Jan 06, 2013 04:08

Finally, at long last, the season 6 set of The Virginian came down in price again and it was at a point when I could get it. It arrived this past day and I skimmed through the episode with H.M. Wynant.

Apparently he plays a hired gun for the main bad guy and follows The Virginian for a lot of the episode. The Virginian tries to be friendly to him, and it softens his heart. At the climax, when he's ordered to kill The Virginian, he refuses.

I can hardly wait to see the episode in full.

This means that every one of my special people guesting in season 6 (Darren, Wesley, and H.M.) played wonderful characters who thrill me. And both of Simon's episodes (in seasons 3 and 4) are glorious, too.

This show is just awesome. It's totally one of the best series, and the best Westerns, ever made. I know I can turn to it for serious and intense plots, well-rounded characters, good moral points, and philosophical stuff, the same reasons I love Route 66.

I just can't understand how a show as silly and stupid as Laredo spun off of The Virginian. There's no real depth to Laredo. A friend of mine actually described it as being like The Monkees in a Western. LOL. (And he was being positive, by the way.) I never thought of it that way, and it's possible that looking at it like that could help me like it better, but I'm not sure. I just don't seem to like my Westerns silly (with the exception of The Marx Brothers' movie Go West). I still haven't got around to watching any of the silly Bonanza episodes, for that reason.

I've heard that the final season of The Virginian (long after Laredo) revamped the show and made things more light-hearted. If that's true, it's a tragedy. Blech. That would ruin everything.

Also, regarding my WWW fic, I'm wondering how far ahead I can believably take the events by the climax. I need a timeskip, but it would only be for a few days/a couple of weeks, probably. Then I might have another a bit later, but probably the most I'd do would be to move ahead a few more weeks. And I might not do the second timeskip at all, but keep the story events moving "in real time" from day to day following the first timeskip. All in all, I'm wondering if that's enough time for Ray and Coley to become believably close that Ray completely breaks down upon Coley's death.

It would probably be more believable with them than with some others, since I've tried to establish that Ray is definitely not fully healed from the emotional and mental torture he went through for two years, and Coley is the first person Ray has really become close to. They've been talking extensively throughout the chapters and have been gradually growing closer. Coley decides to protect Ray more out of wanting to return the favor at first, and because he's angry at the way Ray is being treated, but it doesn't take long for him to start caring about Ray as a friend. And Ray starts thinking of Coley as a friend before that point.

And also, I think I'm in love with the series I Spy. Just like with WWW, where you can see Robert Conrad and Ross Martin's real-life friendship coming through the characters, I could see Robert Culp and Bill Cosby's real-life friendship coming through on I Spy, right from the first episode I watched. Which makes me think all the more that I'm right about there not being much rapport between Napolean Solo and Illya on The Man from U.N.C.L.E., since I just can't sense that closeness after quite a few episodes. Maybe the characters are supposed to be close but their actors are not, and they had a hard time fully masking that. Hmmm.

tv shows, the virginian, rant, h.m. wynant, the monkees, actors, the wild wild west, the man from u.n.c.l.e., fanfiction

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