon!) and religious prejudice (The Al Bhed!) and the ending with SMRPG's is among my favorite ending for a video game ever. (FF9 will be added should I ever play it) Upon beating it, I just... stared blankly at the credits. Hell, play it for Auron's Story alone. It's unbelievably heartwrenching, full of sacrifice and it ends in triumph after hanging on with the weight of the truth and the loss of your companions for so long.

Dear lord. Not to mention the best way to crash a wedding. :o

2. Shadow the Hedgehog - My copy has the Japanese version, so I can listen to how intimidating Kouji Yusa can be with his evil laugh. :o DUDE I GOT SCARED OF SHADOW WTF. I still have my special Shadow controller too~ ♥

Nintendo Gamecube

1. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - This game and I have a love affair, and we've been going steady. Goddammit, why is it so hard unlocking Green Hill Zone? ;________________;
2. Animal Crossing - In which I crafted designs, made a Geno shrine, came up with torture methods for beating hated villagers, had a lesbian crush on Hazel (who moved when I told her and even changed her name in City Folk, wtf), fell in love with Grizzly and was practically married to him until we were separated. I had two memory cards and two towns: one had the Mario theme as the Town Tune while the other had "Fields of Innocence" by Evanescence. Good times! XD
3. Paper Mario 2: The Thousand-Year Door - MOST UNDERRATED GAME EVER. A lot of love is put into that game and you can definitely tell. :o The theme of Rogueport is still my favorite town themesong to this very day.
4. Pokemon Coliseum - Holy fuck, Pokemon got hardcore. oO;;; I play an outlaw who saves Pokemon by stealing them~! ♥
5. Mario Kart: Double Dash! - Toadette! *________________* Also I'm horrendously mean to Mario and Luigi by having them run into flames and watching them flail. "It's a-Mario Ti--*BOOSH!* WOO! WOO! WOO! WOO!"

Honorable Mention: Starfox Assault. Why does this game get no love? DDD: I thought it was fun, epic, and infinitely better and more in line with my own Starfox headcanon than any of the alternating "storylines" in Command. :PP The Aparoid concept? Hardcore. General Pepper pleading you to kill him? Guh. Peppy's sacrifice? BAAAAAAAAW. DDDDDDDDDDDDD: Of course, Peppy came back, which kinda killed it, BUT STILL! DDDDDD: Not to mention...

...Sonic Mega/Gems Collection - Sonic CD. Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic 2. Oh god I've caught up with my lost Sonic childhood. The old*sk00l characters! I love the bizarreness and designs and music and colors, and it especially shows in Sonic CD and S3&K. :o

Nintendo Wii

1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Yep! I've been holding it out 'cause this installment in the Smash series is the greatest yet~ ♥ It has a STORY, fun and touching relationships (Samus & Pikachu and Red & Lucas anyone?) SNAKE AND SONIC, and the Ancient Minister's story left me hurting inside. KICK THEIR ASSES, MINISTER ROB. W00T!
2. Pokemon Ranch - Shut up, it counts. XD I love seeing all my adorable cute Pokemon and bird-watching my Miis~ ♥
3. Dr. Mario Online - I'm so addicted to this! Anyone care to share codes and play some rounds with me?
4. Super Mario Galaxy - I'm only JUST catching up and playing it, but it's definitely breathtaking and some of the music blows my breath away. Plus Rosalina's storybook. ;; And she was inspired by one of my all-time favorite books (Le Petit Prince) so it gives me another reason to love this game and another incentive to finish it.
5. Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, though I haven't played it in a long time. XD

Crap, I think I'm outta games. :o

Game Boy/GBC:

1. Pokemon Puzzle Challenge - THIS is what later introduced me to Tetris Attack! *nod*
2. Link's Awakening - OoT being my favorite Zelda game? I lied. GOD THIS GAME MAKES ME WIBBLE
3. Super Mario Bros. Deluxe - This will ALWAYS be the best port of the original Super Mario Bros. for me. *nod*
4. Kid Icarus - Of Myths and Monsters - Actually a cute game. :o Such a pity it's so short!
5. Pokemon Blue/Gold - Obviously.

Honorable mentions: I feel sad I can't play Kirby Tilt 'N Tumble anymore. It was difficult but fun. I also have a bunch of fun junk like the cracktackular Super Mario Land, Game & Watch Gallery 3 and Pokemon Pinball that's nice to play. :o Auuuugh, why is the high-score for that level in Kirby's Block Ball so impossible to breach? DDD:

Gameboy Advance:

1. Pokemon Sapphire/Leaf Green - Fuck the haters of Sapphire. Hoenn is beautiful and so is Milotic. :o LG-wise: SQUIRTLE MY LOVE
2. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga - Maybe not THE best Mario game, but dammit is it cute and I love how fluid the animation is alongside fun dialogue. :o And a gay prince with the hots for Luigi.
3. Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land - Super lovely remake of a super lovely game~ ♥ Plus you can play through the whole thing as Meta Knight. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~~~~~~!
4. Wario Ware: Mega Micro Game$ - Two words: Stupid fun. Gosh do I love it! *________________________*
5. Sonic Battle - Who cares if it isn't really apart of "true" Sonic canon? Gotta love the characterization. :o

Honorable mentions: I'm still in Chapter 1. But I already know Mother 3 will rip my heart out, stomp on it until I die, then revive me as a half-cyborg slave and laugh at me. Also I like Pokemon Pinball R/S god I need a life. And Wario Ware Twisted! :D

Nintendo DS

1. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1+2 - Fuck the haters. For a kid's game it's dark and it has guts, and it will make you fucking BAWL. And I love that you can play as the Pokemon for once and hfdjsghsk GROVYLE *SOB*
2. Sonic Rush - Nice introduction for Blaze there! Plus I liked that they went back to what made Sonic great: simple, speedy and fun. :)
3. Sonic Chronicles - I still have to beat it. But gosh damn, the writers at Bioware sure have done their homework. They make everyone likable and fun, even Big! :o
4. Pokemon Diamond & Platinum - Is currently sucking my life. Hahaha.
5. Kirby Canvas Curse - Just follow the rainbow~ ♥

Honorable mentions: Kirby Super Star Deluxe when I play it! :o I also had a rom of Fire Emblem 7 but I don't know what happened to it. I ought to pick it up again. :o

Game Gear

1. Sonic the Hedgehog
2. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
3. Sonic Chaos (lulz)


1. Chip's Challenge - I'll never forget how angry I was when my brother reset me and my cousins' high scores. "Firefly" was a pain in the bitch. D:
3. Rodent's Revenge - Nomnomnomnom~ ♥
4. Watch Out Willy! - Something like that. Weird but fun. Anyone else remember this?
5. Asteroids - ASTEROIDS! *____________________________________*

Honorable mentions: Solitaire, Jezzball, Tetris and all the other games I can't recall right now. :o Like that war game where you have five towns and you're shooting missles before they hit your town. And there was a colorful version of Python where you eat smiley mice in areas with colored walls. And it played a weird beeping fanfare when you lost a life. Oh, and Frogger, lol.

Software PC

2. Oregon Trail - "Prince Poo died of dysentery."
3. I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream - I watched a playthrough on YouTube. But dear god, playing this game IRL is going to scare me outta my socks. D:
4. Yume Nikki - Most original game I ever played. PLUS UBOA
5. Yume2kki - I can't wait for the full version of the demo to come out~! ♥


I was going to do the The ALL AND EVERY fandom meme wildonion done, but filling the game survey tuckered me out! XD Tomorrow then. Nomnomnom.

gaming, fandom, nostalgia, meme

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